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  • 中考
  • 2023-04-26
  • 3年中考2年模拟英语答案
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    1〜5 B A B C D6-10 D B D C A

    11-15 B D C A D 16 20 B D C A C21 -25 D B C A A

    26〜30 B C H A D 31 -35 A D C B A36 -40 B B C A A

    41 ~45 C D A CD

    四、46. strict 47. alone 48. against 49. seldom

    50. rush 51. address 52. July 53. Luckily

    54. pleasant 55. unkind 56. discussion

    57. yourself* 58. knives 59. sixtieth 60. had

    61. weighs 62. was drawing 63. clapped

    64. has broken 65. Is , going to join

    五, 66. enjoys 67. life 68. sit 69. anything

    70. advantages 71. happening 72. learn

    73. harmful 74. time 75. forward

    76. Because she wanted to look /search for food for her baby.

    Or: To look search for food for her baby. 77. This kind of birds /It usually flies a few hundred mi¬差蠢les at a time.

    Or: They usually fl\ a few hundred miles at a time. Or: A few hundred miles.

    78. It /The number has fallen by 10 percent over the past 20 years.

    79. Fish resources around Christmas Island are not large enough now.

    80. We should try to protect our environment.

    Or: Mother's love is great. Or: Sea pollution is very serious. Or :….

    七、One possible version :

    Good afternoon , everyone ! The topic of my speech today is "Teenagers need healthy eating".

    Healthy eating is very important to us teenagers. However, some of us often eat snacks or other unhealthy food, and some take in either too little or too much nutri¬tion even day. Besides, many of us teenagers often go to school without breakfast.

    All this has a bad effect on our growth. We may even suffer from different illnesses after we grow up.

    I think we should give up our had eating habits if there is any. We had better not eat or eat less unhealthy food like hamburgers. Instead, let'虚锋陪s eat more healthy food like fruit and vegetables.

    That's all. Thank you for listening!(90 in])








    21. This Christmas card must ________ from Jim.

    A. is B. was C. be D. are

    22. There________a class meeting tomorrow morning. The teacher will tell the students something important.

    A. will have B. is going to have

    C. is going to beD. are going to have

    23. My brother told me ________ you anything.

    A. not to bringB. to not bring

    C. didn’t bring D. won’t bring

    24. Who is running _________ Mike or Tom?

    A. slowlier B. more slowly

    C. most slowly D. much slower

    25. It’s very cold in winter. It’s best ________ warm clothes.

    A. put on B. to dressC. wearing D. to wear

    26. She has ______ here for just over two months.

    A. come B. goneC. gotD. been

    27. The visitors ______ our factory two days ago.

    A. got B. reached inC. arrivedD. reached

    28. I don’t know _____ yesterday.

    A. What he happened B. What did he happen

    C. What happened to him D. What has happened

    29. Please don’t make the radio noisy, _______?

    A. will youB. won’t youC. shall weD. shan’t we

    30. _________ of the children can get some presents that day.

    A. Every B. eachC. Everyone D. Nobody



    31①I’ve not decided yet. What about you ?

    ②What are you going to do this afternoon?

    ③Neither have I.

    ④Will you go to the zoo this afternoon?

    ⑤No, I’ll be at school this afternoon.

    A. ②①③④⑤B. ④⑤②①③

    C. ④②①⑤此袜空③D. ③①②④⑤

    32. ①That car nearly hit you.

    ②So don’t play on the road again, as it could be very dangerous.

    ③I wanted to get my ball.

    ④You must be more careful.

    A. ②④③①B. ④①③②

    C. ④①②③D. ①④②③

    33. ①Thanks a lot. Let’s go.

    ②But it’s good for skating.

    ③What a cold day it is today!

    ④It doesn’t matter. I can teach you.

    ⑤I can’t skate at all.

    A. ③②⑤④①B. ③①⑤②④

    C. ④②⑤①③D. ⑤①②④③

    34. ①Thank you very much.

    ②Excuse me.

    ③Go along this street and take the second turning on the right.

    ④Where is the North Street hospital, please?

    A. ④③②① B. ①②③④

    C. ②④①③ D. ②④③①

    35.①Which sport are you in today?

    ②We must be more careful then.

    ③How could that be?

