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  • 大学
  • 2024-07-02



Unit One

1.He walked slowly because of his broken leg.

2.Despite his serious illness, he attended the meeting.

3.He saw to it that the same mistakes would not happen any more.

4.Now that they know each other much, they could get along well.

5.I found myself surrounded by five or six boys at this time.

6.On the happy occasion, I give my best wishes to you.

Unit Two

1.I went to the dentist to have my bad teeth pulled out.

2.The development of thing is depend on the internal causes.

3.All roads lead to Rome.

4.I intended to give you the book, but I forgot to take.

5.I was on the verge of accepting his suggestion.

6.We can't take divorce lightly.

Unit Three

1.Lack of confidence contributes to his failure.

2.In the face of severely diease, he showed great courage.

3.We come to a conclusion that shi is telling the truth.

4.His secreary failed to tell him about the meeting.

5.Learning a language is not only a matter of memorizing words.

6.Once she comes to some decision, on one can hold her back.

7.It is difficult to live up to the standard made by our captain.

8.The scientist refers to this discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.

Unit Four

1.All that I can say is that we are so sorry.

2.In many cases, rules alone will not work.

3.Because of his intelligence and diligence, he's highly likely to succeed.

4.She stared at me, as if she didn't know me.

5.It is reported that three people were injured in the accident yesterday.

6.I was angry the way he treated me.

7.The patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday.

8.I want to stay at home rather than go out tonight.

Unit Five

1.You will see what I say will come true.

2.The lecture was so boring that half of students fell asleep.

3.Unemployment is tied up with the development of technology.

4.His appearance change so greatly that you may well not recognize him.

5.The history of castle can date back to 14 century.

6.She never did anything for them, whereas they have done anything they could for her.

Unit Six

1.We regard him as one of the most excellent players in this match.

2.The scientist picked those small stones up, and put them into a box carefully.

3.The population of China is almost five times as big as that of America.

4.The reason why grass is green was ever a mystery to the little boy.

5.She was standing by a window, apparently very calm and relaxed.

6.Recently, as a result of sales volume drop down, profits have declined.

7.She wears darkglasses as a protection against the strong light.

8.Through that things, peple will no longer believe him.

Unit Seven

1.If you sing the song for several times, the children can pick up lyrics of it.

2.We try our best to assure the nervous old man that plane taking is safe.

3.The inadequate supply of vitamin A can lead to night blindness.

4.I can use computers, but when it comes to repairing computers, I know nothing.

5.Many a mother try to make their dreams come true on their daughters.

6.The nasty weather discouraged people from attending the parade.

7.I gave him some pills to ease his pain.

8.This job involves going abroad for three months every year.

Unit Eight

1.I think I should piont out how dangerous it is.

2.Their opinions can not affect my decision.

3.When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom.

4.When someone asks her, she confirms she will retire.

5.The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesn't me any good.

6.If we couldn't sell out more goods, we have to cut back on production.

7.The film is all but three hours.

8.I assure you my story is true, lest someone feel strange.

Unit Nine

1.You should arrange things well prior to your setting off.

2.This behavior may result in the manager's being fired.

3.Our products could compete with those of other factories in terms of quality, reliabilty, especially varity.

4.Because of the heavy rain, the performance of the team was affected a lot.

5.I can appreciate the reason why you are against this suggestion.

6.To some extent, she should be responsible for this accident.

7.The thought that life is too comfortable, makes me deeply upset.

8.Women tend to live longer than men.

Unit Ten

1.We can go to the performance at 7o'clock or 8o'clock whichever suits you best.

2.People always think that men are stronger, but most women know the fact is reverse.

3.He was sentenced for five years, but he was released after two years in the jail.

4.You look equally nice on both the clothes, I don't know which one to advice.

5.This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and rich experiment.

6.The child suddenlly let go of her hand and run to the opposite side of the road.

7.In a great degree, the result of match depends on the judge's opinions.

8.I'm tired of telling you what I should do all the time.



1.I'mtired,I should not have gone to bed so late last night.

2.I don't/didn't know Bob very well,but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.

3.We are supposed to meet her at the train station.

4.You could clearly see people drowning,but/and yet you took no action to save them.

5.Including weekends,there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.

6.Without immediate action,many kinds of wild animals would die fromhunger.


1.That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.

2.There happened to be a policeman on the corner,so I asked him the way.

3.All flightsto New York today are delayed because of the bad weather.

4.Whoever is responsible willl have to pay for the damage.

5.I can not find my checkbook ,i must have left it at home.

6.By the time ,the football match was going to start ,the storm had already stopped.


1.A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in.

2.He looked over my shoulder at the conveyer belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.

3.Unfortunately,his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.

4.I assured him that we would calll him as soon as we found his briefcase.

5.To our great surprise ,the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car .


1.Youwon't get the job unless you have got the experience.

2.Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.

3.The statement/sentence is so clear that it can't cause any misunderstanding.

4.He wishes he could give her more help than what he does now .

