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  • 七年级
  • 2024-05-16

七年级下册英语课?课堂能否进行高效率授课,学生与老师之间能否做到默契配合,教师能否让一节课的内容合理分布在课堂的每一个细节,这些都有赖于七年级英语教师的教案设计是否符合学生的整体情况。以下是我为大家整理的新人教版七年级下册英语的教案,希望你们喜欢。 一 Unit 1 Section A 1a-2d 一、那么,七年级下册英语课?一起来了解一下吧。




Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.

Section A (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:

noodles, mutton, beef, cabbage, potato, special, would, would like, order, bowl, size, tofu


① —What would you like?

② —I'm not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? ③ May I take your order?

④ —Can we have two bowls of beef soup then?

—Sure. What size would you like?

—Medium, please.

2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词would的用法;


2. 情感态度价值观目标:





Unit 7

What does he look like?



本单元是Go for it七年级下册中第七单元“What does he look like?”。本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look), 教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此 „talking about sb‟s look‟ 是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型。 2、教材的地位及作用





2.词汇:名词: hair, height,build,captain,team, bit, joke, beard,glasses,look, singer etc. 形容词:short, tall, medium, thin, heavy, blonde, brown, curly, straight, wise,

popular, huge, teeny etc.

动词:wear, stop, remember, say etc.

3.短语: straight hair, a medium build, look like, good-looking,a little bit etc.

4.句型:What does he/she look like? He/She is tall. He/She has curly hair. What do you/they look like? I‟m thin. /They‟re medium height.

Do you know David? No/Yes.







The Third Period

课题准备: 教师:为学生准备表格及与天气有关的图片。



Step 1. New Words.

1. Learn the new words.

T: Look at the picture.

(Show students the picture of a sunny day.)

T: How is the weather?

S1: It‘s sunny.

T: Yes. It‘s sunny. It‘s hot. Read after me, ― hot‖, H-O-T, hot.

Ss: H-O-T, hot.

( Show students another picture.)

T: How‘s the weather?

S2: It‘s snowy.

T: Yes. It‘s snowy. It‘s cold. Read after me, ―cold‖, C-O-L-D, cold. Ss: C-O-L-D, cold.

( Teach students the other words ― cool, warm, humid‖ in the same way.) T: Read after me one by one, ― hot, cold, warm, humid‖.

Ss: ― hot, cold, cool, warm, humid‖.

2. Practice the new words.

T: Please open your books and do 1a as quickly as you can.

( The students do 1a and the teacher checks the answers.)

T: How is the weather in Picture a?

S1: It‘s cold.

T: How is the weather in Picture c?

S2: It‘s humid.

( Ask two more students to practice.)

T: Let‘s work in pairs, ask and answer like this.

Step 2. Listening practice

T: Maria and Sam are friends. They are calling each other. Let‘s listen to the tape and

fill in the first column in 2a. Write the answers Maria and Sam give to the question ― How is it going?‖

( Play the recording for students, and then check the answers.)

T: Now listen again and find out what they are doing and how the weather is.

( Play the recording again and ask students to fill in the last two columns.)

T: How‘s it going with Maria?

S1: …

T: What‘s she doing?

S1: She is …

T: How‘s the weather?

S1: It‘s …

( Ask two more students to practice.)

T: Let‘s work in pairs. Ask an answer according to the chart like this.

( Ask students to practice and then do it one by one.)

Step3. New drills.

1. Present the new drills ― What kind of weather do you like?‖ Why do you

like …?

T: Look at the chart again. Does Sam like cold and rainy days?

S1: No.

T: So do I. But I like sunny and warm days, because the weather is warm and I can go swimming with my friends. What kind of weather do you like?

S1: I like windy days.

T: Why do you like windy days?

S1: Because it‘s cool and I can fly kites.

( Ask two more students to practice and then write down the drills ― What kind of 56

weather do you like?‖ and ― why do you like …?‖ on the blackboard.)

2. Practice the drills.

T: Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions and then fill in the Chart A


A: What kind of weather do you like?

B: I like rainy days.

A: Why do you like rainy days?

B: Because it‘s cold and I like to walk in rainy days.

( The students ask and answer like this. While asking, they fill in the chart. Then

practice one by one.)

3. Present the new drill ― What kind of weather does he/she like?‖

T: Who can you tell me what kind of weather your partner likes and why?

S3: I can. Jack likes sunny days, because the weather is hot and he can eat a lot of ice


( Ask three or four students to report to the class.)

T: Grace, what kind of weather does your partner, Tom, like?

S4: He likes snowy days.

T: Why does he like snowy days?

S4: Because the weather is cold, he can see snow and make snowmen.

( Ask two more students to practice.)

T: Now change your partner and work in pairs using the drills ― What kind of weather

does he/she like? Why does he/she like…?‖, and then fill in the Chart B.

( Each students has a different Chart A in their hands and they ask each other about

the student in Chart A, then fill in Chart B.)Model:

A: What kind of weather does Tom like?

B: He likes snowy days.

A: Why does he like snowy days?

B: Because it‘s cold, he can …

( Ask students to work in pairs like this and fill in their chart.)

T: Who can report to us?

S: I can. Tom likes … Because he …

Step 4. Task.

T: Please take out your homework. Work in groups of four to make a survey. Find

out what kind of weather most of your partners‘ father and mother like and the

1. The leader makes a survey and fills in the chart.

2. The leader has the report like this, ― Bob‘s mother likes … because she can …

3. Find out what kind of weather is the most favorite.

Step 5. Homework: 58









Unit 1 Section A 1a-2d


1. 语言知识目标:

1 能掌握以下单词:

guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club


① —Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

② —What can you do? —I can dance.

③ —What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.

2 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法

want to do sth.的用法

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;2

2. 教学难点:








1、根据学生的特点以及英语学习的规律,采用有效的教学手段和教学 方法 。创设生动活泼的语境,让学生运用所学语言开展活动。