    ④I’m not doing anything because I fell and hurt my leg.

    A. ①④③②B. ③④①②

    C. ③②④①D. ①②③④



    It was a few days before Christmas, so when the office 36 at half past five, most of the young men 37 and had a party. They ate and drank, danced and sang songs, and 38 wanted to go home. But Joe had a wife at home. and 39 quite a long way from the city. Every few minutes he looked at his 40 , and at last, when 41 was very late, he wanted to 42 .

    "Joe!" shouted his friends. "Are you leaving? Why 43 you stay and enjoy the party?"

    "I’m not leaving," said Joe, "I’m only going down to the station to 44 the last train back home, I’ll be back here 45 a few minutes."

    36. A. closed B. OpenedC. started D. stopped

    37. A. read B. stayed C. arrived D. shouted

    38. A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody

    39. A. ranB. went C. builtD. lived

    40. A. bookB. watchC. pictureD. friends

    41. A. IB. heC. itD. that

    42. A. Sing B. dance C. leaveD. sleep

    43. A. do B. will C. don’tD. mustn’t

    44. A. take B. catch C. drive D. miss

    45. A. in B. atC. forD. after




    Skin-diving(轻装潜水)is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.

    Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is much light. When fish swim nearly, you can catch them with your hands.

    When you have tanks of air on your back you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water.

    To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep water.

    Now you see skin-diving is both useful and interesting.

    46. Skin-diving is a new sport. It __________.

    A. will take you to the moon.

    B. will take you to a new world of land.

    C. will take you to the mountains.

    D. will take you to the deep water.

    47. In deep water there is __________.

    A. some danger B. no light at all

    C. a lot of blue fishD. lots of green things

    48. You can climb big rocks under water easily because ______.

    A. you are very heavy B. you are as heavy as on the land

    C. you are not as heavy as on the landD. you have no weight at all

    49. With a tank of air on your back, you can __________.

    A. catch fish easilyB. stay under water for a long time

    C. climb big rocksD. have more fun

    50. Which of the following is not true?

    A. Skin-diving is a new sport.

    B. To have a skin-diving is like to visit the moon.

    C. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.

    D. Skin-diving is not only interesting but also useful.


    You speak, write a letter, make a telephone. Your words carry a message. People communicate(交际)with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears(眼泪)in your eyes tell others that you are sad.

    When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake(摇)your head, and people know you are saying "No". You nod(点头)and people know you are saying "Yes". Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines(杂志), TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

    51. People communicate ________.

    A. with words onlyB. in many different ways

    C. in letters and drawingsD. with smiles, tears and hands

    52. Signs can carry as many _________ as words.

    A. questions B. examples C. tears and smiles D. messages

    53. Which of the following is not talked in the passage as which can help us communicate?

    A. books and magazines B. TV and films C. newspapers D. radio

    54. Communication(交流)is important because it can help people to ______.

    A. understand the world and other people better.

    B. teach each other to speak, write, read and draw.

    C. know what other people are thinking about

    D. learn what is happening in the world more quickly.

    55. The best title(题目)for this short passage is _________.

    A. Signs Carry MessagesB. The important Communication

    C. Words, Signs and DrawingD. Ways of Communication.




    1. Did you have a good summer ________(假期)?

    2. Thank you for ________(教)us so well.

    3. Do you like learning a ________(外国)language?

    4. I think science is ______(受欢迎)than English.

    5. Please be more ________(小心)from now on.

    6. "Would you come here?" he asked very _________(有礼貌地).

    7. Thomas Edison was a great ________(美国的)inventor.

    8. When he saw her, he said that he needed an ________(手术)at once.

    9. They will do the _________(整个的)of the work.

    10. I hope that ______ (一切)goes well.



    My sister always 1 (like) having a short rest after lunch. Today she 2 (sleep) when the telephone 3 (ring), she 4 (get) up quickly 5 (answer) it. One of her classmates 6 (say) to her, "This is xiao Ling. I’m downstairs of your home. I want to ask you something about our homework. What 7 you 8 (do) now?" My sister answered, "This is Li Hong speaking. Nothing much. Come up please. You 9 (be) welcome." Then my sister 10 (open) the door to meet her.




    We can’t finish the work ______ _________ ______.


