大学英语综合教程5课后答案?全新版大学英语综合教程2课后习题答案 1mYxzADX4qTs3L2LLM8hShw rr1h 如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,那么,大学英语综合教程5课后答案?一起来了解一下吧。
Increase your language proficiency
spy on
watching for
presented itself
came loose
drew back
out of the reach
making his rounds
by accident
No wonder
empty of
Increasing your word power
1) The black suit he is wearing for the interview gives him the appearance of being smart and capable.
2) She looked deeply tanned and fit after returning from her trip to Santa Barbara Beach.
3) Her showy dress, with layers of complicated lace and a mixture of bright colors, gives her the look of a richly decorated Christmas tree.
4) Stepping out of the operating room, the surgeon shook his head and said to the waiting relatives, “I’m sorry, there is nothing more I can do.”
5) It is a pity to see acres of big trees cut down on the mountain, leaving only the stumps rising in the air.
6) “Of course Michael won’t be late; you know how punctual he always is,” she said without the least irony.
7) The coach asked them to play with the ball in whatever way they liked, just to get the feel of it first.
8) Mr. White’s eyes narrowed and his mouth tightened at the sight of the pupil fingering his mobile phone in class.
2) v. throw off, remove, get rid of e.g. The children cast off their shoes and ran happily along the beach.
3) v. turn or direct e.g. Would you just cast an eye over this letter before I put it in the post?
4) v. make a vote in an election e.g. All the votes in the election have been cast and the counting has begun.
5) n. the actors in a play, film, etc. e.g. After the final performance, the director threw a party for the cast.
v. cause to break open e.g. He cracked three eggs into a bowl and mixed them together.
V. (of a person’s voice) change suddenly in level, loudness, etc.
e.g. Her voice cracked with emotion as she told us how she lived through the Second World War.
3) v. lose control or effectiveness, esp. as a result of difficulties or pressure
e.g. Some young executives crack under the strain of having to meet tough sales targets every month.
4) n. a very thin mark or opening
5) n. a loud sharp sound
e.g. there was a sharp crack as the branch broke off the tree.
The patient in Room 542 was unusual. He had the look of vigor and good health, but he was blind, legless, and his deteriorating body was like a rotting log. His life was like a candle in the wind, about to be blown out at any moment. His body was not whole, but he was still impressive. He had been suffering physical pain beyond imagination, but he was always quiet. He always ordered scrambled eggs for breakfast but he never ate them. Instead, he would throw the breakfast plate against the wall earnestly as if it were a discus. He had no feet but he repeatedly asked the doctor to bring him a pair of shoes. The room he dwelled in was empty of all possessions—no get-well cards, flowers, slippers, none of the usual kickshaws of the sickroom. He seemed to have been cast upon a wild island. Finally, he left the world quietly, with no one beside him. Lying in his bed, his face was relaxed, grave and dignified. Upon his death, was he remembering a time when he was whole? Did he dream of the feet he used to have?
sample essay
My Favorite Teacher
Mr. Ma Gang is my favorite teacher. He is a short and heavily built man in his late fifties, with close-cropped white hair and a neat mustache. You can easily pick him out from a lineup. He usually wears a grim expression on his face and seldom speaks to others unless spoken to. A year ago when he was introduced to us as our teacher of English, I said to myself, “Gosh, here comes a stern and harsh old man!” indeed, he did look like a Japanese officer in the movies that I had seen.
My first impression of him totally changed after we had the first lesson with him. He was all smiles when talking to us. I still remember how he began his first class: You guys have studied English for quite a number of years. Do you still need me to teach you English grammar and pronunciation? Definitely not. So from now on don’t call me “Teacher Ma”; call “Coach Ma” instead, for I am not a sage on the stage; I am a guide on the side.
