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  • 七年级
  • 2023-05-03
  • 七年级下册英语课时作业本电子版
  • 2023英语课堂作业下册答案
  • 七年级下册课时作业本答案05网
  • 七下人教版英语课时练书本
  • 七年级下册英语课时答案江苏

  • 七年级下册英语课时作业本电子版




    1. He has two ____________(box) of old books under his bed.

    2. Can you come with___________(we) after school?

    3. The __________(eight) story is very interesting.

    4. This kind of medicine is ______________(cheap) than that one.

    5. These skirts are ______(she). Yours are over there.

    6. If it_______________ (rain), I will take a taxi.

    7. ______________(read and write) more is good for your English.

    8. The most popular way of______________(get) to school is walking.

    9. Hainan is a good place _________ (go) sightseeing.

    10. Hurry! The train ______________ (leave) in five minutes.

    二、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。 ( 20分)

    11. —How does he go to Hong Kong?


    A. Take the plane B. Take plane

    C. By the plane D. By the air

    12. —_____ do you live from school?

    —8 miles.

    A. How long B. How far

    C. How much D. Where

    13. I usually go to school ________.

    A. ride the bike B. on bike

    C. on the bike D. by my bike

    14. –How do you usually go to school?

    -- _____my mother’s car.

    A. By B. With C. In D. For

    扰老15. If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily.

    A. on foot B. by the taxi

    C. by boat D. by sea

    16. He gets up early and ________ breakfast.

    A. have a quick B. has quick a

    C. has a quick D. have quick

    17. The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow.

    A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. can not

    18. Please _________ who broke the window.

    A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out

    19. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom.

    A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking

    20. _______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school.

    A. Although; / B. Although; but

    C. But; although D. Because; /

    21.The No. 6 Middle School is not far ___ his home.

    A. to B. from C. with D. at

    22. It’s time for supper now. Let’s it.

    A. stop having B. stop to have

    C. to stop to have D. stopping to have

    23. —How long does it take?

    --It takes ______.

    A. half an hour B. a hour

    C. two hour D. half a hour

    24. Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It us about two hours to get there.

    A. spent B. took C. cost D. made

    25. -- ?

    --It is wonderful.

    A. What do you like the book

    B. How do you think of the book

    C. What do you think of the book

    D. What is the book like

    26. Whether we can go for a spring outing the weather.

    A. depend on B. depends on

    C. depend D. depends

    27. does it take you to finish the book?

    A. How long; to read B. How soon; to read

    C. How often; reading D. How long; reading

    28. --_ will Mr. Smith Shanghai?

    --In a week. He will have a meeting in Shanghai.

    A. How soon; leave B. Howe soon; leave for

    C. How long; leave D. How long; leave for

    29.--How do you clean your classroom? --Once a week.

    A. long B. often C. much D. soon

    30. I don’t think there is .

    A. something serious B. nothing serious

    C. anything serious D. serious anything


    31. My home is ____________(近的). I ________________(步行)to school.

    32. Li Lei ___________ (乘地铁) to school every day.

    33. His father often goes to Shanghai __________ _________(坐飞机).

    34. If you don't want to be late, you'd better _________ a ____________(打的).

    35. _________ _________ ________ (骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think.


    It isn't ______ _______ the school to the bus stop.


    How long _______ it ________ by train to Beijing?


    _________ ________ you get to school every day?


    When _______ Sam _________ home for school?


    Drink more water. It is your health .

    四、句型转换 根据要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

    41. Mr. Smith often flies to Tokyo for the meeting. (同义句转换)

    Mr. Smith often _________ a _________to Tokyo for the meeting.

    42. His factory is 10 miles from his home. (对划线部分提问)

    ________ _______ is his factory from his home?

    43. My mother usually takes the bus to work. (变否定句)

    My mother _________ _________ ________the bus to work.

    44. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework.(同义句转换)

    It usually _______ me 3 hours ______ _______ my homework.