    When the present is open, we ________ ________ who plays ______ it first.


    Have you _______ from your ______ ?


    ____ you’ve lost it, you must ______ _________ it.


    The machine joined the different _____ of ________ ______.



    Han Meimei: Mr Wang, may I 1 you some questions, please?

    Mr Wang: 2 3 ,

    Han Meimei: How long 4 this school 5 open?

    Mr Wang: It 6 7 open 8 several years.

    Han Meimei: 9 10 have you taught in this school?

    Mr Wang: I 11 taught here 12 1986.

    Han Meimei: 13 you live near the school?

    Mr Wang: No far. My house 14 about fifteen minutes 15 bike.

    Han Meimei: Thank you very much.




    FROM: Robert Clark

    TO: Kate Green

    DATE: January 26 TIME: 7:30

    MESSAGE: He and his friends are going to see a film. He wants you to go to the cinema with them together.

    R: Hello. 1 ?

    J: Sorry, she isn’t in.

    R: 2 ?

    J: In half an hour. 3 ?

    R: Certainly. 4 . I hope she can go to the cinema with us.

    J: OK. I’ll tell her about it as soon as she comes back. By the way, Who’s that speaking, please?

    R: 5 .

    J: Thank you very much.



    Ⅰ 21 C 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 D

    26 D 27 D 28 C 29 A 30 B

    Ⅱ.31 A 32 B 33 A 34 D 35 A

    Ⅲ.36 A 37 B 38 C 39 D 40 B

    41 C 42 C 43 C 44 D 45 A

    Ⅳ.46 D 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 C

    51 B 52 D 53 C 54 D 55 D

    Ⅴ.1 holiday 2 teaching 3 foreign 4 more popular 5 careful

    6 politely 7 American 8 operation 9 whole 10 everything

    Ⅵ.1 likes 2 was sleeping 3 rang 4 got 5 to answer

    6 said 7 are 8 doing 9 are 10 opened

    Ⅶ.1 without your help 2 fight about with 3 heard from parents

    4 If pay for 5 pieces metal together

    Ⅷ.1 ask 2 Of 3 course 4 has 5 been 6 has 7 been

    8 for 9 How 10 long 11 have 12 since 13 Do 14 is 15 by

    Ⅸ.1 May I speak to Kate? 2 How soon will she be back?

    3 Can I take a message for her? 4 Thank you very much.

    5 This is Robert Clark.


    D. radio

    54. Communication(交流)is important because it can help people to ______.

    A. understand the world and other people better.

    B. teach each other to speak, write, read and draw.

    C. know what other people are thinking about

    D. learn what is happening in the world more quickly.

    55. The best title(题目)for this short passage is _________.

    A. Signs Carry Messages

    B. The important Communication

    C. Words, Signs and Drawing

    D. Ways of Communication.




    1. Did you have a good summer ________(假期)?

    2. Thank you for ________(教)us so well.

    3. Do you like learning a ________(外国)language?

    4. I think science is ______(受欢迎)than English.

    5. Please be more ________(小心)from now on.

    6. "Would you come here?" he asked very _________(有礼貌地).

    7. Thomas Edison was a great ________(美国的)inventor.

    8. When he saw her, he said that he needed an ________(手术)at once.

    9. They will do the _________(整个的)of the work.

    10. I hope that ______ (一切)goes well.



    My sister always 1 (like) having a short rest after lunch. Today she 2 (sleep) when the telephone 3 (ring), she 4 (get) up quickly 5 (answer) it. One of her classmates 6 (say) to her, "This is xiao Ling. I’m downstairs of your home. I want to ask you something about our homework. What 7 you 8 (do) now?" My sister answered, "This is Li Hong speaking. Nothing much. Come up please. You 9 (be) welcome." Then my sister 10 (open) the door to meet her.




    We can’t finish the work ______ _________ ______.


    When the present is open, we ________ ________ who plays ______ it first.


    Have you _______ from your ______ ?


    ____ you’ve lost it, you must ______ _________ it.


    The machine joined the different _____ of ________ ______.



    Han Meimei: Mr Wang, may I 1 you some questions, please?

    Mr Wang: 2 3 ,

    Han Meimei: How long 4 this school 5 open?

