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  • 五年级
  • 2023-05-04
  • 人教版五年级下册英语全优AB卷期中测试卷B卷(能力提高卷)答案
  • 人教版小学五年级下学期英语期中测试题
  • 五年级下册英语期中测试卷
  • 五年级下册英语试卷
  • 五年级下册英语期中考试的答案

  • 人教版五年级下册英语全优AB卷期中测试卷B卷(能力提高卷)答案



    【答案】: Ⅰ、4 5 1 3 2

    Ⅱ、Amy——fall——watch the leaves fall


    Sarah——spring——fly kites

    John——spring—纯枣—plant trees

    Tom——winter——make a snowman

    Ⅲ、1、A 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、C

    6、C 7、B 8、A 9、C 10、B

    Ⅳ、1、What Saturday evening visit grandparents

    2、summer Because lake

    3、birth—— day July







    7、make snowman

    8、Which best

    Ⅵ、1、√ 2、× 3、× 4、√ 5、×

    6、√ 7、√ 8、亏裤告× 9、√ 10、×

    Ⅶ、1、B 2、C 3、销明C 4、B 5、C

    Ⅷ、1、4 3 5 2 1

    Ⅸ、1、I usually go to bed at 9: 30.

    2、It is always windy and cool in tal1.

    3、Is your birthday in December? No, it isn' t.

    4、What' s your favourite season?

    5、What can you do in winter?

    Ⅹ、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、C




    一.听音,选出所听到的内容,把序号写在括号内 (10 分)

    ( )团扒塌1.A.candle B.catch C.match D. watch

    ()2.A.leaveB.leaves C.leaf D.knife

    ()3.A.talk B.walkC.takeD.wake

    ()4.A.down B.underC.LondonD.town

    ()5.A.and B.ant C.at D.hand


    ( )7.A.taking pictures B.drawing pandas

    C.drawing picturesD.drinking water

    ()8. A.swingB. swimC.sleep D.which

    () 9. A.jumping B.fighting C. climbingD.walking

    ()10.A. October B. NovemberC. December D.September

    二.听音,补全对话,( 10 分)

    1.What are you ______,Chen Jie ?

    I'm _____ dinner.

    2.Do you like _____?

    No,______ is my favourite season.

    Because I can _____ kites.

    3. When is yourbirthday ?

    My birthday is______ _________.

    4.Look at the pandas.

    Are they ______? No, they are ______.

    5.It’s time to _____. Where is John ?


    ( )Because I can plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

    ( ) Spring .

    ( ) What’s your favourite season ,Sarah ?

    ( ) Why do you like winter ?

    ( ) Winter .

    ( ) Because I can skate .

    ( ) Why do you like spring ?


    ( )1. Whatarethey doing ?______

    A They’re jumpingB They’reclimbing

    ( )2 . Whendoyoupaly sports?______

    AAt 4:15 BAt 4:35

    ( )3. Whatareyou doing?_________

    AI’m doingthe dishesB I’m takingingpictures



    例:springsummer fall

    monkey ________ _________Oct._________ _________

    swing _______ _________ uncle __________ __________

    3rd __________ __________


    ( )1.A . spring B . seasonC. summer D. fall

    ( )2.A.whatB.when C. week D. where

    ( )3.A.hotB. cold C. weather D. warm

    ( )4.A. eatB. teacher C. music D. English

    ( )5.A. elephantB. monkeyC. elevenD. tiger


    1.cook_____2.watch________3.collect__________4.read ______5.write_______ .eat________7.run_________8.swim___________9.take________10.play_______

    四.选择填空.(10分) 新课标第一网

    ()1._____is Sarah?She is in the car.

    A .WhatB. Where C .That

    ()2. The elephants often ________ water with ________ trunks .

    A drinking … it's B drinking … their C drink … their

    () 3.They are _______the insects carefully .

    A. watch B. watching C. watches

    () 4.A rabbit is ______on the grass(草地)。

    A. runningB .runC. runing

    () 5.Can I speak _____Chen Jie ,please ?

    A.to B. with C. at

    () 6.It is August the _______ today.

    A. twentyB. twentythC. twentieth

    () 7.Why do you like summer best ? ______ I can swim in the lake.

    A. Because B. So C. And

    ( ) 8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the woods.

    A. tomatosbutterfliesB. tomatoesbutterflies C. tomatoesbutterflys

    () 9. I have some beans._________ you?

