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  • 五年级
  • 2024-03-13



1.What did Mike do yesterday? 2.Did you read books last weekend? 3.I visited my grandparents yesterday. 4.Mike and Zhang peng played football last Sunday. 5.I cleaned the room and washed clothes in the afternoon. 没有in afernoon这种说法。


Unit 1.
1. above the chimney 在烟囱上
2. on the roof 在屋顶上
3. behind the tree. 在树后
4. above the tree 树的上方
5. in front of the car 轿车的前面
6. There are four birds on the tree. 有 四只鸟 在树上
7. like to draw. 喜欢 (做)
8. every day, 每天
9. work hard at drawing. 努力学习画画
10. no money to buy 没有钱买……
11. draws…with thin sticks 用树枝 画
12. one night 一天晚上
13. comes in his dream 进入 他的梦中
14. turn… real 将…… 变成真的
15. draw for 为 画
16. a pair of shoes 一双鞋


Let's chant:一起唱歌. When is your birthday:你什么时候生日? When is your birthday:你什么时候生日? Listen and do:边听边做Listen and do:边听边做 ......................................


we can ___the wood from trees to make many _____.

we build houses with ____,iron,ang steel.

can you ____some of the fruits form trees?

yes. we have oranges ,apple,_____,and also many nuta.


Unit1、Where were you last month?上个月你在哪儿?Look!Here comes a circus!看!这儿来了个马戏团!Where did you come from?你从哪里来?Many places!许多地方!Where did you last week?上个星期你在哪?We were in Beijing.我们在北京.Where were you last month?上个月你在哪?We were in Thailand!我们在泰国!What was the food like in Thailand?泰国的食物怎样?It was tasty.那是美味的.Come on.Let's go to Thailand.来吧,让我们一起去泰国.