    Mr Wang: It 6 7 open 8 several years.

    Han Meimei: 9 10 have you taught in this school?

    Mr Wang: I 11 taught here 12 1986.

    Han Meimei: 13 you live near the school?

    Mr Wang: No far. My house 14 about fifteen minutes 15 bike.

    Han Meimei: Thank you very much.




    FROM: Robert Clark

    TO: Kate Green

    DATE: January 26 TIME: 7:30

    MESSAGE: He and his friends are going to see a film. He wants you to go to the cinema with them together.

    R: Hello. 1 ?

    J: Sorry, she isn’t in.

    R: 2 ?

    J: In half an hour. 3 ?

    R: Certainly. 4 . I hope she can go to the cinema with us.

    J: OK. I’ll tell her about it as soon as she comes back. By the way, Who’s that speaking, please?

    R: 5 .

    J: Thank you very much.



    Ⅰ 21 C 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 D

    26 D 27 D 28 C 29 A 30 B

    Ⅱ.31 A 32 B 33 A 34 D 35 A

    Ⅲ.36 A 37 B 38 C 39 D 40 B

    41 C 42 C 43 C 44 D 45 A

    Ⅳ.46 D 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 C

    51 B 52 D 53 C 54 D 55 D

    Ⅴ.1 holiday 2 teaching 3 foreign 4 more popular 5 careful

    6 politely 7 American 8 operation 9 whole 10 everything

    Ⅵ.1 likes 2 was sleeping 3 rang 4 got 5 to answer

    6 said 7 are 8 doing 9 are 10 opened

    Ⅶ.1 without your help 2 fight about with 3 heard from parents

    4 If pay for 5 pieces metal together

    Ⅷ.1 ask 2 Of 3 course 4 has 5 been 6 has 7 been

    8 for 9 How 10 long 11 have 12 since 13 Do 14 is 15 by

    Ⅸ.1 May I speak to Kate? 2 How soon will she be back?

    3 Can I take a message for her? 4 Thank you very much.

    5 This is Robert Clark.












    1. A. Take the No. 2 bus.B. I’d like to help you.C. Here you are.

    2. A. Wonderful.B. Me, too.C. Thank you.

    3. A. My pleasure.B. You are right.C. Don’t say so.

    4. A. Yes, who are you?B. No, he isn’t here. C. Sure. Hold on, please.



    6. What birthday present will the woman give Helen?

    A. A music book.B. A CD.D. She has no idea.

    7. Which train will the man most probably take?

    A. The train before 6 a.m.B. The train between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.

    C. The train after 7:30 a.m.

    8. What’s Tom’s favourite activity in his free time?

    A. Dancing.B. Singing.C. Tennis.

    9. Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. At a restaurant.B. At a cinema.C. At a bus stop.

    10. Why isn’t Sally going to the concert?

    A. She’s busy.B. She’s tired. C. She’s ill.


    11. What’s the woman’s name?

    A. Sandra. B. Sally. C. Sandy.

    12. When did she lose the watch?

    A. On her way to work.B. In the morning. C. On the way back from work.

    13. What’s her telephone number?

    A. 0933 575896. B. 0933 575896.C. 0995 575896.

    14. What color is the watch?

    A. Yellow. B. Silver. C. Black.

    15. How long has she kept the watch?

    A. 40 days.B. Half a week.C. Half a month.


    Here’s the weather forecast for (16) _______ and the southeast coast of England

    Time Weather Tomorrow

    Morning (17) __________________________ 8-10 °C

    (18) _______ A few showers

    Midnight Cloudy, heavy rain, strong wind (19) ________________

    Tomorrow (20) __________________________ 11-14 °C



    21. People, especially teens, think it ______ great fun to surf on _______ Internet.

    A. a; the B. a; 不填C. 不填; the D. the; the

    22. _______is the population of Shangdong Province?

    A. How manyB. WhichC. How much D. What

    23. ---Can you help clean the window?


    A. I’d like thatB. Sure, go ahead

    C. Sorry, but I have to meet my uncleD. It’s none of my business

    24. ---Don’t _______too late, or you will feel tired in class.

    ---I won’t, Mum. Good night!

    A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up

    25. ---Attention, boys and girls! Our class will see a film tomorrow at Caihong Theatre.

