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  • 五年级
  • 2023-05-13
  • 译林出版社英语书五年级下册第49和48页翻译
  • 译林版五年级下册英语书第30页造句怎么写
  • 五年级下册英语书中文翻译译林出版社
  • 译林版五年级下册英语unit6课文翻译
  • 零五网五年级下册英语书第6单元翻译(译林版)

  • 译林出版社英语书五年级下册第49和48页翻译

    1.On the other hand, in the business office of the hospital, the clerks there are worried about overdue bills.


    2.So, they create an interface masquerading as an office filled with desks, file cabinets, telephones, and address books, or as a pad of paper or a street of buildings.


    3.Any large task, such as driving to the office, involves many smaller tasks.





    Amy:Mum,look! Lingling has go t some interesting photos.


    Ms Smart:Can I see them,Lingl.ng?。


    Lingling:Of course.


    Lingling:They are photos of me and my family in China. This isⅪnjiang.lt's in the west of China. I wen there last year.


    Amy:Did you go with your parents?。


    Lingling:Yes,l did. We stayed with my grandma for a week in China.


    Ms Smart:The mountains are really beautifll.


    Lingling:This is Hainan.lt'扒仿s in the of China.


    Amy:Who is this?


    Lingling:lt's my uncle.He lives there with his three children. My cousins visit Beijing every year.

    玲玲:是我春弊纤叔叔。他和他卜雹的三个孩子住在 那里。我的堂弟们每年都游觅北京。

    Ms Smart:Oh yes,l remember! l met them in June They're Li people.

    斯玛特女士:哦,是的,我记得!我在六月 见过他们!他们是黎族人。




    Unit 1

    do morning exercises 晨练

    eat breakfast 吃早饭

    have English class 上英语课

    play sports 进行体育运动

    eat dinner 吃晚饭

    when 什么时候

    evening 夜晚;晚上

    get up 起床

    at 在……点钟

    usually 通常;一般

    noon 中午

    climb mountains 爬山

    go shopping 购物;买东西

    play the piano 弹钢琴

    visit grandparents 看望祖父母

    go hiking 去远足

    weekend 周末

    often 经常

    sometimes 有时候

    Unit 2

    spring 春天蔽扒辩此亮

    summer 夏天

    fall 秋天

    winter 冬天

    season 季节

    which 哪一个

    best 最;极

    swim 游泳

    fly kites 放风筝

    skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋

    make a snowman 堆雪人

    plant trees 种树

    why 为什么

    because 因为

    sleep 睡觉

    Unit 3

    Jan. / January 一月

    Feb. / February 二月

    Mar. / March 三月

    Apr. / April 四月

    May 五月

    June 六月

    July 七月

    Aug. / August 八月

    Sept. / September 九月

    Oct. / October 十月

    Nov. / November 十一月

    Dec. / December 十二月

    birthday 生日

    uncle 叔叔;舅舅

    her 她的

    date 日期

    Unit 4

    draw pictures 画画

    cook dinner 做饭

    read a book 看书

    answer the phone 接电话

    listen to music 听音乐

    clean the room 打扫房间

    write a letter 写信

    write an e-mail 写电子邮件

    mom 妈妈

    grandpa 爷爷;外公

    study 书房

    Unit 5

    fly 飞

    jump 跳

    walk 走

    run 跑宏缺

    swim 游泳

    kangaroo 袋鼠

    sleep 睡觉

    climb 往上爬

    fight 打架

    swing 荡;荡秋千

    drink water 喝水

    Unit 6

    take pictures 照相

    watch insects 观察昆虫

    pick up leaves 采摘树叶

    do an experiment 做实验

    catch butterfly 捉蝴蝶

    honey 蜂蜜

    count insects 数昆虫

    collect leaves 收集树叶

    write a report 写报告

    play chess 下棋

    have a picnic 举行野餐
