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  • 2023-10-24

高考3500词汇表打印版?链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mZm0YPeuFnp5WOHx1_BTbw 提取码: 54im 作品相关简介:英语3500词汇表(整理好),那么,高考3500词汇表打印版?一起来了解一下吧。



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1. mad adj. 发疯的;生气的; drive sb. mad/crazy; go mad/crazy;

be mad at/ with sb. about …因…历拍御和…生气

2. mail n./ vt. send a letter by mail /post; mail sth to sb/ mail sb sth

3. main adj. mainly adv. the main road / course

4. major 1) adj. 较大的 主要的 a major road

2) n. 主修课程;专业课 主修某专业的学生 When I was at university, English was my major.

In other words, I was an English major.

3) vi. 主修… I majored in English.

5. majority n. the / a majority of … The / A majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.

6. make v. 1) 制造 做make sth. into…把…制成… be made into

make sth. (out) of… --- be make of… make sth. from… --- be made from…

2) make coffee/tea 煮咖啡/沏茶; make the bed 铺床

3) make yourself heard/ understand (使你自己被听到/理解)

make sb do sth----sb be made to do (使贺裂某人做某事)

She made him her assistant. (任命)

4)link-v 成为 She will make a good mother. This room would make a nice office.

5) make money/ a fortune/ a living

6) make it 获得成功;幸免于难,渡过难关;准时到达;能够出席到场

He will never really make it as an actor. 作为演员他永远不肢岩会真正的成功.

The doctors think he’s going to make it. 医生们认为他能挺过去.

I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it on Sunday. 很抱歉, 星期天我不能到场.

7) make the most of… 充分利用 8) make out 辨别清楚; 理解,明白

I could just made out a figure in the darkness. I can’t make out what she wants.

9) make up 组成; 编造; 补上(for);化妆; 和好

Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?


Has he made up with her yet? 他跟她和好了吗?

7.manage v. 经营,管理;设法完成 management manager

manage a factory; manage to do = succeed in doing

8. manner n. 1)方式,方法;态度,举止 in a friendly manner 友好的态度

2)礼貌,礼仪 (常用复数形式) table manners 餐桌礼仪

It’s good /bad manners to do sth 做某事有礼貌/没礼貌

9.march 1) vt./vi. 行军,行进 march on Washington DC 向华盛顿进军

2) n. on the march 在行军中

10. mark 1) v. 标记; 打分,评成绩; 纪念, 庆贺, 标志着

the goods marked with prices; I hate marking exam papers

a ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the foundation of China.

His death marked the end of an era(时代).

2)n. 成绩,分数;记号; get a low/high mark get full marks make a mark

11. marry v.结婚 marry sb 娶/嫁给某人 marry sb. to sb 把某人嫁给某人

get/be married to sb 与某人结婚; has/have been married for 2 years.

12. mass n. 团,块,大量 a mass of / masses of; the masses 群众

a mass of cloud 一朵云彩/ masses of clouds 朵朵云彩

13. master 1)n. 主人;能手; 硕士学位 the master of one’s own future 自己未来的主人;

get one’s master’s degree

2)vt. 精通,掌握,控制 master a foreign language; master her temper

14. match –matches

1) 比赛;火柴;匹敌的人,对手;匹配的人/物 strike a match划火柴 a box of matches 一盒火柴

I was no match for him at tennis. 打网球我不是他的对手

I’m his match at tennis. 打网球我跟他难分伯仲

The curtains and carpet are a good match.窗帘和地毯非常相配。


1、take place发生

2、beauty n.美;美人

3、harvest n.& vt.& vi.收获;收割

4、celebration n.庆祝;祝贺

5、hunter n.狩猎者;猎人

6、starve vi.& vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死







以上就是高考3500词汇表打印版的全部内容,所以今天社长把这 678个高考大纲3500浓缩之后的单词表 整理给同学们,这里总结了高考常考的237个动词、206个名词、173个形容词和62个副词。其实同学们只要能熟记这678个核心词,在高考中97%的单词你都认识。因为篇幅过多。
