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  • 七年级
  • 2023-08-13

仁爱英语七年级上册教案?(一)教师的英语语言技能亟待提高 近年来,我国的高校扩招速度不断提高,英语专业的 毕业 生越来越多,却并未给英语教学带来一道道曙光。据调查显示,我国英语教师(尤其是新晋英语教师)的整体素质不容乐观。那么,仁爱英语七年级上册教案?一起来了解一下吧。


仁爱版英语七年级上册全套教案[整理],内容很多,这里无法全部复制,你到我们誉颤宽网站去Unit 1Making New FriendsTopic 1Welcome to China!Section A Teaching times :2The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a.Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg.(2)Learn some useful words and expressions:good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, I’m, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too2. Talk about greetings and introductions:(1)—Good morning.—Good morning.(2)—Hi/Hello!—Hi/Hello!(3)—I’m … Are you …?—Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m …(4)—Nice to meet you.—Nice to meet you, too.(5)—Welcome to China!—Thanks./Thank you.Ⅱ. Teaching aids 录音机/字母卡片/小黑板Ⅲ. Teaching Plan Step 1Introduction This lesson is the very beginning, teachers, all students should note the following two points: 1. The importance of learning English. 2. The right way to learn English. Objective: To stimulate students interest in learning English to improve learning efficiency.Step 2Presentation 1.T:Hi! S­洞罩1:Hi! —Hello!—Hi!(非正式)—庆亮Hello!—Hi!T: Please look at the picture and see how they are greeting. Then you can use your name to greet each other.S3: Hi, Zhang Hua!S4: Hi, Chen Jun!S3: Hello, Zhou Jie!S5: Hello, Zhang Hua!(3) T: Good morning! Ss:Good morning! S5:Hi! S6.S6:Hi! S5. S7:Hello! S8. S8:Hello! S7. S9:Good morning! S10.2. T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Step 3Consolidation 1. T: Listen to the tape and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, please. Then practice the dialog with the tape.2. T: Practice a dialog according to 1a and 3a in pairs, then act it out.S1:Good morning!S2:Good morning!S1:I’m … Are you …?S2:Yes, I am.S1:Nice to meet you.S2:­Nice to meet you, too.S1:Welcome to China!S2:Thanks./Thank you.Step 4Practice 1.T: Listen to me and read the letters after me. Learn Aa-Gg by heart. T: Now let’s learn how to write the letters.2. T: Now let’s listen and circle the letters you hear.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg4.T: Copy the letters on the signs beside the letters on the line.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgStep 5Project 1. T: Can you imagine and list some objects which have the same shapes with English letters? For example: The legs of bench are like “A”, ears are like “B”, the moon is like “C” or “D”, etc.T: Group work. A group of seven students act as Aa-Gg, greeting each other.Example:SA: Hello!SB: Hello!SA: Are you Cc?SB: No, I’m not. I’m Bb.SA: Nice to meet you.SB: Nice to meet you, too.板书设计:Welcome to China!Section A1.— Hi! 5.— Are you Maria?— Hi!— No, I’m not. I’m Jane.2.— Hello! 6.— Nice to meet you.— Hello!— Nice to meet you, too.3.— Good morning!7.— Welcome to China.— Good morning! — Thanks./Thank you.4.— I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael?— Yes, I am.

Section BTeaching times:1The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn.(2) Learn some useful words and expressions:this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my, mom, teacher, how, do2. Talk about greetings and introductions:①Miss Wang, this is Michael. Micheal, this is Miss Wang.②—Nice to see you.—Nice to see you, too.③—How do you do?—How do you do?Ⅱ. Teaching aids 字母卡片/录音机/多媒体课件/照片Ⅲ. Teaching Plan Step 1Review 1. T: Hi/Hello/Good morning!Ss: Hi/Hello/Good morning!2. T: Good morning, S1.S1:Good morning.T: I’m Miss Wang. You can call me Miss Wang.3.T: This is 姓名/This is Mr. …/This is Miss …







Teaching Plan

Background information(背景知识):

Students: 52 Middle School students

Lesson duration: 45mins

Teaching contents(教学内容): Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose. Section A

Teaching aims(教学目标):

1. Learn some new words:

(1)Learn words about parts of the head:

nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck

(2)Learn some other new words:

guess, know, wide, right, girl, boy, have, has, small, big, round, short, long,

2. Learn some useful sentences:

(1) I/You/We/They have…

(2) She/He/It has…

(3)---Do you have…

---Yes, I/We do. No, I/We don’t.

(4)--- I know.

--- You’re right.

3. Learn how to describe people’s appearances.

Teaching focus(重点):words about parts of the head and adjectives of description

Teaching difficulties(难点):The usages of have and has

Teaching procedures:(教学步骤)

Step1 Warm-up 第一步 热身


sing a song : Head and shoulders.

Step2 Review 第二步 复习

(1) 通过复习,培养学生根据卡片信息芹岁进行简单交流的能力。




Unit 1 Topic 1



Welcome to …欢迎到…来

Have a nice day! 祝您一天愉快

Excuse me! 对不起,打扰了!

See you later! = See you soon! 等会儿见!

See you tomorrow明天见!

Good—bye! == Bye—bye! = Bye! 再见!

Stand up、 起立

Sit down、 坐下


1、Nice to meet / see you、 = Glad to meet / see you、 很高兴见到你。

2、What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?(常用于或者对小孩子说话)

My name is Maria、 = I am Maria、 我叫Maria。

3、 How do you do? How do you do? 你好! 你好!(初次见面时打招呼使用)

4、 How are you? 你身体好吗?

I’m fine / OK / well、 Thanks、 我很好,谢谢!(可以缩略为:Fine, thank you、)

Not bad, thanks、 不错,谢谢!

5、 This is Mary、 This is Tom、 这是Mary、 这是Tom、 (用于第三者介绍他人时)


一般现在 时be用法:主语是第三人称单数,be用―is‖; 主语不是第三人称单巧键兄数,be用―are‖ (I除外、用―am‖)、


1、Excuse me! 对不起,打扰了!(用在事情发生之前)

Sorry! 对不起(用在事情发生之后)

2、 Good morning 早晨好!





Unit1 Making New Friends

Topic 1 Section D

一 学习目标

1 复习26个字母

2 复习所学问候交际语言

①Hi! Hello!②Good morning. / Good afternoon. ③How are you? / Fine,

thank you. ④How do you do? / How do you do?⑥I’m ...Are you ...? Yes, I am. ⑦See you later. See you. ⑧Good-bye. Bye-bye.

3 了解并记住五个元音字母 ,并根闭庆拆据其读音把26个字母分类。

4 be动词的用法和与主语的缩写形式。

二 学习重点 : 本课重点活动是1,2和4。

三 学习难点 : 26个字母的书写规则、读音和 B e( am, is are ) 动词的


四 学习过程

(一) 复习导入

按顺序和正确的格式书写26个字母 补全下列对话

1. A:Good morning,Mr.Chen

2. A.How are you ? . B: , 3. A: Good afternoon

4. A: Nice to see you . .

5. A: Are you Jane ? B: Yes, .

6 A: Hello, Mr. Lee 7 teacher, B: Mr. Li , this is my mother.

8A: How do you do? B: ?

(二 )自学指导

( 1 )本节课主要是复习以前所学内容,看课文第八页4a部分,语法聚焦,


