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  • 中考
  • 2023-04-24
  • 八年级期中英语试卷及答案
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  • 八年级期中英语试卷及答案


    Ⅴ. 单项选择。(20分)

    ()21. Do you know his parents? Yes, they __ English teachers in our school.

    A.are allB.all are C.are bothD.both is

    ()22. The book is ____.Most of the teachers are____ in it.

    A. interesting, interestedB. interesting ,interesting

    C. interested, interestingD. interested, interested

    ()23.____do you play tennis? I play three times a week.

    A. WhatB. HowC. How oftenD. What's

    ()24. What's____ with you?

    A. matter B. the wrongC. wrongD. up

    ()25. You shouldn't____ anything for 24 hours.

    A. eatB. ate C. eating D. to eat

    ()26. There is____ with him.

    A. anything seriousB. nothing serious

    C.serious somethingD. serious anything

    (毕老)27. She always eats____ food.

    A. too manyB. too much C. many tooD. much too

    ()28. What's she____ for vacation ?

    A. doesB. do C. did D. doing

    ()29.____ is he staying? For a week.

    A. How far B. How oftenC. How longD. How soon

    ()30. "I just finished____ my last movie. "She says.

    A. to makeB. makeingC. makingD. makes

    ()31. She's leaving__ Shanghai next week.

    A. to B. forC. atD. on






    一.找出下列单词划线部分发音不同的选项。( 5分 )

    ( )1. A. means B. head C. leaveD. speak

    ()2. A. habitB. match C. planD. nature

    ()3. A. tooth B. footC. good D. book

    ()4. A. bikeB. rideC. river D. mile

    ()5. A. agoB. stopC. overD. whole


    ()1.-- How do you usually come to school?---- I usually come to school _________.

    A. take the bus B. by bus C. by the bus D. take a bus

    ( )2. — did he play soccer? —About 3 hours.

    A. How farB. How soon C. How oftenD. How long

    ( )3. —Do you look the same? —No, I am taller than her.

    A. more B. a fewC. a littleD. very

    ( )4. A: Do you often watch TV on weekdays?

    B: No. I _____ watch TV on weekdays. I watch TV only on weekends.

    A. usuallyB. never C. always 枣旅D. often

    ( )5. --_____ are you staying in Shanghai? --Four days. A. How often B. How far C. How D. How long

    ( )6. Thanks for ___________ me to your home.

    A. ask B. inviting C. to invite D. asks

    ( )7. A: Can you come to my home for dinner?B: Yes,________.

    A. I’d love to B. I will C. I can’t comeD. I do

    ( )8. Jack spends much money on books _____ he is not rich.A. thoughB. since C. becauseD. if

    ( )9.If you want to be thinner, you’d better eat _____ food and take _____exercise.

    A. more, lessB. less, more C. fewer, moreD. more, fewer

    (茄雹 )10.Our house is as _____ as theirs.

    A. bigger B. big C. more bigD. biggest

    ( )11 . I hope ______ on time.

    A. her to come B. she can comeC. she can comesD. her comes

    ( )12. Boys and girls, I have _____ to tell you.

    A. anything interesting颤岩帆 B. interesting something

    C. interesting anything D. something interesting

    ( )13. You should have a _____ lifestyle, or you can’t be in good _____.

    A. health, health B. health, healthy C. healthy, health D. healthy, healthy

    ( )14. The meat is ___ expensive and eating ___ meat is bad for your health.

    A. too much; much too B. too much; too much

    C. much too; too much D. much too; much too

    ( )15. Eating vegetables ______ our health.

    A. are good for B. are good with C. is good for D. is good at

    ( ) 16.---I’m stressed out and tired. -________. A. You should drink some water.B. You should have a good rest. C. You shouldn’t take any exerciseD. You should drink some hot water with honey

    () 17 . I think it’s necessary for us _______ English well. A. learning B. to learning C. to learn D. learn

    () 18. --Would you like to play with us, Lily?

