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  • 高一
  • 2024-09-12

高一英语周报42期答案?Ⅰ. 1. grandmother 2. grandfather 3. daughter 4. son 5. family 6. cousin 7. father 8. uncle 9. Thanks 10. friends Ⅱ. 1. D 题意:这些是我的姐妹。sisters为复数形式,D项these符合题意。this和she是单数形式,C项中的Tom是男孩,与sisters不一致。 2. B 题意:汤姆,那么,高一英语周报42期答案?一起来了解一下吧。


time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to


Ⅰ. 1. grandmother 2. grandfather 3. daughter 4. son 5. family 6. cousin 7. father 8. uncle 9. Thanks 10. friends Ⅱ. 1. D 题意:这些是我的姐妹。sisters为复数形式,D项these符合题意。this和she是单数形式,C项中的Tom是男孩,与sisters不一致。 2. B 题意:汤姆,这是露西,她是我的好朋友。This is... 用于向对方介绍他人,是固定句型。 3. D 题意:“这是你的全家福吗?”“不,不是。”问句是一般疑问句,其肯定或否定答语分别应为Yes, it is和No, it isn‟t,it指代问句中的内容,故D项正确。 4. B 题意:感谢你的全家福。Thanks for意为“为„„感谢”,是固定短语。 5. D 题意:“这些人是你的朋友吗?”“是的,他们是。”根据问句中的friends可确定此处是复数形式,而A项、B项和C项都是单数形式,故选D。 6. C 题意:琳达是我的姨妈,她的女儿是我的表姐/妹。由常识可知姨妈的女儿应该是自己的表姐/妹,故选C。


eally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience


高一英语周报课标2015-2016 第34期答案

Book 3 Unit 2 参考答案及部分解析



11-15 CAABC 16-20BCBCB21-25 BBCCD 26-30 ACAAB

31-35 BDDBC 36-40BGCFD

41-45 BACAD 46-50CABCB 51-55 DABCD 56-60BDACB

61. who / that 62. extremely63. up 64. toread

65. a66. is listed

67. choosing 68. or

69. decision 70. pleased


71. ... for the meal ... the → a

72. ... food is not ... is → was

73. ... a dish calling ... calling → called

74. ... turned out to ...turned前加which

75. ... and this meal ... and → but

76. ... was quite disappointed ...

disappointed → disappointing

77. ... my families didn't ...

families → family

78. Personal, I think ...

Personal → Personally

79. ... enjoyed us more ...us → ourselves

80. ... have had plenty ...去掉had

One possible version:

Welcome to Sunshine Health Club

Do you want to be healthier and stronger?Then Sunshine Health Club should be your first choice!

We offer all kinds of physical exercisessuch as aerobics and swimming, which are under the guidance of professionalcoaches. Sunshine Health Club is very convenient with different types of modernequipment. You can choose whatever you like.

Business hours: from 6:00 am to 8:30 pm onweekdays; weekends all day.

You just need to pay 1,200 yuan per year.

Enter Sunshine Health Club and you willenjoy good health forever.




A篇 (个人情感)



we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but

以上就是高一英语周报42期答案的全部内容,41. C。好心人带我们走过弯弯曲曲的街道后,“最终(Finally)”找到了一处地方。42. C。邮局是一“建筑物(building)”。下文的to another building也是提示。43. D。由下文的When we came out 可知,我们“走进(went in)”了第一个好心人所指的那栋建筑物。44. A。
