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  • 五年级
  • 2024-08-29



Characters: three litter pigs
Level:5-6 years old
(Once upon a time, there are three litter pigs, they want to build the house.)
Pig 1: I am Branny.
Pig 2: I am Huaity.
Pig 3: I am Blaiggie.
Pigs : I will build my house.
Pig 1: I use straw, I use straw, I use straw to build my house.
Pig 2: I use wood, I use wood, I use wood to build my house.
Pig 3: I use brick, I use brick, I use brick to build my house.
Pig 1: Ah, my house is soft.
Pig 2: Ah, my house is beautiful.
Pig 3: Ah, my house is perfect.
(Suddenly, a wolf appears in front of them.)
Wolf: Ah, I’m hungry, I eat you.
Pigs : Oh, Help! Help!…
( Three litter pigs run and run. They run into their house.)
(Before long, the wolf is at the door of pig 1)
Wolf : Open the door. Open the door. Let me come in.
Pig 1 : No. No. You’re a big bad wolf.
Wolf : I blow, I blow, I blow your house off. I eat you.
(The wolf blows and blows. Then, he blows the house in.)
Pig 1 : Oh, Help! Help!
(Before long, the wolf comes front of the house of pig 2)
Wolf : Open the door. Open the door. Let me come in.
Pig 2 : No. No. You’re a big bad wolf.
Wolf : I blow, I blow, I blow your house off. I eat you.
(The wolf blows and blows. Then, he blows the house in.)
Pig 2 : Oh, Help! Help!
(The two litter pigs run into the pig 3 house. Then the wolf is coming.)
Wolf : Open the door. Open the door. Let me come in.
Pigs :No. No. You’re a big bad wolf.
Wolf : I blow, I blow, I blow your house off. I eat you.
(The wolf blows and blows. But he can’tblows the house in.)
Wolf : Ah, I have a good idea.
(Then the wolf climbs down the chimneys. But he falls in the pot with hot water. )
Wolf :Woo! Woo! Oh…
Pigs :Yeah! The wolf is dead.
(The three litter pig win the wolf. They’re singing and dancing


If you want to catch the last bus ,you must hurry up
秋风燕燕为您答题 O(∩_∩)O


第一单元 youngfunny tall strong kind oldshort thinwh's=who ismrwhat's=what is likehe's=he isprincipaluniversity studentstrictsmartactive quietshe's=she is verybut


L et's talk (最佳答案)
Amy: When do you get up ?
Zhang: At 6:00. What about you ?
Amy: I usually get up at 6:30. When do you eat breakfast?
Zhang: At 6:20 .
Amy: When do you go to school?
Zhang: At 7:00 . And you?
Amy: At 7:00 , too .


Unit1、Where were you last month?上个月你在哪儿?Look!Here comes a circus!看!这儿来了个马戏团!Where did you come from?你从哪里来?Many places!许多地方!Where did you last week?上个星期你在哪?We were in Beijing.我们在北京.Where were you last month?上个月你在哪?We were in Thailand!我们在泰国!What was the food like in Thailand?泰国的食物怎样?It was tasty.那是美味的.Come on.Let's go to Thailand.来吧,让我们一起去泰国.