5.Put on your coat ,or you will catch a cold .

6.She has added a picture of Picasso to her collection.

7.I am not aware of ever having been here before.

8.You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.


1.First,you must be aware that feeling nervous is very normal in a strange environment./It is quite normal to feel nervoust in a strange environment.

2.Our thoughts can race a long several times faster than most people speak.

3.In order to get other’s attention, you must learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.

4.One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizens.

5.The sense of humor is of use/help.Telling a joke about yourself sometimes can lighten the conversation.

6.Only when you are willing to talk and listen attentively,can/will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.


1.It’s far too hot in the room,open the window,please!

2.The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.

3.he should have been angry at what I said.It was nothing more than a joke.

4.We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.

5.She views marriage as a serious matter.

6.To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.


1.I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot,but I neer have the time now.

2.The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.

3.this is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.

4.What aspect of your job/work is(the)most difficult,and what aspect is(the)most rewarding?

5.Some people think he is rude,but that’s not the case.

6.I’ll help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do.


1. Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.

2. Children were watching the planes take off and load.

3. As soon as I’m on board a ship I always feel sick.

4. A total of 20000 people visited the museum on the first day when it was open to the public.

5. The committee consists of scientists and engineers.

6. I wouldn’t dare to go home with the job unfinished.


1. We are considering selling the house.

2. I suggest he wait a while before he makes an decisions.

3. John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.

4. We’d like to know the reason why she didn’t accept the job.

5. You shouldn’t have gone back t the burning building,you might have been badly/seriously burnt.

6. It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might have be a problem.


1. World warⅡtook place in 1945.

2. My grandfather drinks a great deal.

3. He was still working by the age of 65.

4. The teacher knows all his students by name.

5. The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.

6. He likes all kinds of eports,but most of all,basketball.

7. Talking on the phone is different from talking face to face.

8. They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.


1. The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance,but the name of the apeaker ia not.

2. It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams.

3. Mr.Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others.

4. Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine.

5. First of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting.

6. I’m not accustomed to such luxury.It’s a waste of money.

7. The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.

8. Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.


1. The best way to lose weight is to avoid eating fatty foods.

2. One of the main causes of hunger used to be lack of transportation.

3. Wasteful packaging will add to the price of food/food price.

4. Economic reform would not be successful without the development of agriculture.

5. The farmers will grow more cash crops next year instead of grains.

6. At present,there are still places in the world where farmers make use of animal labor.






我只有浙江大学编著 外语教学与研究出版社出版的

Unit One

1.He walked slowly because of his broken leg.

2.Despite his serious illness, he attended the meeting.

3.He saw to it that the same mistakes would not happen any more.

4.Now that they know each other much, they could get along well.

5.I found myself surrounded by five or six boys at this time.

6.On the happy occasion, I give my best wishes to you.

Unit Two

1.I went to the dentist to have my bad teeth pulled out.

2.The development of thing is depend on the internal causes.

3.All roads lead to Rome.

4.I intended to give you the book, but I forgot to take.

5.I was on the verge of accepting his suggestion.

6.We can't take divorce lightly.

Unit Three

1.Lack of confidence contributes to his failure.

2.In the face of severely diease, he showed great courage.

3.We come to a conclusion that shi is telling the truth.

4.His secreary failed to tell him about the meeting.

5.Learning a language is not only a matter of memorizing words.

6.Once she comes to some decision, on one can hold her back.

7.It is difficult to live up to the standard made by our captain.

8.The scientist refers to this discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.

Unit Four

1.All that I can say is that we are so sorry.

2.In many cases, rules alone will not work.

3.Because of his intelligence and diligence, he's highly likely to succeed.

4.She stared at me, as if she didn't know me.

5.It is reported that three people were injured in the accident yesterday.

6.I was angry the way he treated me.

7.The patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday.

8.I want to stay at home rather than go out tonight.

Unit Five

1.You will see what I say will come true.

2.The lecture was so boring that half of students fell asleep.

3.Unemployment is tied up with the development of technology.

4.His appearance change so greatly that you may well not recognize him.

5.The history of castle can date back to 14 century.

6.She never did anything for them, whereas they have done anything they could for her.

Unit Six

1.We regard him as one of the most excellent players in this match.

2.The scientist picked those small stones up, and put them into a box carefully.

3.The population of China is almost five times as big as that of America.

4.The reason why grass is green was ever a mystery to the little boy.

5.She was standing by a window, apparently very calm and relaxed.

6.Recently, as a result of sales volume drop down, profits have declined.

7.She wears darkglasses as a protection against the strong light.

8.Through that things, peple will no longer believe him.

Unit Seven

1.If you sing the song for several times, the children can pick up lyrics of it.

2.We try our best to assure the nervous old man that plane taking is safe.

3.The inadequate supply of vitamin A can lead to night blindness.

4.I can use computers, but when it comes to repairing computers, I know nothing.

5.Many a mother try to make their dreams come true on their daughters.

6.The nasty weather discouraged people from attending the parade.

