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  • 初二
  • 2024-07-11

八年级英语试题?She must go back before 5: 00. 八年级英语试题参考答案及评分标准 一.听力部分(30分) Ⅰ.1-5. C C B A A Ⅱ. 6—10. C B C A A Ⅲ.11-15. A C B B C Ⅳ. 16-20. B C C A C 二、那么,八年级英语试题?一起来了解一下吧。



1、As a sports r_eporter_,he often goes to foreign counteies.

2、We are going to watch the football match.Would you like to j_oin_ us?

3、Is e_veryone__ here?Yes,No one is away.

4、We w_in_ the match, so we were very happy.

5、He h_ates__ eating sweet food and he never eats it.

1、Have they _mentioned_(mention) the score of the match?

2、We must stop _walking_(walk) when we see the red light.

3、Do you hate _losing (lose)to others?

4、Remember _to listen_(listen) to the weather report at 7:30 pm.

5、I like _playing_(play) football .I'd like __to play_ (play) it with my friend this afternoon.

1、Be careful! A car is coming (改为同义句)

____Look ___out_____ ! A car is coming.

2、We can't decide what we can listen to.(改为同义句)

We can't decide____ whatto _ listen to.

3、He likes listening to the sports new.(对划线部分提问)


What _does_ he _like listening to ?

4、They prepare the weather reports in the room.(对划线部分提问)


Where do they prepare the weather reports?

5、Keep studying, or you won't be a newsreader.(改为同义句)



1、As a sports r_eporter_,he often goes to foreign counteies.

2、We are going to watch the football match.Would you like to j_oin_ us?

3、Is e_veryone__ here?Yes,No one is away.

4、We w_in_ the match, so we were very happy.

5、He h_ates__ eating sweet food and he never eats it.

1、Have they _mentioned_(mention) the score of the match?

2、We must stop _walking_(walk) when we see the red light.

3、Do you hate _losing (lose)to others?

4、Remember _to listen_(listen) to the weather report at 7:30 pm.

5、I like _playing_(play) football .I'd like __to play_ (play) it with my friend this afternoon.

1、Be careful! A car is coming (改为同义句)

____Look ___out_____ ! A car is coming.

2、We can't decide what we can listen to.(改为同义句)

We can't decide____ whatto _ listen to.

3、He likes listening to the sports new.(对划线部分提问)


What _does_ he _like listening to ?

4、They prepare the weather reports in the room.(对划线部分提问)


Where do they prepare the weather reports?

5、Keep studying, or you won't be a newsreader.(改为同义句)

_If_ you want to be a newsreader, you _have_ to keep study


读书,使人思想插上翅膀,感情绽开花蕾;读书,使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧;读书,使人情操得到陶冶,梦想得以放飞。下面给大家分享一些关于 八年级 英语上册Unit9 单元测试卷及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。




( )21.—Must you go?

—Yes, I'm afraid I really ____.

A. may B. should C.must D.can

( )22. Look! Little Jim is swimming so fast. I ____believe my eyes.

A. shouldn't B. can't C.mustn't D.needn't

( )23.—Hi, Jack. Would you like to come to mybirthday party nextFriday?

—I'd love to, but I'm not ____. I'm leaving forBeijing on that day.

A. believable B. enjoyable C.available D. comfortable

( )24. Could you please speak more slowly?I canhardly ____ you.

A. catch B. watch C.believe D.promise

( )25.—Do you often ____ your penfriend?

—Yes, quite often. We often talk about our schoollives in the letters.

A. agree with B. look for C.hear from D. prepare for

( )26.—Is Frank going to the ____?

—No. He doesn't like music.

A. park B. cinema C.hospital D. concert

( )27. I think you will not do a good job in the exam____ preparation.

A. with B. without C.outside D.inside

( )28. The little boy didn't stop crying ____ he sawhis mother.

A. if B. but C.so D.until

( )29. Tim asked his father for some money, but hisfather ____. He is sadnow.

A. refused B. laughed C.cried D.agreed

( )30. I'm ____ that they invited me to their partybecause I don't knowthem well.

A. interested B. interesting C.surprised D. surprising

( )31. My brother is studying medicine in London. Ican't say ____ I misshim.

A. how often B. how many C.how long D. how much

( )32.—What are you doing?

—I am ____ my trip to London.

A. preparing for B. caringabout

C. finding out D.making up

( )33. —Lisa, I think your article is too long.

—OK. I ____ some words.

A. deleted B. didn'tdelete

C. will delete D.won't delete

( )34.—____?

—It's Thursday the 7th.

A. What's today B. When isit

C. What's the date today D.What day is it today

( )35.—Linda, why not take a walk after dinner?

—OK. ____.

A. You're wrong B. Catchyou then

C. That's it D.I think so

六、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)

A long time ago, there was a garden. Manyvegetables grew in the garden. Andthere was a big __36__ near the vegetables.