    45.He goes to school by No.103 Bus. (同义句转换)

    ______ ______ the No.103 Bus to school.


    五、根据短文内容及首字母提示, 完成下面短文,每空一词。(5分)

    Jim was a country boy. He was on his (46)w________ to New York to see his grandma. As his parents were very (47)b________, he had to go there by himself. This was his first trip by plane. He found (48)e________ new and interesting. Soon it was the middle of the night. But Jim couldn’t (49)s________. He wanted a drink very much. He saw some people went to the back of the (50)p________ and got drinks from a girl there. But he didn’t have much (51)m________ with him. He tried to sleep, but he just couldn’t. At last he went to the girl with a (52)d________ in his hand. “Miss,” he said,” Could I have a drink?” “Sure,” said the girl with a (53)s________. She gave him a drink, but she didn’t take his money.” You have paid for the (54)t________. It means you have paid for the(55) f________ and drinks on the plane.”

    六、完形填空 从 A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

    Lucy lives in the Zhongshan Road. She__ 56_ in the No.6 Middle School. Every day she gets up early and goes to school early. Her home is a little far___57 her school. So she usually ___58___ a bus. ___59 the bus stop there is a fruit shop. It sells different___60__. Lucy often buys___61___in it and she is good at___62___fruit. From the bus stop she walks along the Nanjing Road. Then she takes the third turning___63___the right. Her school is___64 _ 50 metres. ___65___it there is a park.

    56. A. studies B. leaves C. likes D. lives

    57. A. to B. at C. from D. away

    58. A. has B. takes C. goes D. by

    59. A. At B. Near to C. Next to D. Next

    60. A. kinds of fruits B. kinds of fruit

    C. fruit D. fruits

    61. A. them B. any C. some D. it

    62. A. selling B .buying C. sells D. buys

    63. A. along B. at C. to D. on

    64. A. about B. at C. away D. on

    65. A. At the front of B. In front of

    C. In the front of D. At front of

    七、阅读理解 (15分)


    When you come to Auckland as a foreigner,you’ll easily find a traditional pub(酒吧)either in small towns or in big cities. In these pubs many different kinds of drinks such as wine, beer, coke, coffee, and juice are served. You can find out the local culture. However, if you don′ t know the pub culture, you may feel embarrassed or even get into trouble.

    Most pubs in Auckland have no waiters, so you have to go to the bar to get your own drinks. Those who don’t know this may wait a very long time before they realize they would have to fetch their own drinks. While you are standing in front of the bar waiting for service, you are able to chat with others who are also waiting for service. The bar counter(柜台)is possibly the only place you can find in Auckland to talk friendly with strangers. But while you are chatting with others or talking about what you want to order, you mustn’t block all the entrance to the bar.

    Remember, you’ll never go into the pubs unless you are over 18.

    从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。

    66. A traditional pub in Auckland is very ______.

    A. friendly B. embarrassed

    C. relaxing D. Both A and B

    67. When you are in pub,__________

    A. you will have a better service with a lot of waiters around

    B. you will have to order and fetch your own drinks all by yourself

    C. it is easy for you to make friends with others by chatting or talking

    D. You’ll have to take time to wait for your drink

    68.Which sentence is true?

    A. It is very hard for you to find a traditional pub to relax yourself in Auckland

    B. You aren’t allowed to get into the pubs until you are over18

    C .You are able to order any of the drinks or foods in the pubs

    D. You can chat or talk with friends in any places in the pub

    69.Which topic is the best for this passage?

    A. Service in Auckland’s Pubs.

    B. Pub Culture in Auckland

    C. Making Friends in Pubs.

    D. How to Order Drinks in Pubs.

    70.Most pubs in Auckland have_________

    A. many waiters B. a waiter

    C. no more than 10waiters D .no waiters


    Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop. They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when there was an earthquake(地震). Luckily his sister had taken him to see their aunt in the city and they were not at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt, who was not rich, they grew up but they lived a hard life. Dick’s sister was so sad that she became a nun(修女). After Dick finished middle school, he found a job in a hotel and began to work there.

