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  • 四年级
  • 2024-01-02

闽教版四年级下册英语?译林出版社四年级下册《英语 三年级起点》教材分为10个单元,八个新授单元和两个Project,即复习单元。教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发。本册教材主要分以下几个板块:Story time是单元核心板块。那么,闽教版四年级下册英语?一起来了解一下吧。


在掌握教材所学知识的基础上进一步转化后进生,所以在教学中要特别注意改进教学 方法 ,提高课堂效率,争取使每个学生在原有的基础上都有所进步。这里给大家分享一些关于闽教版小学英语四年级下册教学计划5篇,供大家参考。


一、 学生情况分析



【 #小学英语#导语】词汇量是制约外语学习效率的最重要因素。词汇是构成语言的最基本材料,是英语的根基,始终贯穿于英语学习的整个过程,是其他方面学习的根本性前提,即单词高于一切!强化单词学习的重要紧迫性不言而喻!以下是整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。




























完全、缩略形式: I’m=I am he’s=he is she’s=she is they’re=they are you’re=you are there’s=there is they’re=they are can’t=can not don’t=do not doesn’t=does not isn’t=is not aren’t=are not let’s=let us won’t=will not I’ll=I will wasn’t=was not

总结:通常情况下,'m即am,'s即is(但 let’s=let us), 're即are ,n't即not (但can’t=can not)

与字母相关的题型 ( 注:五个元音字母是 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu )


Hh Rr Xx Gg Mm Uu Zz Ff Qq Ii










能够四会掌握单词:skirt, shirt, jacket, dress和T-shirt。

能够正确书写句子:What colour is it? It's white.











1.Let’s chant. (Unit 3 B Let’s chant)

2.复习A Read and write部分学过的五个颜色单词。

T:Today we’ll have five colour groups. 教师将全班学生分成五个不同的颜色组,同时复习颜色单词的拼写:Red Group, Yellow Group, Green Group, Blue Group, White Group。

T:We’ll have a race. If you get a right answer, your group can get one sticker. Let’s see which group gets the most stickers.

T:Today is Zip’s birthday. She will have a big birthday party. Would you like to go to the party?

Ss: Yes.

T:Me too. But what can we wear? I have some pretty clothes. Guess what they are. 在游戏过程中渗透句型:This dress is pretty.





1.触摸touch 2.机器machine 3.鸭子duck 4.草地grass 5.便宜的cheap 6.电脑computer7.漂亮的beautiful 8.从前once upon a time 9.照看 look after 10.绵羊sheep 11.激光唱盘CD12.母亲节Mother's Day 13.聚会 party 14.见面 meet 15.画draw 16.图画 picture 17.画图画 draw a picture18.太阳sun 19.月亮moon 20.香蕉 banana 21.根本at all 22.东方east23.西方west 24.北方north 25.南方south26.纽约New York 27.澳大利亚2Australia 28.地图 map 29.为什么why


1. please, the, don't, machines, touch( )

2. the, feed, don't, ducks ( )

3. is, this, beautiful, computer( )

4. yuan, hundred, tousand, one, eight, it, costs ( )

5. wolf, wolf, shouted, he ( )

6. into, she, went, shop,a( )

7. the, dad, erhu, played ( )

8. very, I , nervous, was ( )

9. having, we, a, are, party ( )

10.is, flowers, he, painting ( )

11.will, the, draw, I , pictures ( )

12.party, class, have, a ,let's , Saturday, this ( )

13.is, hot, it, very ( )

14.and, round, is , it, big ( )

15.is, east, the, New York, in, ( )

16.of, is, America, the , capital, Washington, D.C ( )

17.do, you, like, why ,Australia ( )

18.live, in , Australia, Kangaroos( )

19.send, poscard, will , you, I , a ( )

20.to, go, going, London, I'm , to ( )

三、过去式(通常情况下在语子中看到yesterday, last…, once upon a time, then, before要用过去式)

原形 过去式 汉语意思

1.go-------- went 去

2.buy-------bought 买

3see saw 看见

4break-----broke 打破

5run------ran 跑

6come------came 来

7eat---------ate 吃

8say--------said 说

9do----------did 做

10am,is-------was 是

11look--------looked 看

12play--------played 玩

13laugh laughed 笑

14clap clapped 鼓掌

15shout---------------shouted 呼喊


1.This machine puts the crisps in their bags.

2.You can all have a bag of crisps.

3.Don't walk on the grass!

4.Don't write in the books.

5.Look at all these computers!

6.It's difficult to choose!

7.This computer is good for computer games.

8.I can take it to school on my bike.

9.Once upon a time, there was a boy.

10.He looked after the sheep.

11.The boy ran to the village.

12.She went into a shop.

13.Tilly broke the door and ran away.

14.My mun and dad played in the concert.

15.It looks like a violin.

16.Do you want to listen to Chinese music?

17.I played in the conert last year.

18I was very nervous before the concert.

19.At the end everyine clapped.

20.It's a surprise psrty for MS Smart.

21.Daming is painting a picture for his mother.

22.He's writing a message for his mother.

23.on Mother's Day

24.It can be about our school.

25.I'm good at Art.

26.There is a park next to our school.

27.We will be there at ten o'clock.

28.This planet is near to the sun,

29.This planet is far from the sun.

30.Some nights, it looks like a banana

Some nights, there's no moon at all.

31.New York is in the east.