The vegetables and the big tree didn't like eachother. The vegetables dranka lot of water, so the tree __37__ drink enoughwater. The big tree looked at thevegetables __38__, and hedecided to teach the vegetables a lesson.

On a summer day, the __39__ was shining in the sky.The tree decided not toshare his shadow (阴影) with the vegetables. It made the vegetables veryhot. Therewas not enough water to __40__, so they soon became very dry and ugly. __41__thattime, the gardener came to see these vegetables. He was very sad, __42__almostall the vegetables were dry. Then he decided to build a new garden.

It__43__ the gardener too much time to build thenew garden. He was so__44__ that he couldn't take care of the old garden.__45__ the big tree and thevegetables felt very thirsty. The big tree feltvery regretful (后悔的), because hechose a wrong way to teach thevegetables a lesson.

( )36. A. river B. flower C.tree D.mountain

( )37. A. can't B. shouldn't C.mustn't D. couldn't

( )38. A. happily B. angrily C.kindly D.quickly

( )39. A. sun B. moon C.earth D.star

( )40. A. eat B. wash C.water D.drink

( )41. A. At B. In C.On D.With

( )42. A. while B. unless C.although D. because

( )43. A. took B. spent C.cost D.paid

( )44. A. kind B. busy C.lazy D.free

( )45. A. Either B. All C.Both D.None


A: Today is Sue's birthday. (46)________

B: Me, too. What should we give her?

A: She likes reading books. (47)________

B: I think she also loves cakes. (48)________

A: But her sister will make a cake for her.

B: OK. Let's go shopping and buy a book for her.

A: (49) ________

B: Yes, she will.

A: (50)____

B: At her home.



My father diedwhen I was five. Life was hard for us.

Because of myfather's death(死亡), my mother had to take a fulltime job. Somy brother had to take care of me. Hewas eight years older than me. He got upearly every morning, woke me up andmade breakfast for me. Hand in hand, we wouldwalk to the bus stop. When wewaited for the bus, he would play games that myfather had played with me. Hetried his best to make me happy.

One Saturday inJune, my mother and I were in a shop. They were sellingFather's Day cards. Ilooked at the cards. My mom said, “Honey, I know it is ahard time for you. ” Isaid, “No, Mom. That's not it. I want to buy a card for mybrother. ” Shesmiled and let me pick out a card.

When we got home, I gave my brotherthe card. As he read it, I saw tears inhis eyes. Mom said, “Son, your fatheris proud (自豪的) of you and he knows that youwill do your best tostep into his shoes. We love you, and thank you. ”

( )51. How old was the writer's brother when theirfather died?

A. Five. B.Seven. C. Eight. D.Thirteen.

( )52. Who did the writer want to buy the card for?

A. His/Her brother. B.His/Her father.

C. His/Her mother. D.His/Her teacher.

( )53. What does the underlined word “we” refer to?

A. The writer and his/her brother.

B. The writer and his/her mother.

C. The writer and his/her father.

D. The writer's mother and brother.

( )54. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer's father died when he/she was six.

B. The mother had to take a parttime job after the father died.

C. The writer was very thankful to his/her brother.

D. The writer's mother wanted to buy a card forhis/her brother.


How do you have a birthday party that you'll never forget? Here are somesuggestionsto help you.()55. If you want to have a birthday party, whatshouldyou do a week earlier than the party?

①Make a list of your friends.

②Use a large box to make a doghouse.

③Prepare some interesting activities.

④Send your invitations to your friends.

A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④

()56. What does the underlined word “Download” mean in Chinese?

A. 下载 B. 录音 C.摄影 D. 制片

()57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Choose agood theme according to your own interests and hobbies.

B. You'll knowhow many people will come if you make a plan.

C. It'snecessary for you to decorate the party with some beautifulflowers.

D. You'd betterprepare your favorite food and drink.

()58. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Choosing atheme for a birthday party is important.

B. Making aplan for a birthday party is necessary.

C. How todecorate a birthday party.

D. How to havea special birthday party.


Europe is a great place for traveling. But before you go there for avisit,you should know something about the weather first.

The high season in Europe is from June to August. The weather is quitenice.There probably won't be much rain and the temperatures are verycomfortable. It'susually sunny all day and it doesn't get dark until about 9:30 p. m.—10:30 p. m.And the farther north you go, the longerthe days get. Sometimes the temperaturecan be very high. You might need totake an umbrella and wear a sunscreen (防晒霜).Europe may be too popular in summer. Sometimesyou have to stand in line forhours to buy tickets or have dinner. Bring Tshirts, shorts and dresses so thatyou can feel alittle cooler in the crowd.