    ---OK. But when ______ we meet?

    A. willB. shall C. shouldD. must

    26. ---Dear, why not _______money by yourself for your 8th birthday present?

    ---Good idea. I’ll not let a pence (便士) go to waste.

    A. saveB. spend C. keepD. take

    27. ---I’m sorry for losing your book. I will buy a new one for you.

    ---________. I have another copy.

    A. Thank you B. Happy to hear thatC. Never mindD. Of course

    28. His handbag was stolen on his way back home. _______, his keys were on him.

    A. Surprisingly B. Sadly C. LuckilyD. Hopefully

    29. ---David, what have you done with the poor dog? He is wet through!

    ---Not _______, mum! I never do the same thing a second time.

    A. myselfB. meC. himD. he

    30. ---Your picture is wonderful!

    ---I worked for 8 hours _______I finished it.

    A. whenB. before C. whileD. after

    31. The question is ______he won’t listen to anyone.

    A. thatB. whether C. ifD. when

    32. ---Lily! You are so special that you seem different from other girls.

    ---Everyone in the world is different. So, just _______! It’s the best way of life.

    A. enjoy yourself B. be yourselfC. help yourselfD. take care of yourself

    33. When I got his message, I called back, but there was no _______.

    A. answerB. ring C. voiceD. sound

    34. My teacher asked me if I was worried about the test and I said “No”. But ______I was.

    A. reallyB. hardlyC. badlyD. nearly

    35. You say the bridge is safe but I shall take care ________.

    A. after all B. in general C. at the same time D. all the same

    36. After school I found Mother was in bed sick. _______ Mother was ill, I should do something

    for her.

    A. SoB. Though C. SinceD. If

    37. ---Mary, it’s a _______that you didn’t travel with us. How are you feeling now?

    ---I’m much better. Thank you.

    A. pleasureB. pity C. joy D. wonder

    38. ---Have you seen my toy car, Bill?

    ---It’s _______my way, so I put it _______.

    A. in; away B. on; out C. in; outD. by; away

    39. The dog rushed to the nearest village _______it could get someone to help his dying owner


    A. where B. whichC. thatD. so that

    40. It is not _______whether you fail or succeed in the game. The point is that you take part in it

    and enjoy it.

    A. necessaryB. importantC. trueD. right

    三、阅读理解 (共20小题,计40分)



    Dear Boris,

    Thanks for your nice letter.

    After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English

    a little better. It’s very different from what I learned at school! Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects (方言) are different too! Some of their accents (口音) are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions.

    But it’s not the language that’s different and surprising. Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day. That’s quite wrong! I get rather mad now when I hear all the foolish words about typical (典型的) English food.

    I had expected to see “London fog”. Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this ‘thick fog’ disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes. But the idea to speak about the weather was very helpful. The weather in London is really changeable.

    On the other hand habits are different. People tell me what is typically British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland. Local habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew.

    But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions. Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries. And people have always been proud of having ancient buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.

    I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.

    Love from Britain,


    41. What does Pete feel about the English language?

    A. At first it was difficult for him to understand people.

    B. He can understand different dialects and accents.

    C. He can speak English better than others.

    D. People can’t understand his English.

    42. Typical English food _______.

    A. makes people madB. can’t be seen now

    C. is always fish and chipsD. is not what he knew

    43. The British people like to talk about weather because ________.

    A. there is thick fog in LondonB. they like the weather in Britain

    C. the weather changes a lotD. it can be helpful

    44. What do you know about habits in Britain from the passage?

    A. They are not the same in different parts of Britain.

    B. Habits in Wales and Scotland are typically British.

    C. There are no typical British habits in Britain.

    D. All that is typically British is in London.

    45. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. What he’s seen is quite different from what he’d learned

    B. British people like to follow traditions.

    C. Pete had learned about Britain before.

    D. Pete doesn’t like his life in Britain.


    I’m confused these days. We are taught at home and at school that using violence (暴力) is the least civilized (文明的) way to solve problems. For example, last week I thought about hitting my friend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach. I talked with him instead and we came to an agreement. If two adults had a disagreement, and if they used violence towards each other in order to win, is it all right?

