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  • 六年级
  • 2024-06-25



等待 警察 停 在哪里工作 爱好
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
购买请 左边然后直线 记住
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
火车 Subway 电车 ship 公共汽车 plane
------------ ------ ------ ------- ------
图书管理员 —售书员 —
放映员 —
9、上学 10、交通规则
collect makeplay
drive ride
1. left(反义词 )_________ 2. doesn’t (完全形式) _________
3. writer (动词) _________ 4. write (同音词) __________
1、 ZhanTianyou ( 詹天佑 ) isa .
2、 ZhaoWei (赵薇) isan.
3、 LiLianjie( 李连杰 ) isan.
4、 Xu Beihong( 徐悲鸿) isan .
5、 Bing Xin(冰心) isa .
2、张鹏的爸爸是个会计。Zhang Peng’s father isan.
I sometimes inbed,.and in the livingroom.
4、我要给玛丽寄张明信片。I am going to send ato Mary. 回答


作业嘛作业,既然是作业 就要用心去完成 如果给你答案的话 对你是不负责任的表现。先问同学,再问老师,一步一步来。


listen part
1.A、星期一B、星期二 2、A、社会课B、语文课
6、A、玩足球B、玩电脑游戏 7、A、做作业B、看电视
1.____________is it _______? It’s _________.
What do _________ on _________? We have _____________and ______ on _______.
2.What do you do _______________? I __________ on ___________.
____________ ______?I _________________. too.
Write part
1.todayitis It’s What Wednesday day
2.youdoWhathave Thursdayson
3. ChineseEnglish haveWe computerandFriday on
4. onWhat you Sundays do do
5.I paly ping-pongSaturdays often on
how clock our housecrycroptown cleannow brownclosecrowcreammountainmouth class cowcrownmouseclothescloset loud
cl:close___________________cr: cry__________________________
Elephant: What do you do on Saturdays?
Monkey: I play football and watch TV.
Rabbit: I run and jump and do my homework .
Elephant: What do you do on Sundays?
Monkey: I play ping-pong, play computer games and do my homework.
Elephant: What about you , Panda?
Panda: I run and junp and read books . I eat only two meals(饭)on Sundays.
Elephant: Why?
Panda: Mom and Dad say I’m too big .
1. 根据短文内容判断。
1) The elephant often play football on Saturdays.
2) The rabbit often do home work on Satuerdays.
3) The panda is too big .
4) panda often play computer games on Sundays.
5) The monkey isn’t do his home work on weekends.
Monkey Panda Rabbit
1、_____(星期几)is it today?联单It’s _________(星期三).
We have ______(语文)、____(数学)and ____(音乐).
2. __________________ ( 你做什么)on weekends?
I often______________(做家庭作业)______(看电视)and _____(读书)on________(星期六), _______________(玩电脑游戏) and_______(踢足球)on____(星期天)。
1.What day is it today ? It’s Wednesday.
2.What day is it today ? It’s Sunday .
3.What do you have on Mondays? I have Social Studies .
4.What do you do on week ends? I do my home work .
5.What do you do on week ends? I write the letters .
6.What do you do on week ends? I play football .
7.On Saturdays I watch TV at home .
8.On Satuedays Ido house work.
1.What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday.
2. What do you have today? We have Cinese .
3. What day is it today ? It’s Sunday .
4.What do you have on Mondays ? We have math and Moral Education .
5. What do you have on Fridays ? We have music and English .
6. What do you do on week ends? I often play computers .
7. What do you do on Saturdays ? I do my home work at home .
8. What do you do on Sundays ? I write the letters .
9。We have math on Mondays and Fridays .
10。 We have English on Wednesdays and Saturdays .
1.What day is it today ? It’s Monday .
What do you have on tuesdays? We have math English and music on wednesdays.
2.What do you do on Saturdays?I wacth TV on Sundays .
What about you?I do my home work. too.


