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  • 三年级
  • 2023-05-31
  • 三年级简单英语绘本
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  • 小学三年级英语绘本20篇
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  • 三年级简单英语绘本


    1: Hello! Kate! Nice to see you again.

    Hi! Gao Wei! Glad to see you again.

    Let's go to school

    OK. Let's go.

    2: Hello!Yang Ming!I have a new water botter

    cool!Look, I have a new storybook

    Oh, good! Can I see it.

    Sure. Here you are.

    3:Hi!Li Yan!Look at my new pencil-box!

    Wow,how nice !What's in it?

    Look!Oh, a marker andsome crayon.

    4:Hi, Gao Wei. Guess what's in my bag?


    Yes. Look, a Chinese book.

    And an English book.

    5:Good morning,Robot.

    Good morning!

    What's on the desk?

    A Chinese book

    Good!What's on the chair?

    An English-book.

    Very good.

    6:Hello! Micky! Nice to see you again.Hi Mimi

    Hi ! Look!,I have a new water bottleI have a new bag.

    Can I see it.Here you are.

    Let's go to schoolWhat's in my bag.

    A story book,a Chinese book ,an English book.A marker ,some crayons and……

    Look!What's on the desk,Micky?

    7:Hello, I’m Li Yan. I'm in Class 1,Grade 3.Glad to see you.

    Hi !My name is Ann.I'm in Class 2,Grade 3.Nice to meet you.


    8:Hello,what’s you name?

    My name’s Ben.

    How old are you?I'm six.

    9:Good morning. What’s you name? My name’s Gao Wei.

    How old are you? I'm nine.

    10:Excuse me.What time is it? It's five o'clock.

    Thank you.That’s ok.

    11:Excuse me.Mr liu. What time is it? It's twelve o'clock.

    Oh,twelve o'clock.! Let’s go home! Goodbey. Bey.

    12:one two threefour five…..six

    Hello!I’m Li Yan. I’m Wendy

    I'm in Class 2,Grade 3? I’m nine.I’m in Glass1. How old are you?

    Hello!What's your name?How old are you?

    I'm Lucy./My name's Bobby. I'm three,

    It's five o'clock. Let’s sing. Happy birthday to you.

    Oh! Look at you face.

    13:Good morning Mrss Liu.This is my father.This is my mother.

    Hello nice to meet you. This is Mrss liu. Glade to meet you.

    14:Hi Yang Ming.This is my brother ,Sam.

    Hello ,Sam. How old are you?

    I’m six.

    15: Hi, Mrss Wu. This is my son.

    Hello ,What’s your name?

    My name’s Gao Wei.

    How old are you?I’m nine.

    16: Look!This is my father and this is my mother.

    Who is ?This is my grandfather.

    And who that ?That’s my grandmother.

    17:Hi,Yang Ming.Who’s that man?He’s my uncle.

    Who’s thatwoman?she’ s my aunt.

    18:Hi,Mimi.This is my mother .This is my father. Hello!

    Hello,Mimin.How old are you? I’m three.

    He’s my grandpa.She’s my grandma.

    This is my son. This is my daughter. She’s my sister. Hello. He’s my brother.

    Look!That my uncle. That my aunt. Wow!

    Let’s go home.Bye. One two eleventwelve little ducks bye.

    19:I like apples and bananas. What about you,Kate?

    I don’t like apples or bananas. I like mangoer.

    20:Have a cake,Gao Wei.No, thank you .I don’t like cakes. I like hot dog.

    B:Ok,here you are.

    A: Thank!

    21: I like milk and eggs.

    Me too.Do you like fruit?

    Yes , I do. I like orange. What about you?

    I like mangoes

    22:Hi, Peter. Do you like grapes?

    No,I don’t .I like bananas. What about you?

    I like grapes. You like grapes. I like bananas

    23:Yang Ming ,do you like juice?

    No, I don’t. I like ice cream.

    Ok, An ice cream,please.

    All ringt .Here you are. Thank.

    24:Granda,Look. It’s time to go .What time is it?Two o’clock.

    Hi,welcome.Mimim,here’ssome fruit for you. Oh thanks.

    Do you like fruit?Yes,Ido. I like apples grapes and mangoes.

    Do you like doughnuts?No, thanks. I like coffee.

    I like ice cream. Here you are. Thanks.

    I like apples,bananas , cakes ,doughnuts, hamburgers…… Oh,no!

    25:Mum,what’s this?A lion.

    Oh,a lion. It’s big!

    26:Dad,what’s that? Hmm ……It’s a nest.

    A nest? Yes, it’s a bird’shome.

    27:Look,Gao Wei. What’s that?

    A cat. Then,what is it?

    A cat ? No!

    An owl. Oh,yes an owl.

    28:Hi, Yang Ming. What’s this?

    A chick?No,it’s a quail.Oh,a quail!

    29:What’s this?Boys and girls?It’s an elephant.

    Good !what’s that? It’s a tiger.Vevy good!

    30:Good evening,Boys and girls. Welcome.

    This is Bo…bo…

    Hello! This is my parrot.I’m Polly.

    What’s this Polly?An elephant.

    What’s that?A lion.

    What time is it?It’s tiger time!

    Look,Polly. That’s a pattot.No,no,no!I’m a parrot.

    31:Hi,Li Yan.Is this your skirt?

    Oh, yes thanks you.

    32:Hi, Peter. Is this your uniform?

    Hmm,no. That’s my uniform.

    33:Excuse me. Is that your watch?

    Oh,yes ,it is.

    Here you are .

    Thank you.

    34:Is that your yacht?

    No, it isn’t.

    This is my yacht.

    35:Is this your coat? Yes it is.

    Is that your sweater?

    No,it isn’t. This is my sweater.

    36:Hello!hello! excuse me.

    Micky, is this your T-shirt?

    Oh, yes thank you.,Panda!

    Hi,Micky. Is this your sweater?

    Yes ,thank you. Kangaroo.

    Oh, a lion! Crrr! Is that your coat? No it isn’t.

    Micky!Micky! Show me your bag!

    Look at your bag,Micky!

    Oh,no !Thanks.


    尺子 ruler 铅笔 pencil 橡皮 rubber 蜡笔 crayon 包 bag 钢笔 pen 铅笔盒 pencil box 书 book 不 no 你(们)的 your; yours









    1 Robertmunsch



    2 Storylineonline





    3 Lil-fingers







    Unit 1 Topic 1

    almost 几乎

    cheer 欢呼

    club 俱乐部

    volleyball 排球

    dream 梦,

    grow 成长

    leave 离开

    shame 羞愧,遗憾,耻辱

    baseball 棒球

    pretty 十分;可爱的,漂亮的

    popular 受欢迎的,流行的

    weekend 周末

    healthy 健康的




    2008年12月31日 星期三

    发贴者 徐建群 时间: 12/31/2008

    0 评论

    标签: 归纳总结


    Unit 1 Topic 1短语

    1. play basketball 打篮球

    2. cheer sb on 为某人打气

    3. quite a bit 相当多

    4. of course 当然

    5. grow up 长大

    6. arrive in 到达 (大地点)

    7. play against 与……比赛

    8. for long 长时间

    9. the day aft



    2008年12月30日 星期二

    发贴者 徐建群 时间: 12/30/2008

    0 评论

    标签: 归纳总结

    仁爱八年级英语上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A

    Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A






    remain, pull, pull down, worn out, government


    (1)They are old city walls. They are more than 700 years old.

    (2)But there w