    When two countries disagree, they often fight a war. Why is using violence not okay at home, at school, or in your country but okay between countries? So many people have been killed because of wars, not only soldiers but ordinary people, even small children and babies. And refugees (难民) exist, too.

    A war is a great violence, like two people fighting over a shell, just much bigger. Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace. But can you really “make peace” by killing so many people? I don’t think bombs (炸弹) can reach people’s hearts and change them. Bombs can’t create love and caring, and that’s what we need in the world. Why do adults use violence so quickly? Why can’t they use their wisdom (智慧) and talk it over?

    Adults might say that things are not that easy. But they are the ones that teach us to be kind, not to hurt people, and not to kill. Why don’t they act as what they say?

    ---A page from a 12-tear-old boy, Joshua’s diary.

    46. At the beach, Joshua ________.

    A. hit his friend B. won a beautiful shell

    C. played with a beautiful shellD. came to an agreement with his friend

    47. Joshua hates wars between countries because ________.

    A. he is afraid of wars B. he doesn’t understand adults

    C. wars create death and refugeesD. wars are not the only way to make peace

    48. What’s the key to peace in Joshua’s opinion?

    A. Love and care for each other. B. Don’t use violence so quickly.

    C. Stop using bombs in wars. D. Don’t hurt or kill people in wars.

    49. From the reading we can see Joshua wants adults to ________.

    A. learn from childrenB. be children’s models

    C. be kind to childrenD. teach children how to solve problems

    50. Choose the best title (标题) for the passage.

    A. Adults and WarsB. How to Stop Wars

    C. Wars Can’t Make PeaceD. Ways of Solving Problems





    Voldemort: 14:00; 16:00

    Lord of the Rings (II) The Two Towers: 14:00; 16:00; 20:00; 22:00


    The Lion King, Shrek (II): 12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00



    Goblet of Fire: 14:00; 16:00

    Lord of the Rings (III) The Return of the King: 14:00; 16:00; 20:00; 22:00


    Lord of the Rings (II) The Two Towers: 12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00

    Voldemort: 12:00; 14:00; 16:00

    Tickets must be booked any time up to 30 minutes before the film starts. Ticket holders are given seat numbers.

    Drinks are provided. Food may be bought from the shop and eaten in the area provided outside the cinema.

    Ticket price: Adults: $16; Children under 6: $6; Students under 16: $10

    Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the cinema. Mobile phones must be powered off.

    51. What film can you see on a Saturday night in October?

    A. Lord of the Rings (III) The Return of the King.

    B. Lord of the Rings (II) The Two Towers.

    C. The Lion King, Shrek (II).

    D. Voldemort.

    52. When can you see the film Voldemort?

    A. Tuesday, October, 4pm.B. Tuesday, October, 10pm.

    C. Thursday, September, 8pm. D. Friday, September, 4am.

    53. How much will it cost for a family with two children (one is 5 and the other is 8) to see a film?

    A. $22.B. $30.C. $44. D. $48.

    54. When can people book tickets?

    A. The day before the film. B. Anytime before the film.

    C. An hour before the film. D. No later than half an hour before the film.

    55. What can you do in the cinema?

    A. Eat some food.B. Have some drinks.

    C. Make a phone call. D. Smoke in the area provided.


    Throughout history, people had dreamed about joining England and France together. Even Napoleon had a plan to dig a tunnel (隧道) and reach England. One of the first people who tried to dig a tunnel under the Channel (英吉利海峡) was a French engineer called Albert Mathieu. His tunnel failed.

    In 1881, Colonel Beamont and Captain English from Britain also tried to dig a tunnel. Their tunnel went six kilometers into the Channel. Queen Victoria stopped them and said it was dangerous to connect with France. It was a very good tunnel, and it is still there today.

    The new tunnel (ready in 1993) is, in fact, three tunnels-two for trains and a “service tunnel” for fresh air to go in and for men who take care of the tunnels. The tunnels are fifty kilometers long, forty meters under water. Forty kilometers of tunnel are under the sea itself. They are the longest undersea tunnels in the world. Trains travel through the tunnels at 160 km/h. People drive their cars onto trains and the trains take them through the tunnel. Each train takes 1,500 people and there are trains every ten minutes.