If you don't like to stay with so many travelers, winter may be agoodseason for you. There are very few visitors at that time. Hotels andplanetickets might be cheaper, too. However, it can be really cold during thewintertime. Days are short and it starts getting dark pretty early. And it'srainymost of the days. So an umbrella is very useful. You might also need tobringsome warm clothes and dresses. Much of Western (西部的) Europe doesn't getmuch snow. But when it does,you might fall in love with the beautiful place atonce.

()59. What don't you have to take if you go to Europe in July?

A. An umbrella. B.Warm dresses.

C. Shorts. D.Tshirts.

( )60. What's the advantage of visiting Europe in winter?

A. Nice weather and comfortable temperatures.

B. Beautiful snow and longer playtime.

C. Comfortable hotels and cheaper plane tickets.

D. Fewer travelers and less waiting time.

( )61. Which of the following is TRUE about Europe?

A. Days get dark very late in the high season.

B. It always snows in winter in Western Europe.

C. Hotels and tickets for planes are cheaper insummer.

D. Umbrellas and thick clothes are a must all yearround in Europe.

( )62. Where might you find the article?

A. In a weather report.

B. In a guidebook.

C. In a history book.

D. On a TV program about hotels.


Do you know how to write a thankyou note? Maybe this article can helpyou.

Greet (问候) the Giver

That's the easy part, but you will be surprised howmany people forget it.Dale Carnegie taught us that people love to hear theirown names and love to readthem in ink (墨水). Even if your handwriting is poor, you must stillwrite yournote by hand.

Show Your Thanks

The first paragraph(段落) seems as if it would be the easiest. In fact,it'sthe most difficult. Be careful with the writing strategy (策略). You'd better usethe presentperfect tense (现在完成时), which means what you write is happening inthemoment.

Discuss Use

Say something nice about the thing and how you'lluse it. Let's say it'ssomething you love and use all the time. But don't lie,even though someetiquette (礼仪) books may tell you it's okay. If the gift ismoney, write how youwill use the money, “It will be a great help when we buyour new house. ”

Be Polite (礼貌的)

It's polite to say thanks again. So say it.

Give Your Regards (致意)

Use any word that works for you such as “Love”, “YoursTruly”, and “WithLove”. “Then don't forget to write downyour name.

63. What's themost difficult part in a thankyou note?(不超过10个词)


64. Why do youuse the presentperfect tense in a thankyou note?(不超过20个词)


65. What's thepassage mainly about?(不超过10个词)



66. We plan to buy a new machine to p (打印) photos.

67. I don't want to take e (考试) any more. I am afraid of them.

68. Be careful! There's lots of g (胶水) on the desk.

69. My friend Lily didn't r (答复) to my letter, so I'm very sad.

70. With all her efforts (努力), the children finally a (接受) her as one ofthe family.





21. Henry is playing piano while his brother is playing basketball.

A. the, a B. the, / C. a, a D. /, a

22. The bag is too . I can’t put the pencil-box in it.

A. heavy B. full C. right D. empty

23. It will be about three weeks everything returns to normal.

A. after B. until C. unless D. before

24. -- Is Li Ming in the classroom?

-- No, he _____ there. I saw him in the reading room just now.

A. can’t be B. may not C. mustn’t D. needn’t

25. Do you enjoy in your school?

A. teach B. to teach C. teaching D. taught

26. Carmen likes musicians can play different kinds of music .

A. who B. which C. how D. whom

27. She looks than you. Does she live a hard life?

A. much younger B. much more younger C. much more older D. much older .

28. It him about two hours his homework every day.

A. takes, doing B. takes, to do C. spends, to do D. spends, doing

29. Do you know the answer the question?

A. for B. to C. on D. with

30. You’d better a plan before you do something.

A. come to B. come up C. come up with D. come out

31. of them like to play basketball.

A. Each B. Everyone C. Every D. Both

32. Amy the windows, so the room looks much brighter.

A. cleans B. is cleaning C. has cleaned D. will clean

33. He used on the right in China, but he soon got used on the left in


A. to drive, to drive B. to drive, driving

C. to drive, driving D. driving, driving

34. There are overseas Chinese students returning to China for work.

A. thousands of B. thousand of C. a thousand of D. many thousand of

35. –Would you like to go with me to see the movies? –

A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I like. C. Yes, I’d like D. Yes, I’d love to.




the football match.Would you like to j______ us?

3、Is e______ here?Yes,No one is away.

4、We w______ the match

以上就是八年级英语试题的全部内容,字数80字左右。 人教版八年级英语下册期末考试题答案 一、CADBA / CBACC / ABCBD 二、 BABDB / CABCB 三、DACBC / ADCCD / BDBAC / CBBDD 四、1.languages 2. understand 3. useful 4. unless 5. making 6. kinds 7.in 8. helped 9. them 10. another 五、略 六、。
