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  • 七年级
  • 2024-07-10


Starter Unit 1:

good (好的)

morning (早晨,上午)

Good morning (早上好)

hi (用于打招呼,嗨,喂)

hello (你好,喂)

afternoon (下午)

Good afternoon (下午好)

evening (晚上,傍晚)

Good evening (晚上好)

how (怎样,如何)

are (是)

you (你,你们)

How are you? (你好吗?)

I (我)

am (是)

fine (健康的,美好的)

Thank you. (感谢,谢谢)

OK (好,可以)

Unit 1: My Name is Gina.

what (什么)

is (是)

this (这,这个)

in (在…里面)

English (英语)

map (地图)

cup (杯子)

ruler (尺,直尺)

pen (笔,钢笔)

orange (橙子)

jacket (夹克衫,短上衣)

key (钥匙)

quilt (被子,床罩)

it (它)

a (用于单数可数名词前,一(人、事、物))

that (那,那个)

spell (用字母拼,拼写)

please (请)


color (颜色)

red (红色的)

yellow (黄色的)

green (绿色的)

blue (蓝色的)

black (黑色的)

white (白色的)

purple (紫色的)

brown (棕色的,褐色的)

Things Around Us:

this (这,这个)

is (是)

my (我的)

name (名字,名称)

nice (令人愉快的,宜人的)

to (向,到)

meet (遇见,相逢)

you (你,你们)

too (也,又,太)

your (你的,你们的)

Ms. (用于女子的姓名前,不指明婚否,女士)

his (他的)

and (和,又,而)

her (她的)

yes (是的,可以)

she (她)

he (他)

no (不,没有,不是)

not (不,没有)

zero (零)

one (一)

two (二)

three (三)

four (四)

five (五)

six (六)

seven (七)

eight (八)

nine (九)

phone (电话,电话机)

number (号码,数字)

phone number (电话号码)

first (第一)

name (名字,名称)

last (最后的,末尾的)

last name (姓)

friend (朋友)

China (中国)

middle (中间的,中间)

school (学校)

middle school (中学,初中)

Family Members:

sister (姐,妹)

mother (母亲,妈妈)

father (父亲,爸爸)

parent (父(母)亲)

brother (兄,弟)

grandmother ((外)祖母,奶奶)

grandfather ((外)祖父,爷爷,外公)

grandparent (祖父(母),外祖父(母))

home (家,家庭)

those (那些)

who (谁,什么人)

oh (哦,啊)

these (这些)

they (他(她、它)们)

well (嗯,好吧)

have (有)

a photo of... (一张…的照片)

here you are. (给你。)

son (儿子)

cousin (堂兄(弟、姐、妹),表兄(弟、姐、妹))

uncle (舅舅,叔父,伯父,姑父,舅父)

mom (妈妈)

aunt (姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母)

grandma ((外)祖母,奶奶,外婆)

dad (爸爸)

uncle (舅父,叔父,伯父,姑父,舅父)

daughter (女儿)

this is... (这是…)

picture (照片,图画)

of (属于(人或物),关于(人或物))

the next (下一个的,接下来的)

family (家庭)

girl (女孩)

dog (狗)

School Things:

pencil (铅笔)

book (书)

eraser (橡皮)

box (箱,盒)

pencil box (铅笔盒,文具盒)

backpack (书包)

dictionary (词典,字典)

his (他的)

my (我的)

her (她的)

excuse (原谅,宽恕)

me ((I的宾格)我)

pardon (劳驾,请原谅)

thank (感谢,谢谢)

teacher (老师,教师)

about (关于)

how about...? (...怎么样?)

your (你的,你们的)

for (为了,给,对)

thanks for... (为...而感谢)

help (帮助,援助)

welcome (受欢迎的)

You're welcome. (别客气。)

