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  • 大学
  • 2024-08-15



The students also canaccess to the library in holidays.
Although know the news whilehearing from you, thank you anyway


原题书上有吧 我只给答案
1. As to what actually happened to the headquarters
2. As to where I should go to further my study
3. as to how different they are and why we want to keep them both
4. as to whether or nor I should remain at the college working as a teaching assistant
5. as to whether the old hard ware is to be replaced by new hardware
1. There is no use trying to help those who do not help themselves
2. it is no good trying to solve the issue between the nations by means of war
3. There is no sense refusing to accept it
4. There is no point in having a load of money
5. there is no harm in spending some time thinking about what sort of career you might wish to pursue
1. An interesting question therefore remains as to how far Microsoft can go with Gates as its CEO.
2. There’s/It’s no use complaining since nothing ever changes as the result of a complaint. What’s important is to take measures to prevent similar events from happiness.
3. Learn to accept the fact that some people you thought were friends turn out to be enemies.
4. As you would expect from the book’s title, there are many references to what kind of man Gates is.
5. The prosperity of the company stems from hardworking and thrifty of the entire staff.
6. He said nothing at all on the subject of the play which was put on for the first time Saturday night.
1. 至于那天晚上他是怎么死的,事实上我无法解释,而且也许不会有任何可能的解释了。
5. 与评价父亲不同,人们评价母亲依据的是其为母之道的成功或失败。对于母亲来说,一切都取决于孩子最终成为什么样的人。



新视野大学英语(第2版)第4册Unit 1答案
1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute
6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship
1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pa:
6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected
1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.0 7.1 8. L 9. A 10. D
1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever
6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony
Word building
1. justify 2. glorify 3. exemplifies 4. classified
5. purified 6. intensify 7. identify 8. terrified
1. bravery 2. jewelry 3. delivery 4. machinery
5. robbery 6. nursery 7. scenery 8. discovery
sentence Structure
1. other than for funerals and weddings
2. other than to live an independent life
3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `
4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .
5. other than that it's somewhere in the town center
1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night
2. would have; told him the answer
3. they needn't have gone at all
4. must have had too much work to do
5. might have been injured seriously
1 .B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5. B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9. C 10.A
II.D 12.C 13. D 14.A 15. C 16.D 17.B 18.C I9. A 20.D


Unit One
1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute
6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship
1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for
6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected 10. at best
1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D
1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever
6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony
Word building
1. justify 2. glorify 3. exemplifies 4. classified
5. purified 6. intensify 7. identify 8. terrified
1. bravery 2. jewelry 3. delivery 4. machinery
5. robbery 6. nursery 7. scenery 8. discovery
Sentence Structure
1. other than for funerals and weddings
2. other than to live an independent life
3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `
4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .
5. other than that it's somewhere in the town center


第二版《新视野大学英语》读写教程,第三册,第四单元Five Famous Symbols Of American Culture
Section A 课后练习第五题翻译如下:
对于大多数人来说,美丽和流行是密不可分的。说道流行,芭比娃娃总是走在时代前端。从第一个芭比娃娃面世,Mattel公司就一直相当注意产品的着装细节。自1959年来, 很多有心人就已经发现芭比娃娃一直追踪着潮流的步伐。但也有批评者认为,芭比娃娃的身形并不能真实反映女性的平均身材e799bee5baa6e78988e69d8331333330363132,他们也抱怨了娃娃的大小。更有人指责,娃娃的身材完全是女性所期待却又无法企及的。
Charlotte Johnson,第一位芭比娃娃的服装设计师,解释说,芭比娃娃的身材并不是为了反映现实女性的身材,而是为了让服饰在夸张的身材下显得更加突出。但是, 不现实的三维身材却饱受诟弊尽管她拥有迷人的外表和令人艳羡的身材。
因为相信芭比娃娃会对孩子的成长有负面的影响,“高度自尊娃娃”(可能是某个机构或者公司的名字)的 Cathy Meredig在1991年优化出一个更加真实的,符合比例的娃娃。可是,她设计的这款娃娃的销量并不好。
经过这么些年, 虽然芭比娃娃也有了不少竞争对手,对手没有一个能比芭比更有魅力的。

