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  • 高一
  • 2023-06-15
  • 学英语报纸答案高一31期
  • 学英语报纸高一第三十九期答案
  • 学英语报社报纸答案高一
  • 《学英语》试卷答案网高一
  • 学英语新课程报纸答案高一

  • 学英语报纸答案高一31期

    第39期A2A3版Keys: (One possible version 选择肆森题除外)


    Section A

    1. connect 2. explanation 3. servant 4. foolish 5. forms 6. politely 7. foolish

    8. movement 9. explanation 10. batteries 11. In a way 12. come back 13. all kinds of 14. is able to 15. at last 16. connect; to 17. change; into 18. make electricity 19. looks like 20. come from 21. What are 22. Where does; come 23. What are

    24. What does your father look like?

    25. a. Must you look after your little sister at home?

    b. No, I needn’t.

    26. with it 27. in a way 28. What is; like 29. is connected to 30. politely

    31. Electricity can help us like a servant.

    32. The road connects the city to the village.

    33. We like all forms of sports.

    34. That baby smiled, with tears on his face.

    35. Our teacher encourages us to read as many books as possible.

    36. What does your new bike look like?

    37. After working for two whole days, I am able to go to bed at last.

    38. 我要去买点糖果.有人想要什么东西吗?

    39. 你不能像买成型雹行包的糖果一样去买成包的电.

    40. 我们用电做各种各样的卜哗事情,像看电视和运行空调.

    41. a packet of 42. like 43. trick 44. at last 45. with 46. batteries 47. contain

    48. produce 49. failed 50. foolish

    51. They used wood-burning or coal-burning stoves to warm their rooms.

    52. Benjamin Franklin.

    53. Thomas Edison.

    Section B




    1. How can I connect to the Internet?

    2. Thank you for taking care of my baby.

    3. Can you make a model plane?

    4. Does the show start at 9:00 or 10:00?

    5. How long do you spend on the Internet every day?

    6. Must I use both hands when I accept a present in China?

    7. What colour is a lucky colour in China?

    8. What must you say when you speak to older people?

    9. What mustn’t you give to a Chinese family as a present?

    10. Can I stop my car near here?


    11. G: Can you sing Japanese songs, John?

    B: No. But I can sing Chinese songs.

    12. G: You can ride a bike very well.

    B: Thank you. But I couldn’t do it a year ago.

    13. G: Jeff can’t come to school today, because he hurt his left hand.

    B: I’m sorry to hear that.

    14. G: Which one do you like, disco or ballet?

    B: Disco. I think it is interesting.

    15. G: Can you make model planes, Mark?

    B: Yes, I can. I can make kites, too.


    The teachers plan a lot of after-class activities for the students. The boys and girls like them very much. On Mondays, they can play ping-pong or basketball on the playground. On Tuesdays, the students can draw pictures or take photos in the beautiful garden. There is a river near the school. They can go boating or go fishing on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, they can go to the library to read newspapers. Many boys like Fridays very much, because the PE teachers will teach them to swim.


    Now machines are widely used all over the world. Why are they so important to us? Because they can help us do things better and faster. A washing machine helps us wash clothes quickly. A printing machine helps print a lot of books, newspapers and other things quickly. Bicycles, cars, trains and planes are all machines. They help us travel faster than on foot. The computer is a very good machine. It was invented not too long ago. It can store information and it can do maths problems millions of times faster than a man does.


    I. 1-5 CBAAB 6-10 ACBCA II. 11-15 BBCAA III. 16-20 CBABA

    IV. 21. better 22. faster 23. newspapers 24. invented 25. store



    II. This afternoon, our class held a class meeting, and discussed how to use electricity correctly. All the students had a warm discussion about it. Then many students made their suggestions. Yang Lin said, “We mustn’t hang our wet clothes above the electric stove, because it can cause a big fire.” Li Tao said, “We mustn’t touch the plug when our hands are wet, or we can get an electric shock.” At last, Sun Tian said, “We mustn’t fly kites near the high-voltage lines, because high-voltage lines are very dangerous.” We learned a lot from each other.

    Section C

    1-5 ABAAB 6-10 CBDAC

    11. may 12. can’t; must 13. mustn’t 14. must 15. can 16. must 17. May

    18. Must; needn’t; may 19. May; can’t 20. must15. You ______ put your feet on the seat in front.

    Section D

    1. light 2. drive 3. warm 4. cool 5. work 6. in one way or another 7. It is; to

    8. millions of 9. as tall as 10. In fact



    Step 1 1- EAB 4-6 FDC

    Step 2(略)


    1-3 FTT




    第39期B2B3版Keys: (One possible version 选择题除外)


    1-2 CA

    3. movement 4. explanation 5. politely 6. forms 7. properly 8. foolish

    9. connected 10. switch on 11. take turns 12. flows through 13. looks like 14. go to bed; put; away 15. are short of 16. At last 17. in a way 18. come from 19. was able to 20. figure out


    1. looked happy 2. are connected to 3. with; in his hand 4. change; into


    1-5 DCABC 6-10 CBCCB







    How to Age Well

    Getting older is inevitable, but you can slow the decline of aging with smart choices along the way. From the foods you eat and how you exercise to your friendships, it all has an effect on how fast or slow your body ages. __36__

    Lose just a little bit of weight.

    Small changes in body weight can have a big impact on health risks.__37__ While we'd love to lose our extra pounds, it's easier to start with a 5 percent weight loss goal and keep on.

    Avoid processed meat.

    __38__ A number of studies have found associations between eating a lot of processed meats and poor health. Other research has implicated processed meats in a higher risk for cancer. But there was no increase in risk associated with eating unprocessed red meat.


    The best eating strategy for aging well is to skip processed foods and drinks. That will immediately reduce added sugars from your diet. Once you cut out packaged foods, you will start eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish and whole grains.__40__

    Meanwhile, invest in a new pair of walking shoes, a gym membership or a delicious healthy meal with your family and oilier loved ones. All of those are likely to do much for your emotional and physical health.

    A.Skip packaged foods.

    B.Save the money you would spend on rich food.

    C.And the good news is that it's never too late to get started.

    D.This has been shown in numerous studies to be good for you.

    E.There's some evidence that vitamin B12 is good for the aging brain.

    F.Losing just 5 percent of your body weight has been shown to reduce your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

    G.Processed meals like hot dogs and sausages have been salted, cured or smoked to improve preservation.





    G【解析】根据下文 One of them I had met once inMexico and the other I had just met the day before a知,作者对两位帮助他的人记忆深刻。G项符合语境。故选G项。B【解析】根据上下文 we decided to jump on one ofbig Blob Bouncy Bathe lake…. I missedtarget可知,作者发生了不幸的事。

    B项符合语境。闭或故选B项C【解析】根据下文 So every time I needed to give myparents my information, they had to go somewhere elsewith a network connection to text them on mypho可推知,作者应该身处没有信号的地方。

    C项符合语境罩首。故选C项A【解析】根据轿闷伍上下文 I didn' t have that much cashI felt terrible about borrowing that much money fromthem可知,作者没有现金,两位好心人替他付钱。A项符合语境。故选A项E【解析】作者在独自旅行受伤时受到热心人帮助而心存感激,尤其是一直陪伴他并替他付钱的两位好心人。E项符合语境。故选E项