    One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to the hospital and the doctor looked him over. One of his legs was broken and he had to stay in hospital. He said to the nurse, “ I’m a poor man, madam. Arrange a third-class ward for me, please.”

    “Can’t any body help you?” she asked.

    “No, madam,” answered Dick. “I have only a sister. She’s a nun and she’s poor, too.”

    “I don’t think so,” the nurse said angrily. “Nuns usually marry God. And God is the richest person in the world, you know!”

    “ Well, then,” Dick said with a smile, “Please arrange a first-class ward for me and send the bill to my brother-in-law(姐夫).”

    根据短文内容补全下列句子。 (10分)

    71. Dick and his sister lived a happy life until___________________________________

    72. Their aunt was not rich, so they grew up but_____________________________________

    73.After Dick finished middle school, ________________________________________

    74. Dick asked the nurse to arrange a third-class ward for him because___________________________

    75. “Ward” means _____________ in Chinese.

    八、书面表达。 (10分)




    2、活动内容:上午:贴海报(poster )宣讲环保知识(environmental protection);下午:捡垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道等。

    Sunday, March15,2007 Fine

    Today I am very excited because I did a lot of interesting things with my classmates and teachers to protect our environment.


    一、1.boxes 2.us 3.eighth 4.cheaper

    5.hers 6.rains 7.eating 8.getting

    9.to go 10.is leaving(will leave)

    二、11--15 ABCBC 16--20 CBDDA

    21--25 BBABC 26--30 BDBBC

    三、31.near, walk 22. takes the subway

    33.by air/by plane 34.take,taxi

    35.Riding a bike 36. far from

    37.does,take 38.How do

    39.does,leave 40.good for

    四、41.takes,plane 42.How far

    43.doesn’t usually take 44.takes, to do

    45.He takes

    五、46.way 47. busy 48. everything

    49. sleep 50.plane 51. money

    52. dollar 53. smile 54. tour/ticket

    55. food

    六、60—64 ACBCB 65—69 CBDAB

    七、66-70 ACBBD

    71. his parents died one night when there was an earthquake

    72. they lived a hard life

    73. he found a job in a hotel

    74. he didn’t have enough money to pay the bill

    75. 病房

    八、Sunday, March15,2007 Fine

    Today I am very excited because I did a lot of interesting things with my classmates and teachers to protect our environment. We met at the school gate at eight o’clock in the morning. We went to a small town near Dongying City in our school bus. We took the posters about environmental protection with us. In the morning we put up posters on the wall. We talked about the environmental protection to the people. In the afternoon we collected litter and picked up plastic bags. We cleaned the dirty streets. At six in the evening we came back home. I felt a little tired but very happy


    1. 七年级上英语Unit3试题附答案

    2. 七年级英语上册Unit3单元测试题及答案

    3. 初一上册Unit3单元练习题及答案

    4. 2016年七年级下册英语课时特训答案第三单元

    5. 北师大版七年级英语下册Unit3单元练习题


    【答案】: 一、1、 play chess

    2、speak English

    3、play the guitar

    4、join the art club

    5、be good at…




    9、讲故事 俱乐部


    二、1、 dance

    2、 swimming

    3、 speak

    4、 arp


    三、1 ~ 5、 C B D C C

    四、1、 Can you; Ican

    2、can't speak

    3、What club does, want; join

    4、What can; sing

    五纯友、1、 play soccer

    2、talk to

    3、1 want to join the loasketball club






    6、 don't




    10、 go

    七、1 ~ 5、 C B A B C

    6 ~ 10、 A B B A C








    4、Don't play





    Ⅱ、Can, have to / must, can't, have to / ruust, can't. have to / must, can





    Ⅰ、1、B 2、D 3、C

    Ⅱ、beautiful,Africa , years ,

    because,eat, lives




    Ⅰ、1 4 2 3

    Ⅱ、is doing his homework,

    is reading a newspaper,

    is watching TV, is talking

    Ⅲ、One possible version:

    Dear Jenny,

    Here are some pictures of my vacation. In the first picture, I'm swimming in the sea. It's cool. In the second picture, I'm shopping with my friend. We want to buy some beautiful clothes. In the next one, I'm singing at a party. We are having a good time. Look at the last picture, I'm cooking at home. We usually enjoy it very much during the vacation.



