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  • 初一
  • 2024-08-07

数学小论文初一?2000字的初中数学论文范文篇一 浅谈初中数学 学习 方法 指导 在新课程背景下,如何让初一新生感到数学好学,把学数学当成一种乐趣,真正做初中数学的小主人。在此,笔者就初中 数学学习方法 的指导提出一些自己的见解,于同行共勉。 一、那么,数学小论文初一?一起来了解一下吧。






















浅谈初中数学 学习 方法指导



目前初中新生学习数学存在一个严重的问题就是不善于读数学书,他们往往是死记硬背。比如在学平方根概念时,同学们都知道“一般地,如果一个数的平方等于a,那么这个数叫做a的平方根。”“一个正数有正、负两个平方根,它们互为相反数;零的平方根是零;负数没有平方根。”可是在做判断题时,4是16的平方根( );16的平方根是4( )。这两道判断题前面一道总是做不对,后面一道倒是都能做全对。因为他们更熟悉“一个正数有两个平方根,却不能很好的理解平方根的概念,就因为没好好读懂平方根概念,这使初一新生自学能力和实际应用能力得不到很好的训练。因此,重视读法指导对提高初中新生的学习能力是至关重要的。


Easy to overlook the answer"

Fact is stranger than fiction, we also have many interesting mathematical kingdom. For example, in the ninth book, I now have a problem in the workbook, education, said: "this is a passenger train to the west, the east from 45 kilometers per hour line, stop, then after 2.5 hours just what the halfway point of the two cities from 18 km, two things WangXing? How many kilometres from town with the small English in this problem, the calculation method and the results are not the same. XingSuan king of the number of kilometers than small calculates km less, but the results of the two to say. This is why? You want to come? You count them two listed in the results." Actually, this problem is we can very quickly made a kind of method is: 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5 + 18 = 130.5 (km), 130.5 * 2 = 261 (km), but look close scrutiny, he felt something was wrong. Actually, here we overlooked a very important conditions, "this is just what the halfway point of the city from the conditions of 18 kilometers away from" the word ", not to say, or more than halfway point. If it is not from the middle point to 18 kilometre, column type is the front, if is a kind of more than 18 kilometers halfway, column type should is 45 by 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5-18 = 94.5 (km), 94.5 x 2 = 189 (km). So the correct answer is: 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5 + 18 = 130.5 (km), 130.5 * 2 = 261 (km) and 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5-18 = 94.5 (km), 94.5 x 2 = 189 (km). Two answers, i.e. WangXing answers with the small English answer is full.

In the daily learning, often have many problems, aim to answer is more in practice or neglected in the exam, we need to carefully examines the topic is, life experience, close scrutiny, correct understanding of cet4. Otherwise easily overlooked the mistake, the biased.

About "0"

0, it is the earliest human contact number. Our ancestors started only know no and have no is 0, 0, so did? Remember the elementary school teacher once said, "any number of minus itself is equal to 0, 0 means without number." That is simply not true. We all know that the 0 degrees centigrade thermometer said the freezing point of water (i.e. a standard under the pressure of the mixture of water temperature), including 0 is solid and liquid water differentiator. But in Chinese characters, 0 means that a zero, such as: 1 more pieces), Decimal purpose. 2) not certain units... Thus, we know that the "no amount is 0, but not without number, 0 solid and liquid said the differentiator, etc."

"Any divided by 0." no significance for This is the primary school teacher still talking to a conclusion about the "0", then the division (primary) is divided into several copies will be a, how much each. A whole cannot into a "0" no significance. Then I realized the a / 0 0 0 to limit can be expressed in the variable (a variable in the process of changing its absolute than any small forever is positive), shall be equal to a variable in the infinite (changes in its absolute than any big is positive). Get a theorem about 0 "zero limits of variables, called an infinitesimal".

以上就是数学小论文初一的全部内容,初中数学小论文 今天,在我们数学俱乐部里,老师给我们研究了一道有趣的题目,其实也是一道有些复杂的找规律题目,题目是这样的“有一列数:1,2,3,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,3,4,5,4,3,4,5,……。这列数字中前240个数字的和是多少?”我一拿到题目,心里猛然想到。