32.Los Angeles is in the west of America.

33.He lives in the east of America.

34.Does he live in New York?

35.I want to go to America one day.

36.The capital of America is Washington, D.C.

37.People in America speak English.

38.Canada is to the north of America.

39.Mexico is to the south.

40.Beijing is to the north of Zhengzhou.

41.Look. here is a map of Australia.

42.Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australia animals.

43.Kangaroos live in Australia?

44.They jump on their back legs.

45.The nother kangaroo have a special bag for her baby.

46.You can also see kangaroos in zoos in China.

47.Fish live in the river and birds live in the tree.

48.I'll send you a postcard from China.

49.I like bananas, what about you?

50.I'm going to go to London.

51.I am having a great time in England.

52.I'm going to eat in an English restaurtnt.


1.This machine ____ the potatoes. ( wash, washes)

2.Don't ___ the machines, please. ( touch, touches)

3.You can all h____ this crisps. ( have, has, had)

4.Do you want a bag ___ ctisps? ( in , on, of)

5.This machine puts the crisps ___ their bags. ( in ,of, on)

6.What ___ this machine do? ( does, do)

7.I _____ basketball at school yesterday. ( play, played, playing)

8.Yesterday the boy _____ watch TV. ( doesn't, didn't, don't)

9.Mum, I ____ want a big screen. ( don't, doesn't, didn't)

10.Tom didn't ___ to school/ ( came, come, coming)

11.Once upon a time, there ___ a boy. ( is, am, are, was)

12.It ____ like a violin. ( look, looks)

13.I played ___ football and I played __ pipa . ( the, the; /, the)

14.What's ____ erhu? (a, an)

15.What did she _____?(play, played )

She_____ Chinese music in the concert. (play, played )

16.I______ in a concert last year. (play, played )

17.Theere was a boy. He ____ after sheep. ( look. Lloks, looked)

18.What;s ____ now? ( happen, happening, happened)

19.Let's make ___ English newspaper. ( a, an, /)

20.I'm good ___ Art. (at, for)

This computer is good ____ computer games. ( at, for)

21.What will you do, Sam?____ ____ cut the paper. ( I will, He will)

22.What will Sam so? ___ ____ cut the paper. ( I will, He will)

23.He will ____ the pictures. ( draw, draws, drawing)

24.Let's ___ a class party this Saturday!( has, had, have)

25.We can ___ our kites. ( fly, flew)

26.We weill ___ there at ten o'clock. ( be, is, are)

27.This planet is far from the sun.It's very ____.( hot, cold)

28.It's winter now. David is _____. ( hot, cold)

29.Will you go to the zoo? No, I _____. ( didn't, can't, won't )

30.____ you buy some cheese? No, I didn't. ( Did, Do, Does)


(M1): 1. wear these glasses 戴眼镜 2. put …in … 把…放到…里

3. wash hands 洗手 4. feed the ducks 喂鸭子

5. on the grass 在草地上 6.write in the books 在书上写

7. at the factory 在工厂 8. a bag of crisps 一袋薯片

9. play ball games 玩球类游戏 10. sit down 坐下

(M2)、 11. look at 看… 12. be difficult to do…做…很困难

13. be good for… 对…有好处 14. it's time to do 到做…的时间了

(M3) 15. once upon a time 从前 16. look after 照看,照管

17.the next day 第二天 18. run to…跑向…

19. go into… 到…里去 20. break the door and run away 破门而出

21. run up 向上跑 22.run down 向下跑

(M4) 23. Chinese music 中国音乐 24. in the concert 在音乐会上

25. Chinese instrument 中国乐器 26. look like 看起来像

27. last year 去年 28. at the end 在结束的时候

29. play the piano 弹钢琴、play the erhu / pipa/ violin/ drums

30. far away 远方

(M5)31. Mother's Day 母亲节 32. have a party 开晚会

33. write a message for…为…写祝词 34. Father's Day 父亲节

(M6)35. a great idea 一个好主意 36. good at… 擅长…

37. draw a picture 画画 38. write the report 写报导

39. cut the paper 剪纸 40. stick…together 把…粘到一起

41. class party 班级聚会 42. next to… 靠近…

43. fly a kite 放风筝 44. look at… 看…

(M7) 45. near to…靠近… → 46. far from 远离…

47. look like 看起来像 48. at all 根本

(M8)49. live in 住在… 50. one day 有一天

51. the capital of… …的首都 52. have a rest 休息一会

(M9)53. a map of… …的地图 54.jump on the back legs 靠后退跳 55.back leg 后腿 56. have a special bag for…

57. drink water喝水 58.in zoos在动物园

59. live in the tree 住在树上

(M10) 60.go back to…回到… 61. speak English 说英语

62. every day 每天 63. send…from…从…寄…

64. Big Ben 大本钟 65. in the restaurant 在餐馆

66. have a good holiday 假期愉快

67. on holiday 在假期 68. in space 在太空

69. go abroad 出国 70.write a letter 写信


sheep → sheep wolf → wolves leaf → leaves mouse → mice


can't it's got I've got

I'll don't let's

八、用 “why” 来提问,要用_________来回答。

以上就是闽教版四年级下册英语的全部内容,这里给大家分享一些关于闽教版 四年级英语 教学计划5篇,供大家参考。 四年级英语教学计划1 一、学生知识能力习惯态度分析 四年级的大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。
