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  • 五年级
  • 2023-10-06

五年级英语下册课文内容?my favorite season是英语人教版五年级下册。课文内容介绍:Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?Autumn.秋天。那么,五年级英语下册课文内容?一起来了解一下吧。


Unit1 The king’s new clothes

Story time

1.Long long ago,there was a king.He liked new clothes.One day,two men visited the king.“My king,we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy.

2.The two men showed the king his new clothes.“My king,please try on these magic clothes.Clever people can see them.Foolish people can’t see them.”

3.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.There were a lot of people in the street.They looked at the king and shouted,“What beautiful clothes!”

4.A little boy pointed at the king and laughed,“Ha!Ha!The king isn’t wearing any clothes!”







Unit 4 (第四单元)

Let’s Start (让我们开始)

What are they doing? Match and say. (他们在做什么?找出相应的图姿伏画并朗读句子。)

Let’s Chant (让我们齐声念)

What are you doing? (你在做什么?)

I am doing the dishes. What are you doing? (我在洗盘子。你在做什么?)

I am drawing pictures. What are you doing? (我在画画。你在做什么?)

I am reading a book. What are you doing? (我在看书。你亩蠢在做什么?)

I am cooking dinner. What are you doing? (我在做晚饭。你在做什么?)

I am answering the phone. (我在接迅册陪电话。)

本单元的学习重点是英语句子的进行时表达法,采用“be + 动词原形ing”的形式,用于描述一个正在进行的动作。


Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?

Tony:Wow!What a beautiful desert!

Gogo:I feel sick.Let's rest.

Tony:What did you eat this morninh?

Gogo:I ate (eat吃旁则告运明的过去式)cheese,chocolate,chicken and ice cream.

Jenny:Did you dirink anything this morning?


Gogo:Oh,a bottle fo water! I'm thirsty.

Tony:That's not water!That's a genie(精灵盯燃)!



[Kate goes to the hospital with her mum.She sees many children there.some of them have a fever.Some have a stomachache.they are waiting outside the doctor's office.

#May I have your name?

#I'm Kate .

#How old are you,Kate?

#I'm eleven.

#What's wrong with you?

#I have a fever and I have a headache.

#Open your mouth.say"Ah...."


#Show me your tongue,Kate.

(Kate shows her tongue.)

#You do have a bad cold.You have to stay in bed and take some medicine. Remember to drink more water.

#Can I go to school tomorrow?

#No,You have to take a good rest.I hope you will get well soon.

#I hope so,Thank you, Doctor.

小学英语五年级下册12课课文 急用!!!!!!!!!!

Unit 3 A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire盲人让凳和他“火”中的眼睛 One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel. 一天,约翰丹瑟森滑缓到达一家旅馆 “Good evening, sir,” said the receptionist. “晚上好,此模先生,”接待员说。

“You’re welc。

以上就是五年级英语下册课文内容的全部内容,Let’s Start (让我们开始)What are they doing? Match and say. (他们在做什么?找出相应的图画并朗读句子。)Let’s Chant (让我们齐声念)What are you doing? (你在做什么?。