7.I gave him some pills to ease his pain.

8.This job involves going abroad for three months every year.

Unit Eight

1.I think I should piont out how dangerous it is.

2.Their opinions can not affect my decision.

3.When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom.

4.When someone asks her, she confirms she will retire.

5.The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesn't me any good.

6.If we couldn't sell out more goods, we have to cut back on production.

7.The film is all but three hours.

8.I assure you my story is true, lest someone feel strange.

Unit Nine

1.You should arrange things well prior to your setting off.

2.This behavior may result in the manager's being fired.

3.Our products could compete with those of other factories in terms of quality, reliabilty, especially varity.

4.Because of the heavy rain, the performance of the team was affected a lot.

5.I can appreciate the reason why you are against this suggestion.

6.To some extent, she should be responsible for this accident.

7.The thought that life is too comfortable, makes me deeply upset.

8.Women tend to live longer than men.

Unit Ten

1.We can go to the performance at 7o'clock or 8o'clock whichever suits you best.

2.People always think that men are stronger, but most women know the fact is reverse.

3.He was sentenced for five years, but he was released after two years in the jail.

4.You look equally nice on both the clothes, I don't know which one to advice.

5.This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and rich experiment.

6.The child suddenlly let go of her hand and run to the opposite side of the road.

7.In a great degree, the result of match depends on the judge's opinions.

8.I'm tired of telling you what I should do all the time.


看清楚页码哦有的是part 4 的


1.I'mtired,I should not have gone to bed so late last night.

2.I don't/didn't know Bob very well,but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.

3.We are supposed to meet her at the train station.

4.You could clearly see people drowning,but/and yet you took no action to save them.

5.Including weekends,there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.

6.Without immediate action,many kinds of wild animals would die fromhunger.


1.That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.

2.There happened to be a policeman on the corner,so I asked him the way.

3.All flightsto New York today are delayed because of the bad weather.

4.Whoever is responsible willl have to pay for the damage.

5.I can not find my checkbook ,i must have left it at home.

6.By the time ,the football match was going to start ,the storm had already stopped.


1.A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in.

2.He looked over my shoulder at the conveyer belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.

3.Unfortunately,his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.

4.I assured him that we would calll him as soon as we found his briefcase.

5.To our great surprise ,the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car .


1.Youwon't get the job unless you have got the experience.

2.Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.

3.The statement/sentence is so clear that it can't cause any misunderstanding.

4.He wishes he could give her more help than what he does now .

5.Put on your coat ,or you will catch a cold .

6.She has added a picture of Picasso to her collection.

7.I am not aware of ever having been here before.

8.You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.


1.First,you must be aware that feeling nervous is very normal in a strange environment./It is quite normal to feel nervoust in a strange environment.

2.Our thoughts can race a long several times faster than most people speak.

3.In order to get other’s attention, you must learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.

4.One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizens.

5.The sense of humor is of use/help.Telling a joke about yourself sometimes can lighten the conversation.

6.Only when you are willing to talk and listen attentively,can/will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.


1.It’s far too hot in the room,open the window,please!

2.The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.

3.he should have been angry at what I said.It was nothing more than a joke.

4.We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.

5.She views marriage as a serious matter.

6.To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.


1.I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot,but I neer have the time now.

2.The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.

3.this is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.

4.What aspect of your job/work is(the)most difficult,and what aspect is(the)most rewarding?

5.Some people think he is rude,but that’s not the case.

6.I’ll help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do.


1. Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.

2. Children were watching the planes take off and load.

3. As soon as I’m on board a ship I always feel sick.

4. A total of 20000 people visited the museum on the first day when it was open to the public.

5. The committee consists of scientists and engineers.

6. I wouldn’t dare to go home with the job unfinished.


1. We are considering selling the house.

2. I suggest he wait a while before he makes an decisions.

3. John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.

4. We’d like to know the reason why she didn’t accept the job.

5. You shouldn’t have gone back t the burning building,you might have been badly/seriously burnt.

6. It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might have be a problem.


1. World warⅡtook place in 1945.

2. My grandfather drinks a great deal.

3. He was still working by the age of 65.

4. The teacher knows all his students by name.

5. The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.

6. He likes all kinds of eports,but most of all,basketball.

7. Talking on the phone is different from talking face to face.

8. They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.


1. The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance,but the name of the apeaker ia not.

2. It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams.

3. Mr.Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others.

4. Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine.

5. First of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting.

6. I’m not accustomed to such luxury.It’s a waste of money.

7. The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.

8. Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.


1. The best way to lose weight is to avoid eating fatty foods.

2. One of the main causes of hunger used to be lack of transportation.

3. Wasteful packaging will add to the price of food/food price.

4. Economic reform would not be successful without the development of agriculture.

5. The farmers will grow more cash crops next year instead of grains.

6. At present,there are still places in the world where farmers make use of animal labor.

以上就是新编大学英语第二版课后答案的全部内容,be on new machinery rather than building.I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.5、。
