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  • 七年级
  • 2024-08-21

七年级下册短语? ..那么,七年级下册短语?一起来了解一下吧。


Unit 3How do you get to school?
train[treɪn] n. 火车
bus[bʌs] n. 公共汽车;公交车
subway['sʌbweɪ]n. 地铁
take the subway乘地铁
ride[raɪd]v. 骑 n. 旅程
bike[baɪ k]n.自行车
ride a bike骑自行车
sixty['sɪkstɪ] num. 六十
seventy['sevntɪ]num. 七十
eighty['eɪtɪ]num. 八十
ninety ['naɪntɪ]num. 九十
hundred['hʌndrəd]num. 一百
minute ['mɪnɪt]n. 分钟
far[fɑː]adv. & adj.远;远的
kilometer['kɪlə,mitə(r)]n. 公里
every day每天
by bike骑自行车
car[kɑː]n. 小汽车;轿车
live [lɪv]v.居住;生活
think of 认为
cross [krɒs]v. 横过;越过
river ['rɪvə]n. 河;江
many['menɪ] adj. & pron. 许多
village ['vɪlɪdʒ]n. 村庄;村镇
between[bɪ'twiːn] prep. 介于…之间
between… and… 在……和……之间
bridge [brɪdʒ]n. 桥
boat [bəʊt]n. 小船
ropeway['rəʊpweɪ] n. 索道
year[jɪə][ jɜː]n. 年;岁
afraid[ə'freɪd] adj. 害怕;惧怕
like[laɪk] prep. 像;
leave [liːv]v. 离开
dream [driːm]n. 梦想;睡梦 v. 做梦
true[truː]adj. 真的;符合事实的
come true 实现;成为现实
Dave [deiv]戴夫(男名)


短语Unit91do my homework2play soccer 3clean my room 4 go to the beach 5play tennis 6go to the movies 7 last weekend 8 on Saturday morning 9 stay at home 10 have a party 11do some reading 12practice English 13study for the test 14 go to the library15study geography16 cook dinner for me17an interesting talk shou 18watch sb. do sth.18 play computergamesUnit819make a menu19green tea 20king of21 order form
句子U8Can I help you?=What can I do for you? What kind of noodles would you like ?
I like ……. What size bowl of noodles would you like?I`d like……. Any thing else? What is your address?
U9How was your weekend? What did you do last weekend? He dosen’t want to do anything = He wants to do nothing. He has no dog and no family .=He has no dog or family.
It was time to go home. Like what?
我打了好久呢,手都麻了。都很简单,是不是汉语就免了 呵呵


我是一个叫玫瑰的女孩子,前几年爱上了一个叫高的男孩,我不知道他是否爱我,但是我很爱他,我不敢向他表达爱意,他的姐姐是一个很阴险毒辣的女孩,她也爱高,当她知道我爱高,高也爱我时,她很气愤,她把我的高杀了,我最后因为情绪失控而自杀了,到天上陪伴我的高,这个女孩子叫宁。这是一个恶毒的咒语,请你在收到的一个小时中转发五个论坛,否则你将会失去最爱的人,最后全家因为你而死,如果你发的话,你在十天之内你爱的人也会爱你。我也是迫不得已,因为我不想失去最爱的人,对不起 赞同
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我还是打上来吧: 七年级下 unit 1~6 study for a test 为考试而学 visit the uncle 拜访叔叔 think of 想起 what kind of 何种 on it 在它上面 sound nice 听起来美妙 different kinds of不同种类 take about 谈论 on vacation 度假 outside class 课外 七年级下 unit 7 fantastic sale 优连大甩卖 at good price 以好价格 come down 快来 how much 多少 here you are 给你 you are welcome 不客气 have a look at 看一看 七年级下 unit 8 talk like模仿 so serious很严肃 often draw funny pictures 经常画可笑的故事 on the blackboard 在黑板上 very smart非常聪明 tell mteresting stories讲有趣的故事 relly friendly真的很友好 curly hair卷发 七年级下unit 9 watch tv看电视 play basketball打篮球 not bad不坏 pretty good相当好 round the word环游 take photos 照相 riding camels 骑骆驼 a kind of 一些 in restaurants在饭店 on vacation 在度假 a very in teresting place 一个非常有趣的地方 five thousand years of history 五千年的历史 have a great/great time 玩的愉快 pencil case铅笔盒 pencil sharpener铅笔刀 thank you谢谢 in english用英语 computer game电脑游戏 last and found失物招领 a set of一套 id card 身份证 七年级unit 12 be late for 迟到 after school 放学 on school night 在上课日的晚上 be in bed 上床睡觉 make dinner 做饭 too many 太多 learn the piano 学钢琴 no talking 不要交谈 have to 不得不 no listening to music不要听音乐 in class 在上课 do homework 写作业 sports shoes 运动鞋 in the hall ways 在走廊


1 .be from = come from来自于----
2. live in 居住在---
3. on weekends 在周末
4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人
5 .in the world 在世界上in China在中国
6.pen pal笔友 14 years old14岁 favorite subject 最喜欢的科目
7.the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽约
8.speak English 讲英语like and dislike 爱憎
9.go to the movies 去看电影 play sports 做运动

以上就是七年级下册短语的全部内容, ..。
