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  • 五年级
  • 2023-07-04

译林版五年级下册英语?五、1.do 2.on 3.have 4.is 5.sounds 6.would 7. for 8.like 9. am 10.too 六、1. T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F Part B 二、那么,译林版五年级下册英语?一起来了解一下吧。


Unit 1

Part A:

三、1.B2.B3.A4.B5.A6.C7.A 8.C

四、1. He is short and thin.

2. Our math teacher is very young.

3. Who is your music teacher?

4. What is your English teacher like?

5. I have three new teachers.

Part B

五、1. she is very kind.

2.His sister is young and pretty.

3. He is a football player.

4.What is he like?

Part C

一、坦蠢1. tall and strong.

2.new teacher

3.art teacher.

4.math teacher.

5.a university student 6.young and beautiful

二、 1. C2.C3.B4. B5.C6.B7.A8.C



1.new teacher, a new science teacher, What, tall and strong

2.Who’s , math teacher, strict, kind.

3.that man, new principal, His name, call me , I see


1. Where is he from?

2. I have a new math teacher.

3.Who’s that young lady?

4. She is short and thin.

5.What’s he like?

Unit 2

Part A

二、1. What do you have on Mondays?

2. It is Thursday today?

3. Mike has art and math on Tuesdays.

六、1. F2.T3.T 4.T Part B

二、1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B


1. What day is it today?

2. I often do my homework.

3. I like Friday.

4. My favourite day is Sunday.

5. What about you?

Part C

一、1. a2. r3.d4.u5.u6.h


三、1. √2. ×3. √4. ×5. ×6√


五、第一类:Friday,Sunday, Tuesday

第二类:music, P.E. , English

第三类:old, smart, young

第四类:read, do, play.

六、1. E2.D3.C4.B5.A

Unit 3

Part A

四、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C

五、1.do2.on3.have4.is5.sounds6.would7. for8.like9. am10.too

六让汪陪、1. T2.T3.F 4.F5.F

Part B

二、1potatoes2.eggplant 3.carrot juice4.sour 5.food

五、1. A 2.B 3.A 4. B Part C

一、1. green beans2.eggplant 3.sweet4.fish5.friut


三、1. Let’s 2. for 3. every 4.about5. too 6.but 7.sweet

四、1.C2.A3.A4.A5.B6.C7.A8.C9.B10. C

五、1. E2.D3.B4.F5.C

六、1. tofu; tomatoes 2.What’s , fruit; Grapes3.tomatoes; about4.have, on; fish


Part A

二、1. What can you do?

2. What can Zip do?

3. Who can water the flowers

4. What do we have on Tuesdays.

5. What’s your favourite food?

六、 1. T2. F3. F4.T5.T

Part B

二、1.cook the meals,water the flowers

2.clean the bedroom

3.wash the clothes

4.do the dishes

5.make the bed

三、1. I ’ like to have a try.

2. Just do it!

3. Can you make the bed at home?

4. What can you grandparents do?

六、1. What can you do at home?

2. My mother can cook the meals.

3. Can you use a computer?

4. What do you have on Fridays.

5. I can clean the bedroom too.

Part C

一、play: place,plane, plate

tall: ball, hall, small. short: fork, storm, horse pray:prettyprince pride

二、1. play chess

2. do housework

3.put away the clothes

4. 用电脑



三、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A


1. Can you set the table?

2. Sarah can cook the meals.

3. What can you do?

4. I can make the bed.


1. cannot → can’t

2. I→I can

3.help →helpful 4.sets→ set

5.emptyed→ empty.

六、1. E2.C3.D4.F5.A6.B

7.sweep the floor

8.wash the windows

9.cook the meals

10.water the flowers





译林版五年级下册英语课课练答案 道客巴巴

There is a lion in the forest. He is very big and strong.


One day, a mouse passed by and woke the lion. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. "Please don't eat me. One day I can help you. " Said the mouse in a low voice. "You are so small and weak! How can you help me?" the lion laughed loudly. Then he let the mouse go.

一天,一只老鼠路过,把狮子吵醒了。肢盯狮子很生气,想要吃了这只老鼠。“请不要吃我。某- -天我能帮助你。”老鼠小声地说。“你如此小并且弱!你怎么能帮助我?”狮子大声地笑。然后,他让老鼠走了。

The next day, two men caught the lion with a big net. The lion used its sharp teeth to bite the net, but that didn't work. "How can I go out?" the lion asked sadly.




1.—What class are you in?

—巧岩I’m in ____, ____.

A. grade seven,class three

B. class Three, grade Seven

C. Class Three,Grade Seven


2.—What color is the coat?


A.heavy B.fifty-fourC.blue



1.当别人赞扬你时,你应回答 .

A.Thank you. B.All right.C.Not at all.



A.Good morning!B.滚昌Good afternoon!C.Good evening!



Unit 1

do morning exercises 晨练

eat breakfast 吃早饭

have English class 上英语课

play sports 进行体育运动

eat dinner 吃晚饭

when 什么时候

evening 夜晚;晚上

get up 起床

at 在……点钟

usually 通常;一般

noon 中午

climb mountains 爬山

go shopping 购物;买东西

play the piano 弹钢琴

visit grandparents 看望祖父母

go hiking 去远足

weekend 周末

often 经常

sometimes 有时候

Unit 2

spring 春天蔽扒辩此亮

summer 夏天

fall 秋天

winter 冬天

season 季节

which 哪一个

best 最;极

swim 游泳

fly kites 放风筝

skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋

make a snowman 堆雪人

plant trees 种树

why 为什么

because 因为

sleep 睡觉

Unit 3

Jan. / January 一月

Feb. / February 二月

Mar. / March 三月

Apr. / April 四月

May 五月

June 六月

July 七月

Aug. / August 八月

Sept. / September 九月

Oct. / October 十月

Nov. / November 十一月

Dec. / December 十二月

birthday 生日

uncle 叔叔;舅舅

her 她的

date 日期

Unit 4

draw pictures 画画

cook dinner 做饭

read a book 看书

answer the phone 接电话

listen to music 听音乐

clean the room 打扫房间

write a letter 写信

write an e-mail 写电子邮件

mom 妈妈

grandpa 爷爷;外公

study 书房

Unit 5

fly 飞

jump 跳

walk 走

run 跑宏缺

swim 游泳

kangaroo 袋鼠

sleep 睡觉

climb 往上爬

fight 打架

swing 荡;荡秋千

drink water 喝水

Unit 6

take pictures 照相

watch insects 观察昆虫

pick up leaves 采摘树叶

do an experiment 做实验

catch butterfly 捉蝴蝶

honey 蜂蜜

count insects 数昆虫

collect leaves 收集树叶

write a report 写报告

play chess 下棋

have a picnic 举行野餐

以上就是译林版五年级下册英语的全部内容,Amy:Mum,look! Lingling has go t some interesting photos.埃米:妈妈,看!玲玲有一些有趣的照片。Ms Smart:Can I see them,Lingl.ng?。斯玛特女士:我可以看看它们吗,玲玲?Lingling:Of course.玲玲:当然。
