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  • 大学
  • 2024-04-04





1 Princeton University (NJ) 普林斯顿大学
3 Yale University (CT) 耶鲁大学
4 University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学
5 Duke University (NC) 杜克大学
5 Stanford University (CA) 斯坦福大学
7 California Institute of Technology 加州理工大学
7 Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 麻省理工学院
9 Columbia University (NY) 哥伦比亚大学
9 Dartmouth College (NH) 达特茅斯学院
11 Washington University in St. Louis 华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校
12 Northwestern University (IL) 西北大学
13 Cornell University (NY) 康奈尔大学
13 Johns Hopkins University (MD) 约翰.霍普金斯大学
15 Brown University (RI) 布朗大学
15 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学
17 Rice University (TX) 赖斯大学
18 University of Notre Dame (IN) 圣母玛利亚大学
18 Vanderbilt University (TN) 范德比尔特大学
20 Emory University (GA)
20 University of California – Berkeley* 加州大学(州立)伯克利分校
22 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 卡内基.梅隆大学
23 Georgetown University (DC) 乔治敦大学
23 University of Virginia* 弗吉尼亚大学(州立)
25 Univ. of California – Los Angeles* 加州大学(州立)洛杉矶分校
25 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor* 密歇根大学(州立)安荷伯分校
27 Tufts University (MA)
27 U. of North Carolina –Chapel Hill*
27 Wake Forest University (NC)
30 Univ. of Southern California-南加州大学
31 College of William and Mary (VA)*
32 Lehigh University (PA)
32 Univ. of California – San Diego* 加州大学(州立)圣地亚哥分校
34 Brandeis University (MA)
34 University of Rochester (NY)
34 Univ. of Wisconsin – Madison*
37 Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH)
37 Georgia Institute of Technology*
37 New York University 纽约大学
40 Boston College
40 University of California – Irvine*
42 U. of Illinois – Urbana - Champaign*
43 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY)
43 Tulane University (LA)
45 Univ. of California – Santa
45 University of Washington* 华盛顿大学(州立)
45 Yeshiva University (NY)
48 Pennsylvania State U. – University 宾夕法尼亚州大学
48 University of California – Davis*
50 Syracuse University (NY)
50 University of Florida* 佛罗里达州大学(州立)
52 University of Texas – Austin* 德州大学(州立)奥斯汀分校
53 George Washington University (DC)
53 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA)
55 Pepperdine University (CA)
55 Univ. of Maryland – College Park*
55 University of Miami (FL)
58 University of Georgia*
58 University of Pittsburgh*
60 Boston University 波士顿大学
60 Ohio State University – Columbus*
60 Purdue Univ. – West Lafayette (IN)*
60 Rutgers – New Brunswick (NJ)*
60 Texas A&M Univ. – College Station*
60 University of Iowa*
66 Miami University – Oxford (OH)*
66 University of Delaware*
68 Fordham University (NY)
68 Univ. of California – Santa Cruz*
68 University of Connecticut*
71 Brigham Young Univ. – Provo (UT)
71 Southern Methodist University (TX)
71 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ)
74 Indiana University – Bloomington* 印第安那大学布鲁明顿分校
74 Michigan State University*
74 SUNY – Binghamton*
74 Univ. of Minnesota – Twin Cities*
78 Baylor University (TX)
78 Clemson University (SC)*
78 North Carolina State U. – Raleigh*
78 St. Louis University
78 University of Colorado – Boulder*
78 Virginia Tech*
84 Clark University (MA)
85 American University (DC)
85 Auburn University (AL)*
85 Iowa State University*
85 Marquette University (WI)
85 Univ. of California – Riverside*
85 University of Denver
85 Univ. of Missouri – Columbia*
85 University of Tennessee*
93 Howard University (DC)
93 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry*
93 University of Tulsa (OK)
93 University of Vermont*
97 Illinois Institute of Technology
97 SUNY – Stony Brook*
97 Texas Christian University
97 University of Kansas*
97 Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln*
97 University of New Hampshire*


美国公立大学和私立大学的区别,天道小编在下文中会给您详细讲述: 1、美国公立大学的规模通常大于美国私立大学。前者的规模一般要大于后者的规模;教师与学生的比例往往是公立大学少于私立大学。 2、美国公立大学和私立大学的经费来源不同。公立大学的经费主要来自于州政府从税收中拨给的款项,联邦政府给予科研、购置图书设备和向学生提供各种资助;而私立大学在这方面所得的经费则微乎其微,它的经费来源主要是向学生收取通常比公立学校高得多的学费,以弥补不足。 3、公立大学和私立大学的另一个区别在于录取学生的标准不同。公立大学除了某些名牌大学外都带有普及性质,而私立大学的录取标准要求较高。公立大学更注重于研究,而后才是学生教育,私立大学小班化教学,更注重学生本身。 4、从学费上来讲,公立大学和私立大学在没有奖学金的情况下相比,公立大学的学费会便宜1-2万美金一年,但是不能忽略的是,公立大学往往给国际生奖学金的机会比较少,而私立大学一般都会给于一些资助。 以上就是美国公立大学和私立大学的区别,希望对想要留学美国的同学有帮助。


[美国] 加州大学洛杉矶分校(洛杉矶)
University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
所在城市:Los Angeles
Language Requirements
A proficiency in English will be critical to your success. UCLA requires one of the following proficiency exams from all international students coming from non-English speaking countries:
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
a score of 7 or higher on the academic module
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
a score of 83 or higher on the Internet-based test (iBT)
a score of 550 or higher on the paper-based test (PBT)
When you take the test, have your scores forwarded by the testing service to the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions Office.
If you are admitted to UCLA and your native language is not English, we may also require you to take UCLA’s English-as-a-Second-Language Placement Examination (ESLPE) immediately before the term in which you enter. If your score indicates a weakness in English, several terms of your program may include special courses in English for international students. If your score shows that you are seriously deficient, you will be required to gain proficiency in English before you are allowed to pursue your studies at UCLA.
国际学生参考学费:20021美元/年, 折合人民币136715元;折算汇率:1 美元 = 6.6418 人民币参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/911.html
[美国] 加州大学旧金山分校(旧金山)
University of California, San Francisco (San Francisco)
所在城市:San Francisco
Test Type Minimum Score
TOEFL Paper Based Test 550
TOEFL Computer Based Test 213
TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test) 80
参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/914.html


for example:http://www.harvard.edu

以上就是美国公立大学的全部内容, .。
