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  • 九年级
  • 2024-03-01

九年级下册英语?含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后。如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。那么,九年级下册英语?一起来了解一下吧。




Module1 Travel

Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.

1. welcome back 欢迎回来

2. not bad 还不错

3. be full of 充满 =be filled with

4. over = more than 超过、多于

5. because of + 名词/代词/动名词


6. fly back to +地名 飞回某地

7. a bit late 有点晚

a bit of + 不可数名词

8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港

9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事

10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地

11. have quite a good time 玩得很高兴

quite a / an + adj. + n. = a very adj. + n.

quite a nice boy = a very nice boy

12. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行

13. go for a walk 去散步

14. had better do sth. 最好做某事

15. at the end of the term 在学期末

16. nothing to worry about 没什么可担心的

17. as long as 只要; 和…一样长

18. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会

19. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事

Unit2 It’s a long story.

1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别

say hello to sb. 向某人问候

2. take care 多保重

care for 喜欢

care about 关心

take care = be careful 小心、注意

take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人 / 保管某物

3. get on 上(车) get off 下(车)

4. be afraid +that从句: 恐怕

be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词: 害怕/担心

be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

5. take one’s seat 就坐;坐某人的座位

6. have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好

Please have your tickets ready. 请把票准备好。




booklet about life in the future


What kind of world would you like to live in?Make a booklet about your life in the future.


A Planning and preparing

A 计划和准备

1. Work in pairs. Talk about where you would like to live. You could live:

结对练习。谈论你想住在哪儿。你 可能居住:

·on the Earth 在地球上

·on Mars 在火星上

·on the Moon 在月球上

·1n space 在太空中

·somewhere else 其他的一些地方

2. Write a heading called“Things I would need”.Under the heading.list the most important things you would like to have in your future world.





1. by + doing 通过……方式如:by studying with a group

by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用、”“经过”、“乘车”等

如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock.

The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park bybus.

2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论

如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影。

talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话

3. 提建议的句子:

①What/ how about +doing sth.?

如:What/ How about going shopping?

②Why don’t you + do sth.? 如:Why don’t you go shopping?

③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping?

④Let’s + do sth. 如: Let’s go shopping

⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?

4. a lot 许多 常用于句末 如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。




英 ['hɒbi] 美 ['hɑːbi]

n. 业余爱好

Angling is his main hobby.



英 ['flaʊə(r)] 美 ['flaʊər]

n. 花;开花植物;精华;盛时

v. 开花;成熟;用花装饰

I dare not touch the flower for its tenderness.



英 [ɡrəʊ] 美 [ɡroʊ]

v. 增加;生长;变成;种植;逐渐开始

Plants cannot grow well in the absence of water.



英 ['sevrəl] 美 ['sevrəl]

pron. 若干

adj. 几个的;若干的;各自的

My husband has several shirts of different colors.



英 [liːst] 美 [liːst]

adj. 最小的;最少的

adv. 最小地;最少地;最轻微地

n. 最小;最少

The greatest talkers are always the least doers.





一、 重点词汇

(一) 词形转换

1. attract (v.) 吸引---attraction (名词)-- attractive (adj.) 吸引人的 2. tour ---tourist (名词) 游客

3. introduce (动词)--introduction(名词)

4.long ( adj. )--- length ( n. )

5. high( adj.) – height ( n.)

6. wear ---- wore ---- worn

7 enemy -- enemies

8. responsible ---- responsibility

( 二.)重点短语

1. know little about 对……几乎不了解

Know more / a little / nothing about…

2. place(s) of interest 名胜古迹

3. the birthplace of Chinese culture 中华文化的发源地

4. attract millions of tourists 吸引了成百万的游客

5. a great number of 许多

the number of …的数目

6. the second longest river 第二长河

7. fetch sb. sth. = fetch sth. for sb. 为某人取某物

8. introduce …in detail 详细地介绍……

introduce A to B 把A 介绍给B

introduce oneself 自我介绍

9. lie in 位于……内

10. run / go through… 流经 / 途经……

11. be well worth doing sth. 很值得做某事

12. regard…as…把……看成…..

be regarded as …被当作…

13. a symbol of imperial power 帝王权利的象征

14.carve sth. on the stone 把…刻在石头上

15.guard the whole nation 守卫整个民族

16.play an important part / role in 在…发挥重要作用

17.be made of white marble 由白色的大理石制成

18.stretch from …..to…从…. 延伸到….

19.be made of packed earth and wood 由成袋的泥土和木头制成

be made of stone and brick 由石头和砖块制成

20.bring tourists into China 把游客带入中国

21.a treasure of Chinese civilization 中华民族的瑰宝

22.join…together …. 把…连接在一起

23.wear away (wore away, have / has worn away ) 磨损

24.separate …. from …把…从…分开

25. be famous for 因…而著名

be famous as …

be known as …. 作为….而出名

26.an important Chinese export 一项很重要的中国出口产品

27.sound similar to 听起来和…很相像

28.the mild climate 温和的气候

29. rich soil 肥沃的土地

30.develop unique tea culture 发展独一无二的茶文化


1. It is / has been …… since ….. 自从…以来已经多久了

2. And many of them are famous, such as Mount Song, Mount Huang and Mount Emei.


以上就是九年级下册英语的全部内容,hobby、flower、grow、several、least等。1、hobby 英 ['hɒbi] 美 ['hɑːbi]n. 业余爱好 Angling is his main hobby.钓鱼是他的主要爱好。2、。