    1. 七年级上英语作业本答案浙教版

    2. 七年级上册英语作业本答案浙教版

    3. 七年级英语上册作业本答案浙教版

    4. 七年级上英语作业本1参考答案

    5. 七年级英语下册课时作业本答案人教版答案


    这篇关于七年级下册英语暑假作业答案,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、 单项选择(30分)


    ( )1. Jenny has ____ English book. ____ book is on her desk.

    A. a, The B. an, The C. the, A D. an, The

    ( ) 2. Be ____. The young people are having classes.

    A. quiet B. quietly C. loud D. loudly

    ( ) 3. ____ are good friends.

    A. You, I and he B. I, he and you C. You, he and I D. He, you and I

    ( ) 4. Mr. Su teaches ____ Chinese.

    A. I B. me C. my D. mine

    ( ) 5. The boys behind me ____ my students.

    A. be B. am C. is D. are

    ( ) 6. ____ the blackboard! What can you ____ on it?

    A. Look, look B. See, see C. Look at, see D. Look, see

    ( ) 7. ____ they ____ on the train?

    A. Do, having fun B. Are, having a fun C. Are, having fun D. Can, having fun

    余姿缺( ) 8. “May I invite Jenny to come with us?” “____, you ____.”

    A. No, may B. No, can C. Yes, may not D. Yes, may

    ( ) 9. Mr. Green and Michacel walk ____ to Tian’anmen Square.

    A. slow B. slowly C. quick D. quickly

    ( ) 10. These men are ____ cards on the train.

    A. play B. plays C. playing D. played

    ( ) 11. ____ watch TV too much, boys and girls.

    A. Not B. No C. Don’t D. Doesn’t

    册兄( ) 12. I ____ in China and he ____ in London.

    A. live, live B. lives, lives C. lives, live D. live, lives

    ( ) 13. The tea is ____ hot ____ drink.

    A. to, to B. too, too C. too, to D. to, too

    ( ) 14. Danny hurts his arm. Please put a bandage ____ it.

    A. on B. in C. for D. with

    ( ) 15. He is packing his suitcase ____ his ____.

    A. in, books B. on, toys C. with, clothes D. for, fruit

    ( ) 16. “____ you need bags for these books?” “ No, I ____.”

    A. Do, don’t B. Can, can’t C. Are, aren’t D. Are, am not

    ( ) 17. How many ____ do you have?

    A. pair of sock B. pairs of socks C. two pair of socks D. two pairs of socks

    ( ) 18. ____ is hungry and thirsty on the train.

    A. All of us B. All boys and girls C. Who D. Everyone

    ( ) 19. ____ a good trip last month?

    A. Did Ben have B. Does Ben have C. Is Ben having D. Did Ben has

    ( ) 20. Mother ____ a gift for me on my birthday every year.

    A. buy B. bought C. buys D. buying

    B) 词语释义:选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释,并将其标号填入括号内.

    ( ) 21. Look! There are a lot of women in the park.

    A. many B. much C. some D. any

    ( ) 22. I’m sure your mother will be OK.

    A. good B. friendly C. happy D. fine

    ( ) 23. Sally sometimes goes to school by taxi.

    A. by a taxi B. takes a taxi C. buys a taxi D. drives a taxi

    ( ) 24. I can’t swim. I think it’s hard to learn.

    A. bad B. easy C. not easy D. not interesting

    ( ) 25. “Whose shorts are these?” “ ____.”

    A. I don’t know B. it’s his shorts C. I’m short D. He’s short

    C) 交际用语:选择答案,并将其标号填入题前的括号内.

    ( ) 26. “Would you like a cup of tea?” “____. I’d like a cup of coffee.”

    A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. No, thank you D. No, thank

    ( ) 27. “ Have a good trip!” “____.”