    A. What about B. How are C. Why do

    () 10. Thank you _____telling me about your day .

    A. atB. to C. for


    1. go to bed When you do


    2 .season do you which like best


    3. your mother’s When birthday is


    4. answering the phone Amy is


    5. cooking ,Mum ,is, dinner, kitchen ,in, the



    ( )1.Why do you like winter? A.October 18th.

    ()2. What’s the date ? B.Because I can skate.

    ()3.Can I speak to your mom,please?C.I like apples.

    ()4.What’s the elephant doing? D.It’s walking.

    ()5.Whichfruit do you like?E.Sure.Hold on,please.

    七.根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,将A.B.C.D .E序号填到横线上。 (5分)

    A.I’m watchingTV..B. What is your cat doing?

    C. He’s reading a newspaper.D. Can I ask you some questions?

    E. What is your mother doing?

    Jack:Hello. This is Jack. ___________

    Child: Sure.

    Jack:What are you doing?

    Child: ___________.


    Child: She’s cooking dinner.

    Jack: What is your father doing?

    Child: ___________

    Jack: ___________

    Child: It’s watching the fish in the fishbowl.

    Jack: Thank you.

    Child: You're welcome. Bye.


    TodayIhavemanythings (事情) todo. It’s Sunday andit’s a nice day. I get up at five o’clock and then I do morning exercises. I like spring, because in spring I can hear(听) the birds singingand the flowers are beautiful. In the afternoon I go to the park with my friends and have a picnic there. It’sa pretty day!


    1. It is a rainy day. ( )

    2. I get up at 7 o’clock. ( )

    3.Spring is my favourite season. ()

    4. I see many animals in the afternoon. ()

    5. I have a picnic with my friends. ( )


    My sister likes spring best .Because she can plant trees .The weather is windy and warm .But I don’t like it .I like winter .I can make a snowman .Now , It’s fall .My mother’s favourite season is fall .

    ( ) 1.Does my sister like summmer ?

    A .No ,she doesn’t like .B. Yes, she does like summer .

    () 2.What’s my mother’s favourite season ?

    A.Spring B. Winter C. Fall

    ( ) 3.Which season do I like best ?

    A. It’s springB. It’s winter C. It’s fall

    ( )4. Why does mysister like spring ?

    A.She can plant trees .

    B. She can make a snowman.

    C. She can climb mountains .

    ( )5. What season is it now ?

    A. It’s fall.B. It’s summer . C. It’s spring .



    1. watch 2. leaves3. walk 4. London 5. ant 6. classes 7. drawing pictures 8. sleep 9. jumping 10. November


    1.What are you doing ,Chen Jie ?

    I'm eating dinner.

    2.Do you like winter ?

    No, spring is my favourite season.

    Because I can fly kites.

    3. When is yourbirthday?

    My birthday isin January .

    4.Look at the pandas.

    Are they swimming ? No, they are climbing

    5.It’s time to go . Where is John ?

    三.听音排序, 每小题读两遍。

    A :What’s your favourite season , Sarah ?

    B :Spring .

    A :Why do you like spring ?

    B : Because Ican plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

    A : Winter .

    B : Why do you like winter ?

    A : Because I can skate .

    四、根据录音中的对话内容,从A或B中选择正确答案, 每小题读两遍。

    1. Whatarethey doing ? They’re jumping.

    2 . Whendoyoupaly sports? At 4:35.