Ⅰ. ADCDBBCBCAAACDB Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“它在床底下。”根据答语under the bed可知是提问地点,所以应是where; how是表示 “怎么样”; What是“什么”,提问事物; Where is= Where‟s,由于句中已有is,故选A。 2. A 题意:请带我到学校。take是“带走”,bring是“带来”,call是“打电话”,need是“需要”,另外“take…to+地点”是“带„„到某地”,故选A。 3. C 题意:“我的书在梳妆台上吗?”“是的,它在。我能看见。”根据答语可推知是肯定回答,由于在简短的肯定答语中it is不能缩写,故选C。 4. D 题意:“铅笔在哪里?”“它们在桌子上。”由于pencils是复数,所以应用they,them是宾格,不能做主语。故选D。 5. B 题意:“那些是什么?”“是我们的足球。”soccer balls是复数,故排除A项,C项和D项分别提问人物和地点,所以答案为B。 6. C 题意:“我的钢笔在哪里?”“很抱歉,我不知道。”pens为复数形式,所以谓语动词应是are;I know的否定形式需加助动词,所以应是I don‟t know。故选C。 7. A 题意:这是一支钢笔。这支钢笔很漂亮。a用于辅音音素之前,an用于元音音素之前,
两者均用于泛指。the指上文提到过的人或事物,所以答案为A。 8. B 题意:“书包在桌子上吗?”“不,它不在桌子上。”本句是is引导的一般疑问句,A、D项都涉及地点,故排除,C项为复数形式,与问句不符,所以答案为B。 9. C 题意:“他的铅笔在哪里?”“我不知道。”where引导特殊疑问句, A项和D项是一般疑问句的答语,故排除;句中pencils是复数,所以B项单数形式不对。只有C项符合题意。 10. A 题意:光盘在哪里?由于CDs是复数,所以答案应为A。 11. D 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“在地板上面的桌子底下。”under意为“在„„的下面”,on意为 “在„„上面”,根据题意应选D。 12. B 题意:我妈妈在房间里。in意为“在„„里面”,on意为“在„„上面”,is是本句的谓语动词,不能省略,所以答案为B。 13. C 题意:请把这些东西带给你妈妈。短语take…to…意为“把„„带给„„”。too意为“也”, at是“在(点刻)”,to是“朝、向、至、达”,in是“在……里面”,根据题意和固定短语应选C。 14. B 题意:“你的夹克衫在沙发上吗?”“是的,它在沙发上。”is引导一般疑问句,由于your jacket是单数,并且是物,所以正确答案为B。 15. A 题意:“我的钥匙在哪里?”“它们在床上。”根据答语on the bed可知是提问地点,由于they是复数,故选A。Ⅲ. 1. my 2. and 3. is 4. under 5. some Ⅳ. 1. Where is 2.Where are 3. are not 4. Is; your;No; isn‟t 5. are; bags Ⅴ. 1. take; to 2.on; dresser 3. Where; under 4. bring; to 5. on; floor Ⅵ. 1. D 根据题意是吉姆的房间,所以用名词所有格,即在名词后加“‟s”。 2. B 由于old以元音音素开头,又表示“一”,所以用an。 3. A there be 结构意思是“有”,并使用就近原则,所以谓语动词与a clock保持一致。 4. B 表示在墙的表面用介词on,表示镶嵌在墙的里面用介词in。根据题意应选B。 5. B 由于谓语动词是is, 所以主语应是单数形式。 6.A 本题意为:背包在椅子上。on意为“在„„上面”,in 意思为“在„„里面”,between“在两者之间”,out“在外面”,根据句意应选on。 7. B 表示特指,所以用定冠词the。 8. A 本句意为:棒球在门的后面。其它三项都不与door搭配,故选A。 9. D it指代上文的that,谓语动词用is,缩写为It‟s。 10. C 本句意为:它看起来像一顶帽子。look like意为“看起来像”,look意为“看起来”,look after意为“照看,照顾”,又由于主语是it,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数。Ⅶ. A) 1. C 根据文中第一句话There is a library(图书馆) in our school.可知答案为C。 2. C 根据文中第四句话Our school library is not very big,可知答案为C。 3. D 根据文中第五句话There are many books in the library.可知答案为D。 4. B 根据文中第七句话Some are in English.可知答案为B。 5. A 根据文中倒数第四句I often go their to borrow(借) books.可推知答案为A。 6.Yes, it is.7.On the wall. 8.A computer. 9.On the floor. 10.A backpack. Ⅷ. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. B Ⅸ. One possible version: My Study
This is my study. There is a map of China and a map of the world on thewall. The bookcase
is near the door. There are some books in it. There is a nice computer next tothe bookcase. It is on
my desk. I often do my homework there. I like my study very much.