    A. That’s all right B. Thank you C. You’re welcome D. Have a good trip, too

    ( ) 28. “ ____?” “I need a postcard, please.”

    A. What do you want B. What do you do C. Can I help you D. What are you doing

    ( ) 29. “Don’t run in the train, Danny.” “ ____.”

    A. Sure B. I’m sorry C. It’s great D. Let’s jump

    ( ) 30. “ When do you leave for Japan?” “____.”

    A. On January 21st B. In January 1st C. By train D. With my parents


    31. This is LI Lei’s Jacket. ________ is my jacket.

    32. The bus is slow, but the plane is ________.

    33. Don’t stand up, please ________ down.

    34. Look! These are clothes. ________ are shoes.

    35. They leave Beijing at 8:00 and ________ here at 11:00.

    36. This isn’t the ________ of the envelope, This is the top.

    37. In China people walk on the right of the street. But in England people walk on the _______.


    38. Where’s the ________ (旅馆)? I can’t find it.

    39. Do you want to send this postcard t________ your mother and father?

    40. W________ is the fourth day of the week.

    41. Many Chinese p________ like to eat dumplings.

    42. Now, I’m putting f________ in my camera.

    43. You can walk to the front. The train s________ is over there.

    44. I do my ________ (家庭作业) every day.

    45. “We are thirsty. Would you like w________?” “Yes, please.”


    46. My classmates are from six ________ (country).

    47. Danny and Jenny often go for a ________ (walk) after supper every day.

    48. An airplane is ________ (fast) than a bus.

    49. Laughing ________ (loud) is good for your health.

    50. I can see some girls __________ (play) on the square.

    51. “Where ________ (be) you yesterday?” “I was in the library.”

    52. Look! Jenny is ________ (look) out of the window of the train.

    53. The ________ (child) are packing their suitcases. They are going to Beijing.

    54. My father ________ (go) to the factory from Monday to Friday.

    55. Danny ________ (break) his tail at the Palace Museum last week.


    56. The two women are talking to each other.(就划线部分提问)

    ________ are the two women ________?

    57. It’s about eight thousand five hundred kilometers from China to Canada.(就划线部分提问)

    ________ ________ is it from China to Canada?

    58. Let’s shop this afternoon. (改为同义句)

    Let’s ________ ________ this afternoon.

    59. We had fun in Guilin last week.(改为否定句)

    We ________ ________ fun in Guilin last week.

    60. Li Ping’s father often draws pictures after work.(改为现在进行时态句子)

    Li Ping’s father ________ ________ ________ pictures.



    A: Can I 61 you?

    B: Yes, please. I want five stamps.

    A: OK.

    B: I 62 five envelopes, too. I want to 63 some letters. Do you have some?

    A: Sure. Here you are.

    B: 64 65 are these things?

    A: Five yuan, please.

    B: Thank you.


    A: Hello, Wei Hua.

    B: Hello, Lin Tao. 66

    A: I went to Beijing with my family.

    B: 67

    A: We took a bus.

    B: 68

    A: Yes, we did. And we took many pictures there.

    B: Where did you have lunch?

    A: 69

    B: 70

    A: Some cakes and drinks.

    B: When did you arrive home?

    A: At ten in the evening.


    Li Mei has a new classmate from New York. His 71 is Peter. Everything here 72 new to him. He doesn’t speak Chinese, but he speaks good English. He can 73 many games, too. Miss Yang asked Li Mei to 74 him to speak Chinese. Li Mei was very 75 . She thought she could 76 English from Peter. Now she can speak 77 English and Peter can 78 some Chinese words.

    Now they are 79 at table and having 80 at school. Li Mei teaches him how to use chopsticks.