    3. Whatareyou doing? I’m takingingpictures


    Ⅰ. 1. watch 2. eraser 3. sharpener 4. baseball 5. computer 6. this 7. spell 8. English 9. keys 10. case Ⅱ租旁. 1. B 题意:“这是你的铅笔吗?”“是的,它是。”答语中的it指代this,并用陈述形式it is,在简短答语中,it is不能缩写,所以A项不正确,C项顺序颠倒,D项是否定回答,故选B。 2. A 题意:“这是一本字典吗?”“是的,它是一本英语字典。”不定冠词a和an都表示“一个,一本„„”的含义,an用于以元音音素开头的单词,English是以元音音素开头的单词,所以第二个空用an,故选A。 3. D 题意:“请问,这是你的笔记本吗?”“是的,它是。”根据上下语境可知应是打搅别人,询问情况。sorry是道歉时表示对不起,thanks是表示感谢,在短语excuse me中应用宾格me而不是my,故选D。 4. C 题意:“这用英语怎么说?”“是一张卡片。” 表示用某种语言用介词in,故选弊森橡C。 5. C 题意:“你怎么拼写key这个单词?”“K-E-Y.”A项和D项的回答都涉及到事物,B项是颜色,C项是单词拼写,符合题意,故选C。 6. B 题意:“那是你的棒球吗?”“不,它不是。那是她的棒球。”根据答语可知此处应作否定回答,故排除A项;C项和D项是互相矛盾,故选B。 7. C 题意:请按照495-3539这个号码给艾伦打电话。表示给某人打电话用at后接电话号码,at在此意为“按照”,是固定用法,故选C。 8. A 题意:“那是什么?”“是一块手表。”此处it指代that,所以D项不正确;B项和C项分别是疑问形式和否定答语,与问句不一致,故选A。 9. D 题意:“这是你的背包吗?”“不,是他的背包。”本句缺少的成分是形容词性物主代词,my “我的”与题意不符,him和 he分别为代词宾格和主格,正确答案是his,意为“他的”。 10. A 题意:“这是一台电脑吗?”“不,它不是。它是一台电视。”根据答语No来判断,问句应是Is一般疑问句,所以形式是Is it,否定部分是isn‟t,补充句子是陈述形式应是It‟s或It is,故选A。 11. A 题意:“你的背包很漂亮。”“谢谢。”对别人的夸奖或赞美要表示感谢,回答thanks或thank you,而不是谦逊地不接受,故D不正确。Sorry是“对不起”,表示道歉。You‟re welcome.是“不用谢”的意思,故选A。 12. C 题意:“看,那是什么?”“是一支钢笔。”A、B、D三项都是以元音音素开头的单词,前面应用an,只有pen之前可以用a,故选C。 13. B 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗春凳?”“是的,它是我的钥匙。”根据答语可知上句是询问key的,故选B。 14. D 题意:“打扰一下,你是陈老师吗?”“是的,我叫陈琳。”you对应的be动词形式是are,答语的主语my name是第三人称单数,be动词应用is的形式,故选D。 15. C 题意:你的钥匙在铅笔盒里吗?根据题意可知此处的pencil case是特指的,应填定冠词the或是表示归属的形容词性物主代词,A项是人称代词,不符合题意,故选C。 Ⅲ. 1. your 2. What‟s 3. that 4. isn‟t 5. an Ⅳ. 1. Is this a pencil case? 2. No, it isn‟t. 3. It is not my backpack. 4. What‟s this in English? 5. Is that a ring? Ⅴ. 1. Is this your pencil case? 2. How do you spell “pencil”? 3. What‟s this in English? 4. Call Mike at 365-4639. 5. That is my baseball.

    Ⅵ. 1. B 通过上下句的意思来判断是询问姓氏,应选B。 2. B 询问电话号码用What‟s, 即what is的缩写。 3. C电话号码为单数,答语应是It‟s。 4. C 根据上下句的意思是问“你能回答我的问题吗?”,回答应该是answer。 5. A 从下文来看,对方可以回答问题,所以答案是肯定的。 6. A 紧接上文内容,意思是:什么问题?原句中已经有is,所以不选B。 7. A 介词in表示“用某种语言”。 8. B It指代上文的this。 9. B 本句需加助动词do,因为谓语动词是形为动词spell。 10. A 根据答语“不用谢”判断上文应是表示感谢。 Ⅶ. A)1. F由第一个方框Found招领启事可知,手表是John发现的而不是他丢的。 2. T由第二个方框Lost寻物启事可知,ID card 是 Steve的。 3. T由第三个方框可推知,Francisco丢失了computer game。 4. F由第一个方框Found招领启事可知,John的号码是495-3539,而不是495-3536。 5. T由第二个方框可得到答案。 B)6. A 由第二、三句It‟s a pencil case. It‟s orange.可知选A。 7. B 由第六、七句Look, this is a pen. It‟s black.可知应选B。 8. C 由This is a pencil. It‟s red. And this is a pencil, too.可归纳为“两支铅笔”,故选C。 9. D 由倒数第三、四句This is an eraser. It‟s blue and white.可知应选D。 10. D 由最后一句My pencil case is big and nice.可知应选D。 Ⅷ. 1. G 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. J 7. I 8. H 9. E 10. F

    Ⅸ. One possible version: Lost My new keys. My name is Lucy. Please call me at 928-673