Listening Part.(听力部分)40%
I. Listen and choose.(选择你所听到的内容,并把序号写在括号里。)8%
( )2. A.4971B.7491C.4179
( )3. A.waitB.whatC.white
( )4. A.right B.light C.night
( )5. A.busB.bikeC.bag
( )6. A./ f /B./ v /C./ m /
( )7. A./ k æt/B. / kait / C./ka:t/
( )8. A./bu:ts/B. / buks/ C./puts/
II. Listen and order.(按听到的顺序给下列图片排序,填阿拉伯数字.)10%
() ( ) ( )()( )
( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )
III. Listen and choose.(听问句,选择适当的答句。)6%
() 1.A. I go to school on foot.B. He goes to work by bus.
() 2.A. Yes, he does. B.Yes, he is.
() 3.A. It’s near the cinema. B.It’s near the post office.
() 4.A.We’re going after lunch.B. We’re going to visit my grandparents.
() 5.A. It comes from the vapour. B. It comes from the sun.
() 6.A. I’m going to buy a book..B. I’m going next weekend.
IV. Listen and arrange. (听音,给句子排序。)6%
( )What should you do then?
( )It’s easy, first, put the seeds in the soil.
( )What are you going to do after school?
( )How do you do that?
( )I’m going to plant flower seeds.
( )Water it. In several days ,you can see the sprout.
V.Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的词填空。) 10%
sometimesright stopfirstsoil
yellow usually milkstraight comes
1.at a red light.Wait at a light.
2. -----How do you do that?-----,put the seeds in the.
3. Turn left at the police station, then go. It’s on the.
4.------Where does thecome from?
------Itfrom the cows.
5.I go to school by bike .I go by bus.
WritingPart. (笔试部分)60%
VI.Read and tick or cross.(判断单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。)8%
() 1.read stream() 2.west we
() 3.student sun() 4.zoo book
() 5.shortswork () 6.cattaxi
() 7.whowhere() 8.pigbig
VII.Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词.)10%
1.() A. actorB. plane C. teacherD. engineer
2.() A. cloudB. rain C. vapourD. green
3.() A. cleanerB. bookstoreC.supermarketD. shoe store
4.() A. busB.singer C. plane D. subway
5.() A. east B. west C. straightD. south
6.() A. drinkB. todayC. tomorrowD. tonight
7.() A. river B. turn C. sea D. stream
8.() A. rideB. dive C.teachD.driver
9.() A. day B. JuneC. weekD. month
10.() A. fresh B. fishC. saltyD. sweet
VIII.Read and choose.(选择填空).10%
()1. -----What’s your hobby?
----- .
A. I like reading booksB. I am readinga book
C. I can read a book
()2. ----What’s he doing?
A. flying a kite B. makes a kiteC. watch TV
()3. ----Does your aunt ___________? ----Yes, she does.
A. cooking the mealsB. teach math
C. washes the clothes
() 4. I am an accountant. I enjoy _____very much.
A. mathB. musicC. art
() 5.----Are they drinking water?---- .
A. Yes, there are. B. No, they aren’t.C. Yes , they can.
() 6.In England ,drivers drive on the ______ side of the road.
A. right B. left C. east
() 7. The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights:_______
A. blue, red, green B red, orange, greenC.red, yellow, green
() 8.______ means wait.
A .RedB .YellowC. Green
() 9.------Whatare yougoing to buy ?
A.I am going to a hospital. B. I am going at 3:00.
C. I am going to buy some story books.
() 10.-----Does she work in a car company?
A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, shedoes.
IX.Read and match.(根据问句选择答句)5%
() 1.How can I get to the park?A. I like diving.
() 2.Where does he work?B. You can go there by the No.8 bus.
() 3.Where is the school? C. I’m going to the park.
() 4.What are you going to do D. It’s north of the bank.
this afternoon?E. He works in a hospital.
() 5.What’s your hobby?
X. Read and choose.(选词填空)7 %
When Where WhatWhoHowWhyWhich
1. season do you like best?
I like spring best.
2. ________ can I get to the zoo?
You can ride a bike there.
3. _________ do you go to school on foot?
Because my home is near.