    ( )71. A. friend B. classmate C. name D. teacher

    ( )72. A. am B. is C. are D. be

    ( )73. A. play B. have C. like D. send

    ( )74. A. see B. watch C. help D. tell

    ( )75. A. sorry B. careful C. sad D. happy

    ( )76. A. get B. borrow C. learn D. teach

    ( )77. A. any B. some C. many D. no

    ( )78. A. tell B. write C. say D. read

    ( )79. A. sitting B. standing C. working D. talking

    ( )80. A. a meeting B. a party C. lunch D. tea



    Mrs. Black is a fifty years old woman. She lives in a beautiful house in a small town. She has two cats. One is very big and the other is quite small. She likes them very much. One day, Mrs. White, a friend of hers, comes to see her. When she sees two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, she is very surprised and says: “ My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?”

    “Let the cats come in and go out, of course.” Mrs. Black answers.

    “But why are there two holes? Isn’t one enough?” asks her friend.

    “How can the big cat go through the small hole?” Mrs. Black says.


    ( ) 81. Mrs. Black lives in a tall building.

    ( ) 82. Mrs. Black has two cats. One is old and the other is young.

    ( ) 83. Mrs. White thinks one big hole in the door is enough.

    ( ) 84. Mrs. White loves her cats very much.

    ( ) 85. Mrs. Black thinks big cat goes through the big hole and the small cat goes through the small hole.


    Train Number From To Leaving Time Arriving Time

    11 Beijing Shenyang 6:35 17:50

    186 Chengdu Taiyuan 22:50 5:05

    185 Taiyuan Chengdu 13:09 19:30

    271 Tianjin Beijing 8:35 10:21阅读表格后,请根据上述内容选择正确的答案。

    ( ) 86. The train from Beijing to Shenyang leave at ____.

    A. 5:05 B. 6:35 C. 8:35 D. 17:50

    ( ) 87. We have to spend ____ on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.

    A. 6 yours and 35 minutes B. 17 hours and 50 minutes

    C. 11 hours and 15 minutes D. 24 hours and 25 minutes

    ( ) 88. If we want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the ____ train.

    A. Number 11 B. Number 186 C. Number 185 D. Number 271

    ( ) 89. The Number 186 train arrives in Taiyuan at ____.

    A. 10:50 a.m. B. 10:05 p.m. C. 5:05 p.m. D. 5:05 a.m

    ( ) 90. It takes ____ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

    A. about two hours B. about half an hour C. about an hour D. more than two hours



    Do you know Alice? She is my good friend. She does some running every morning. She often plays basketball or pingpong with us. Her father is a doctor. He often lets Alice eat some vegetables and fruit. Sometimes she eats some chicken and ice cream, but not much. Her favorite food are apples and tomatoes. Does she like dessert(甜点)? She liked it, but doesn’t like it now. Her father says too much dessert can make her fat. Now you can know why the girl is healthy!

    91.What’s Alice healthy for?


    92. What are Alice’s favorite sports?


    93. What are Alice’s favorite fruit?


    94. Is dessert Alice’s favorite food?


    95. Does Alice often eat chicken and ice cream?



    1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.A 31. That 32. fast 33. sit 34. Those 35. arrive 36. bottom 37. left 38. hotel 39. to 40. Wednesday 41. people 42. film 43. station 44. homework 45. water 46. countries 47. walk 48. faster 49. loudly 50. playing 51. were 52. looking 53. children 54. goes 55. broke 56. What doing 57. How far 58. go shopping 59. didn’t fun 60. is now drawing 61. help 62. need/ want 63. post/ send 64. How 65. much 66. B 67. G 68. E 69. D 70. A 71.C 72.B 73.A 74. C 75. D 76. C 77.B 78.C 79. A 80. C 81.F 82.F 83.T 84.T 85.T 86.B 87.C 88.C 89.D 90.A 91.Because she likes running. 92. Her favorite sports is running. 93. Her favorite fruit are apples and tomatoes. 94. No. 95. No.


    1.actor 2.doctor3.teeacher4.waiter5.writer


    1.what is2.what do,want,do3.don't4.give,to me5.what did,give


    1.what does she do2.what do you want to be 3.what does she want tobe 4.where does she work5.is it a dull job

    come from,whant does,what,work,to bre,want,too


