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  • 八年级
  • 2023-08-23

八年级英语期末考试题?C. Her mother. 请开启第II卷,看第一大题听力试题。该试题需要在第II卷第一大题的相应位置上作答。 语言知识运用部分共25分 三、单项选择共15分,每小题1分 请你从四个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最恰当的选项。那么,八年级英语期末考试题?一起来了解一下吧。





( )1. A. gradeB. greatC. glad

( )2. A. himselfB. herselfC. myself

( )3. A. placeB pleaseC. plane

( )4. A. How much B How often C How long

( )5. A. back B. pack C. bad.


( )6. A、 Thank youB、 It doesn’t matterC、 tha t is all right

( )7、A、Hello!B、Nice to see you, too. C、Good afternoon.

( )8、A、Good morning. B、How are you? C、Thank you.

( )9、A、Yes, she is.B、No, I'm not. C、No, I am.

( )10、A、昌陆郑I'm fine. B、I'm JimC、See you.




A. 从下面方框腊顷中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相姿橘近,并能替换画线部分的迹局团选项。

A. keep fit B. communicate better with C. another time D. not old enough to

( ) 1. As for our teenagers, we should talk more with our parents about our problems with our study.

( ) 2. Kate is too young to go to school now.

( ) 3. Could you tell me how you keep in good health in your free time?

( ) 4. Maybe I ca n come to visit my grandparents in Chongqing next time.

B. 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。

( ) 5. - What's __________ matter with you these days?

- Oh, I went to Mount Emei and had __________ bad cold after coming back.

A. /; / B. the; a C. /; a

( ) 6. - If there are __________ people driving, there will be __________ air pollution (空气污染).

- Yes, the air will be fresher (新鲜的) and cleaner.

A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; less

( ) 7. - Peter, is this your pen?

- Yes, it's _________. Many thanks. I looked for it everywhere.

A. mine B. me C. I

( ) 8. Dear friends, please read every sentence (句子) carefully. Details (细节) decide _______ or not. If you

take it seriously, you'll achieve your goals (目标).

A. success B. successful C. succeed

( ) 9. Some scientists think that it will take __________ years to make robots (机器人) do more work for

humans (人类).

A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of

( ) 10. - When was David born?

- He was born _________ June 12, 1989.

A. at B. in C. On

( ) 11. It's interesting that there are many people ________ speak French in Canada.

A. which B. where C. who

( ) 12. Parents often ask their kids _______ their internet friends because the kids may be in danger.

A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting

( ) 13. Pass my glasses to me, Robert. I can _______ see the words in the newspaper.

A. easily B. hardly C. clearly

( ) 14. - ___________ is it from your home to the shopping mall?

- About fifteen minutes' ride.

A. How long B. How far C. How often

( ) 15. - May I speak to the headmaster?

- He _________ a meeting now. Can I take a message?

A. is having B. had C. will have

( ) 16. _________ you please pass me a piece of paper? I need to write down the telephone number.

A. Must B. Should C. Could

( ) 17. -Eating less meat good for us. -I think so.

A. be B. is C. are

( ) 18. I ________ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.

A. spend B. pay C. take

( ) 19. Peter is busy ________ at school, but he never forgets ________ exercise every day.

A. working; doing B. working; to do C. at work; doing

( ) 20. We will have no water to drink _________ we don't protect the earth.

A. until B. before C. if

( ) 21. New York is bigger than ______in Australia.

A. any cities B.any other city C. the other city







1.She lives in a house,but she never feels .

A. alone,lonely B. lonely,alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely

2. I forgot to take the map. So I had difficulty ______the way. We had to ask the policeman for help.

A. find B. to find C. finding D. found

3.We will go climbing as soon as the rain ________.

A. stops B. will stop C. is stopping D. stopped

帆嫌 4.—May I ________ your CD player?

—Sure. But you can only _____it for a week.

A. borrow; keep B. borrow; lend C. lend; keep D. keep; borrow

5.I met a good friend of mine while I _____ on the street.

A. walks B. walk C. was walking D. an walking

6. —Dear students, please read every sentence carefully.

— _________you are, ______mistakes you’ll make.

A. The more carefully; the fewer B. The more careful; the less

顷态C. The more carefully; the less D. The more careful; the fewer

7.We didn’t learn __________in this lesson.

A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything

8.I haven’t decided when _____ a holiday yet.