4.______ are you going after lunch?
I am going to the bookstore.
5._______ are you going?
I am going at 4 o’clock.
6._______ are you going to do?
I am going to play football.
7. _______are you going to play with?
My brother.
XI.Read and choose. (情景对话。)5%
A. What are you going to buy?
B. I’m going to Sanjiang Supermarket.
C. Where are you going?
D. I’m going to buy some books.
E. Can I have a new dress and a pair of new shoes ?
Mom: Liu Yun, Children’s Day is coming. _______
Liu Yun: ________
Mom: Are you going to buy
Liu Yun: Yes.
Mom: ________
Liu Yun : I like reading. ______
Mom: What kind of books?
Liu Yun: Some storybooks.
Mom: What else?
Liu Yun: _______
Mom: Sure.
Liu Yun: Thank you, Mom.
XII. Look, read and tick or cross.(看图,判断句子。)5% 5.
1. ----What does your father do?----He’s an English teacher. ()
2. ----What’s his hobby? ----He like running.()
3.----What day is it today?----It’s Wednesday.()
4.----Where are you going ?-----I’m going to the post office. ()
5.----What is Zhang Peng doing? ----He is riding a bike.()
XIII. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解。) 5%
Liu Ming is a writer. He writes the TV show . He works from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday ,he usually listens to music and watches TV. Sometimes he helps his wife(妻子) do some housework. He often goes to work by bus, but he likes to walk home. Next week he is going to Hong Kong . He goes to Hong Kong by plane . I hope(希望) he will have a good trip.
A.Tick or cross(对的写T,错的写F)4%
( )1. Liu Ming isn’tawriter.
( )2. On Sundays, he usually plays football and watches TV.
( )3. Sometimes he does some housework.
( )4. He often goes to work by bus.
B..Answer the questions(回答问题)1%
How does he go to Hong Kong?
XIV. Writing. (用正确的格式书写上一题划线的句子。)5%
☺ 本次测试到此结束,请你仔细检查,争取取得好成绩!
I. 选择你所听到的内容,并把序号写在括号里。
1. LRI2.49713.what4.right5.bus6./m/ 7. / kait /8. / buks/
II. 按听到的顺序给下列图片排序,填阿拉伯数字.
1. What’s your bobby?I like diving.
2. It’s 10:10. Time for English class.
3. Wow , a big mouse.
4. Mike can cook the meals
5. Where are you from? Iam from America.
6. I have a new bike.
7. What does your father do? He is a doctor.
8. Turn left then you can see the cinema.
9. I go to Shanghai by plane.
10. How many footballs can you see?I can see nine.
III. 听问句,选择适当的答句。
1. How do you go to school?
2. Does your father teach English?
3. Where is the cinema?
4. What are you going to do on the weekend?
5. Where does the cloud come from?
6.When are you going to the library.
IV. Listen and arrange.听音,给句子排序。
1, What are you going to do after school?
2, I’m going to plant flower seeds.
3, How do you do that?
4, It’s easy ,first, put the seeds in the soil.
5, What should you do then?
6, Water it. In several days, you can see the sprout.
1. Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.
2. -----How do you do that?----- First ,put the seeds in the soil .
3. Turn left at the police station, then go straight . It’s on the right .
4.------Where does the milk come from?
------It comesfrom the cows.
5.Usually I go to school by bike . SometimesI go by bus.
I. Listen and choose.(选择你所听到的内容,并把序号写在括号里。)
II. 按听到的顺序给下列图片排序,填阿拉伯数字.
2 3 10 7 5 9 6 8 1 4
III. 听问句,选择适当的答句。
1.A2.A3.B4.B5.A6. B
IV. Listen and arrange.听音,给句子排序。
5 4 1 3 2 6

1. √ 2. × 3. ×4. × 5. ×6. √ 7. × 8. √
1. B2.D3.A4.B5.C6.A7.B8.D9.B10.B
X. 选词填空
1.Which 2.How 3. Why 4.Where 5.When 6.What 7. Who
XI. Read and order. (情景对话。)
XII. Look , read and tick or cross.
XIII. Reading comprehension.阅读理解。
A) F F T T
B) He goes to Hong Kong by plane.
XIV. Writing. (用正确的格式书写上一题划线的句子。)