    A special radio station called Channel Channel has started, because it is impossible to receive normal radio signals (信号) when you are under the sea. The station sends news to keep people up-to-date with the ‘world outside’ while they are in the tunnel.

    56. What was people’s dream about England and France?

    A. Napoleon could reach England. B. Napoleon could dig a tunnel for them.

    C. Albert Mathieu would succeed. D. England and France could be joined together.

    57. Which is TRUE about the tunnel building in 1881?

    A. The tunnel went six kilometers from France.

    B. Tunnel-building was a dangerous job.

    C. The old tunnel is still under the sea.

    D. The queen agreed to the digging plan.

    58. What’s the traveling like in the tunnel?

    A. Trains and cars can travel at 160 km/h.

    B. People can travel by trains through two tunnels.

    C. It takes ten minutes to go through the tunnel by train.

    D. People can drive their cars or take trains through the tunnel.

    59. Channel Channel has started to _________.

    A. tell people what the date is B. send news about people in the tunnel

    C. tell people news about the outside worldD. receive radio signals of the outside world

    60. The passage mainly tells us _________.

    A. the history of the Channel tunnelB. the importance of the Channel tunnel

    C. it’s hard work to dig an undersea tunnelD. the people who tried to dig the Channel tunnel

    第II卷(非选择题 共45分)



    It was getting dark, some children and two Canadian women were still skating near a big hotel. They (61) _____________(have) a good time.

    A boy said to his friends, “I (62) _________(not skate) on a real lake so far.It’s wonderful! Look! I (63) __________(fly)!” Suddenly the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn’t know what they (64) _________(do). The two Canadian friends heard them and skated over to help the boy.

    The ice (65) _________(be) thin. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best (66) ___________(save) the little boy. They knew they (67) _________(be) quick, or the boy would be frozen.

    Many guests from the hotel (68) __________(run) over to help. The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women (69) ___________(not feel) well. She (70) _____________(send) to hospital at once. She felt happy because the boy was safe.



    A reporter is interviewing an international photojournalist (摄影记者), Sam. His photos have been published in newspapers and magazines all over the world.

    R: Can you tell us (71) s____________ about yourself, Sam?

    S: Sure. Both my parents are Americans, but I was born in Sydney, Australia. My parents (72) m_______ from America to Australia just before I was born. My parents and I spent a lot of time travelling in Australia (73) d________ our holidays.

    R: How did you first become (74) i___________ in taking pictures?

    S: I was given a (75) c________ for my 10th birthday, and I took it along with me to the park. When I (76) s________ my photos to my family, they said that I would be a great photographer in the (77) f________.

    R: So you went to a photography school?

    S: Yes. There I was chosen as one of the best students to (78) t________ part in a national photo competition, and I got the 1st prize.

    R: What photo have you been dreaming about taking some day?

    S: I’d like to take a photo from the (79) t_________ of Mt. Qomolangma! I am not ready for that right now, but I won’t stop (80) u________ I make it. It’s my dream!

    R: So I wish you success! Thank you.


    第一节 翻译填空题(共5小题,计5分)



    They _____________________after they went into the forest.


    The more carefully you do your homework, ___________you will make.


    Mariah Carey, __________________________, is giving a concert in our city.


    Our teacher got angry with us for _____________________________________.


    Excuse me, can you tell me _________________________________________?


    暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外籍老师Miss Green要到海南岛旅游度假,她写信向你(Zhang Ming)了解情况。请你写一封80字左右的回信,内容包括:





    Dear Miss Green,

    A trip to Hainan is the best choice for your summer holidays.


    I hope what I have written will be of some help to you.

    Enjoy yourself.

    Zhang Ming


    一、 略。

    二、 21---25. CDCDB 26---30. ACCBB 31---35. ABAAD 36---40. CBADB

    三、 41---45. ADCAD 46---50. DCABA 51---55. AADDB 56---60. DCBCA

    四、 61. were having 62. haven’t skated 63. can fly 64. should do 65. was

    66. to save67. must be68. ran69. didn’t feel70. was sent

    五、71. something 72. moved 73. during74. interested 75. camera

    76. showed 77. future78. take79. top80. until


    81. lost their way/got lost

    82. the less/fewer mistakes

    83. one of the famous singers in the world

    84. our coming late

    85. where the post office is