A. took B. taking C. to take D. take

9.Tom ______the USA. He ________back in two months.

A. has gone to; es B. has gone to; will be

C. has been to; es D. has been to; will be

10.—They didn’t go to the park yesterday.


A. So we did B. So did we C. Neither we did D. Neither did we

11.She finds _______hard to finish the work on time. She only has five minutes left.

A. that B. this C. it D. its

12.He eats ________food, so he is _____fat.

A. much too; too much B. much too; many too

C. too much; much too D. too much; many too

13.—Is this your book?

—No, it is ______book. It belongs to_______.

A. his; his B. his; him C. him; his D. him; him

14.She used to ______ in the morning, but now she is used to ________ at night.

A. read; read B. read; reading C. reading; read D. reading; reading

15.He ______ much food _____the poor family during the hard time.

A. provided; to B. offered; with C. provided; with D. provided; for






( )1. Eating a lot of vegetables is good for your health.

A. is good to B. is good at C. isn’t bad for D. is bad for

( )2.I am not feeling very well at the moment.

A. now B. just now C. next week D. last week

( )3.Please show me your English book when you get back home.

A. get to B. get C. come over D. come back

( )4.There are some students in the classroom.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( )5. Tom is good at playing football.

A. is bad at B. is good for C. does well in D. does well for

B) 根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白锋伏处的答案

( )6. —_____ do you write to your friends?

—Four times a years.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How much

( )7______is it from your home to school ?

A. How often B.How much C. How far D. How soon

( )8. —Who is _____taller, Lily or Lucy?


A. a little B. very C. quite D. more

( )9. — Can you come to my birthday party on Friday afternoon ?


A. Yes , I’d love to B. Yes , it’s your birthday

C. No , it’s Friday D. No , I’d love to

( )10. I enjoy_____ TV very late at night, I need________ a good rest.

A. to watch, to have B. watching, to have

C. watching, having D. to watch, having

( ) 11. —Where is Mary's skirt? —______is on the bed.

A. She's B. Her C. His D. Hers

( )12. —Jim can play _______soccer very well. What about you?

—I can play _______piano very well.

A. /; the B./; / C. the; / D. the;the

( )13. —What makes them ______we come from Australia? —The way you speak.

A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thinks

( )14. The pears are too big. You can _______first.

A. cut them up B. cut it up C. cut up them D. cut up it

( )15. —Let's go _____for vacation next month. —That's great.

A. anywhere beautiful B. beautiful anywhere

C. beautiful somewhere D. somewhere beautiful

( )16. —When was Tom born? —He was born ______December 10th,1968.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )17. —When did the twins go to the aquarium? —_______

A. Three days ago. B. Next month.

C. For four days. D. Once a week.

( )18. That boy shouldn't eat ______meat because he is ______fat.

A. too much; too much B. much too; much too

C. too much; much too D. much too; too much

( )19. —Could you please _____ your watch to me? —OK. Here you are.

A. show B. to show C. showing D. shows

( )20. —My mother was ill in bed yesterday. —________

A. Why B. Sure. C. That’s good. D. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 21. This text is_____ easier and _____ interesting than that one.

A. more; much B. much; more C. more; more D. much; more

( )22. Tom is the tallest_____ the students______ his class.

A. of, of B. in, in C. of, in D. in, of

( )23. _____ it is raining._______ they are still working in the fields.

A. Though , but B. But , though C. Though ,/ D. /,so

( )24. —What does Mary do after she gets up? —She always ______her bed.

A. does B. makes C. sweeps D.takes

( )25.Luding is very beautiful. It has _______ scenery in Sichuan.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful

C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful







6. What are they doing now?

A. They are having a class at school.

B. They are making a phone call.

C. They are talking in a restaurant.

胡漏 7. Why didn’t Liu Mei go to school today?

A. Because she was too late.

B. Because her mother was ill.

C. Because she had an accident.

8. When and where did the accident happen?

A. On her way to school yesterday morning.

B. On her way home yesterday afternoon.

C. On her way to school this morning.

9. What was the weather like yesterday afternoon?

A. It was fine. B. It was windy. C. It was rainy.

10. Who took her to see the doctor?

A. Nobody. B. Her father. C. Her mother.


以上就是八年级英语期末考试题的全部内容,the most beautiful 二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分) 通读短文,掌握大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的的一项。
