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  • 三年级
  • 2023-04-15
  • 三年级上册外研版英语单词表
  • 三年级英语外研版上册电子书
  • 三上英语书外研版电子课本
  • 三年级英语下册外研版单词第2页
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  • 三年级上册外研版英语单词表


    Module 1

    The general aims of module one:

    Language points:

    (1) the new words: chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess

    (2) the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns:Do you want…

    Do you use…

    (3) the new words: hamburgers, chips, fast food

    (4) The basic structure of processing tense

    Attitude aims:

    The students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and China.

    Teaching important points:

    (1) Do you use chopsticks in …?

    Do you use a knife and fork in …?

    (2) The processing tense

    Teaching difficult points:

    (1) The pronunciation of some new words. For example, chopsticks

    (2) The changes of “be”

    Activity for module one:

    In module one, the topic is mainly about the different customs in China and western countries. Before the class, I require the students to prepare the pictures of food. In the process of teaching, I begin the class with talking about the differences in food and then some other topics are related. With the help of pictures, the students talk about the differences in group. Several minutes later, one group is given two minutes to show the results of discussion. Then the teacher takes out the chopsticks and fork and knife. The students can also talk about the other aspects. This activity class is designed in the form of dicussion. The students could speak freely according to their own vocabularies.

    Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England?

    Teaching aims:

    (1)Make students remember the new words:

    Chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess

    (2) Mastering the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.

    Do you want…

    Do you use…

    Attitude aims:

    The students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and China.

    Teaching important points:

    Do you use chopsticks in …?

    Do you use a knife and fork in …?

    Teaching difficult point:

    The pronunciation of some new words. For example, chopsticks


    Word card, CD-ROM

    Teaching process:

    Warming up part:

    The teacher shows many pictures about food.(noodles,rice, hamburgers,cakes and so on). Firstly, the teacher leads the students to get familiar with these food names and then on this basis the teacher can ask them to practice the sentence pattern.

    Do you like noodles? Yes, I do.\ No, I don’t.

    Do you want …? Yes, I do.\No,I don’t.

    Step two: presentation and practice

    The teacher makes use of the picture “noodles” and a new word “chopsticks” can be leaded out.

    T: I like noodles. I eat noodles with chopsticks.

    The teacher takes out the real chopsticks and then says the new word. At the same time, the teacher shows the picture of chopsticks.

    An activity can be made here. The title of the activity is saying words as quickly. The pronunciation of new word is a difficult point. So the teacher should ask students to practice more.

    Step three:

    The new word “use” can be leaded out in the process of communication.

    T: Can you use chopsticks?

    The word card of use should be shown.

    We use chopsticks in China. And the teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard.

    We use chopsticks.

    Do you use chopsticks?Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

    Ask and answer in pairs.

    The teacher inquires the students if the English people use

    Chopsticks and a knife and fork will be leaded out.

    T: We use chopsticks in China. Do the English people use chopsticks?

    S: No, they don’t.

    English people use a knife and fork.

    Do you use chopsticks / a knife and fork? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

    Step four:

    (1)Presentation of the text.

    Amy and Daming are in the park. They want to eat noodles. Watch the CD-ROM, then answer the questions: “Does Amy use chopsticks in England?”

    The students look at the CO-ROM and then answer questions.

    Now Amy is using chopsticks. Watch again, then answer the next question: Are the chopsticks “easy” or “hard” for her?

    easy – hard

    Chopsticks are hard for Amy.

    A knife and fork are easy for her.Some other oposite words are shown here.







    Listen again, then answer:

    Are the chopsticks “easy” or “hard” for English people?

    T: If I say “big”. You should say “small”. Please say the words as quickly as you can.

    Chopsticks are hard for English people. So Amy make the mess.

    ?mess /e/

    Then the students read the passage again.

    Find the sentences, “ Do you …?”. Then circle them.


    (1)In China, we use __________. In England, people use ________.

    Chopsticks are ________ for Chinese people. They are _______ for English people.


    Do you use chopsticks? Yes I do. Yes, I do.

    We use chopsticks in China.

    They’re easy for us.

    Do you use ___________? Yes I do. Yes, I do.

    We use ________ in England.

    They’re easy for us.


    Ask students to practice the sentence patterns that they have learned in this lesson.

    Unit 2 I’m eating hamburgers and chips

    Teaching aims:

    (1) Mastering the new words:

    hamburgers, chips, fast food

    (2) The basic structure of processing tense

    Teaching important point:

    The processing tense

    Teaching difficult point:

    The changes of “be”


    Word card, card for real things,CD-ROM

    Teaching process:

    Warming up part:

    Review the content of unit one.

    We use chopsticks in China. English people use a knife and fork in England.

    Listen to a poem, then say it.

    Step one:Presentation and practice

    a. The teacher does actions and ask questions.

    What am I doing?(running, playing, jumping, etc.)

    E.g. You’re running.

    b.do actions:Look, I’m eating. I’meating hamburgers and chips.And then the new words are be leaded out. hamburger, chip

    ?It’s English fast food. Here we can talk about the England food. steak, cheese, bread and butter, etc. What is Chinese / English fast food? Do you like …? Do you want …?

    Step two:

    Asking students to listen to the tape and answer the questions.

    What is Amy eating?

    Listen, point and repeat the text.


    Here the teacher asks students to practice the processing tense.











    外研版小学(三年级起)英语教材无论三年级、四年级,还是五年级,都搜顷者是10个模块(Module)加上1个复习模块(乎滑Review Module),最后是两个英语故事,作为扩世薯展阅读练习之用。本人现在教五年级英语,外研版的。如意,请采纳。





    ┃┳┛┗┳┃ 围观是一种态度



    ┃┃ 围观是为了提高知名度