In class Coach Ma always shoots us thought-provoking questions. Whenever a student gives the right answer, he will stick out his thumb and chuckled out a musical “OK”; when he hears an unsatisfactory answer, he will shake his head while blinking his eyelids, as if to say, “Think hard!” in class we do most of the talking either in pairs or in groups while Coach Ma just paces around, listening and observing. He is the conductor while we are all performers in an orchestra.
I like his teaching style a lot and often ask him for English books to read. Last Wednesday, before class began, Coach Ma came over and placed a package on my desk.
“Happy birthday to you !” he whispered.
I was surprise to find that it was a brand new English-English dictionary.
“Use this one instead of your pocket English-Chinese dictionary.”
“But how did you know it is my birthday today, Sir?”
“I discovered the secret from one of the compositions you wrote,”
I looked into his face. He wore the same grim expression as usual.
Key for the exercises in Unit 8, Book Five
Working with Words and Expressions:
Pinched; 2) convenience; 3) rage; 4) endured; 5) jointly; 6) marvelous; 7) scary; 8) ardor
1) beyond (a) doubt; 2) bare their souls; 3) worried sick; 4) keeping score; 5) is in
1) Conducted; 2) functions; 3) mutual; 4) maintain; 5) distance; 6) intimate; 7) jointly; 8) varieties; 9) past; 10) revived; 11) part; 12) contexts; 13) generations; 14) defined; 15) medium
From a broad point of view, friends come in different types. There is sufficient value to be found in each type of friendship and they can meet our different needs.
Convenience friends can make our lives more convenient and special-interest friends can bring more fun to what we study and when we play. But we would not come too close or tell too much with these two types of friends. Historical friends and crossroads friends represent particular periods in our past lives. We only need to connect occasionally, and the dormant intimacy would be instantly revived. From a friendship that forms across generations the younger person gets the benefit of the other’s experience while the older person gets a youthful perspective. Man-woman friendships can bring to the two parties pleasures different from friendships formed with the same sex.
Of course, what attracts us most are the best of friends, who totally love and support and trust each other, bare to each other the secrets of their souls, run –no questions asked –to help each other, and tell harsh truths to each other when they must be told. Best friends needn’t agree about everything and should be able to tolerate each other’s point of view. Best friends will be there to comfort our sorrows and to celebrate our joys.
I tend to believe that by their learning style or behavior, students can be divided into different types: industrious students, happy-go-lucky students and creative students, to mention just a few.
Industrious students are not hard to define. They work hard under any circumstances. My roommate Liu Xiang is a case in point. He spends most of his time either in the classroom or in the library. For a time he was shy to speak English because his English pronunciation had much room to improve. Then, last summer vacation, he did not go home. He practiced hard, and when we met him again, we were amazed to find that he excelled all of us in oral English. “Hard work pays off,” he always says.
Care-free and always with a glowing sense of superiority, happy-go-lucky students are normally from well-to-do families, and they have their future firmly tied to their parents. For them, attending college is but a life experience and they take it for granted. They also do their school work, but just hard enough to earn the diploma. Believe it or not, happy-go-lucky students are generally talented, and they have a wide range of interests and hobbies. Li Ming, a popular guy in my class, loves pop music, photography, and all kinds of ball games. Recently he has fallen in love with hip-hop(街舞).
Creative students do not bury themselves in books all day long. They use their brains and hands much more than their eyes, and they spend more time in the laboratory than in the library. For them, knowledge, by itself, is not power; they drink in knowledge to produce wisdom, and they believe wisdom, and they believe wisdom is power. Last semester, my best friend, Lu Jing, and I sat for the same course in computer science. At the end of the semester I turned in a grade-A paper while he submitted a digital gadget that could help the fast-speaking instructor to monitor his speech speed in class.
I admire creative students. I hope I can become a creative-minded person before I say good-bye to this college.
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《全新版大学英语综合教程3》是2003年出版的图书,作者朱朝晖 / 马静
以上就是大学英语综合教程5课后答案的全部内容,新标准大学英语综合教程3_课后答案 1DmJk8QazSVnOmATlQ-FDPg 5ko4 如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确。