    -I’d love to, but my mother is ill, I have to______ her. A. look for B. look after C. see D. look at

    () 19. I______ a primary school student two years ago. A. am B. was C. be D. were

    () 20. My brother ____ hiking in the mountains next week. A. goes B. is goingC. went D. to go

    三、完型填空(共10小题,计10分) Mr. Smith lived in a village (村庄). He had 1 farms(农场) and about twenty people working for him. He often told them 2 hard and be honest (诚实的). One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon it was time 3 lunch. He put 4 nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later he came back again but he 5 find the bread. “Who ate the bread on the table?” he shouted. Some of the workers answered, “We 6 .”The others said, “We saw nothing.” “Well,” said Mr. Smith, “ 7 are a lot of mice (老鼠)in the rooms, you know. So I put some poison (毒药) in the bread. 8 they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them.” As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry. “Oh, dear!”“ 9 ?” asked Mr. Smith.“We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die.” One of them cried.“Don’t worry,” Mr. Smith said 10 a smile. “I only play a trick on you. Use your head.”() 1A. a fewB. few C. little D. a little() 2. A. workB. working C. worked D. to work

    ( )3. A. inB. at C. for D. with( )4. A. twoB. many C. a D. some( )5. A. can’tB. couldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mustn’t( )6. A. did B. didn’t C. doD. does( )7. A. TheyB. There C. WeD. What( )8. A. ThatB. Before C. IfD. And( )9. A. How are you B. What are you doing

    C. Did you have lunch D. What’s wrong with you

    ( )10. A. with B. for C. in D. on



    Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We should rest from work for one or two weeks every year, if it is possible, they say, we should leave our homes and go to another part of the country. We should go away for a holiday. Then, after the holiday, we return home and we’re fresh(有精神的) and ready(准备) for another year of work.

    This seems to be true(真的) for most adults(成年人) and young children but not for the old. Some people do not like leaving their homes to stay in strange places and they do not like a sudden(突然) change in their lives. They like their homes best of all.

    阅读后判断正( T ) 误 ( F ) 。

    ( )1. Doctors say that we should have a good rest when we are tired.

    ( )2. We must leave our homes for vacation.

    ( )3. Only adults can rest a lot from hard work.

    ( )4 . All the old people don’t like to stay in strange places for holidays.

    ( )5. “return” means get back or come back.


    Long long ago, there was a girl called Lucy. Her father was Emperor(皇帝) Yan and he loved her very much. They often played together, and she also loved her father very much. One day, she had a wonderful time when she swam in the sea. She was too tired to swim and she was drowned (淹死). Because she wanted to see her father when she changed into(变成) a bird, she put some stones (石头) into the sea day after day (日复一日)and changed (改变) the sea into the land. She made a wish, and she would like to play with her father again.This story was a little sad. It tells something important. When we do anything, we have to work hard. Learning English is difficult but if you study hard, you can learn it well. ( )6 . Did Emperor Yan love her draught very much? _________.A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn’t. C. We don’t know. D. Yes, he didn’t.( )7 .What did Nuwa do when she changed into a bird? She .A. had a wonderful time B. swam in the sea C. put some stones into the sea D. played with her father ( )8 .Why was she drowned? . A. Because she was happy B. Because she was sad C. Because she was tired D. Because she was a little girl( )9 . What is the meaning of “land”?A. 大海 B. 岛屿 C. 操场 D. 陆地( )10 .What do we know from this passage? . A. We should change into a bird B. The girl loved her father very much C. Don’t swim in the sea D. Learning English is easy

    五、用方框内提示的词补全对话:( 每2分,共10分)

    A: ____1____ B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First People's Hospital?

    A: Let me see. Oh, it's far from here. B: ____2____

    A: About five miles. ____3____ B: Which bus should I take?

    A: The No.1 bus will take you there.B: ____4____

    A: It's about 30 minutes. B: Thanks for your help.

    A: ____5____

    A. That's OK.B. You can take a bus to go there.

    C. Can I help you?D. How long does it take to get there?E. How far is it?

    第二卷( 共35 分)


    1. She goes to a movie _(one) a month.

    2. He______(go) fishing yesterday.

    3. I think everyone has two________(foot).

    4. Tom is much______(quiet) than his friends.

    5 .Jack________(swim) in the river now.

    6. She likes to have friends who are______ (difference) from her.

    7. I have a good way of _______ ( learn ) English.

    8. This lesson is _________ ( easy ) than that one.

    9. Theyenjoy __________( them ) on Sundays.

    10. I really need _____________ ( have ) a good rest .

    七 、句型转换(每空一词,每空1分,共15分)

    1. I go to the movies two or three times a month. ( 对划线部分提问 )

    ______do you go to the movies ?

    2. It is about forty-five miles from home to school. ( 对划线部分提问 )[

    ___ __ is it from home to school ?

    3. I usually walk to school.( 同义句 )

    I usually go to school __ ______ .

    4. Li Ming is not so tall as Li Lei. ( 同义句 )

    Li Ming is______Li Lei.

    5. Miss Li is popular in our class.Mr. Wang is more popular.(同义句转换)

    Mr. Wang is________ popular _________ Miss Li.

    6. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework . (同义句转换)

    It usually ________ me 3 hours ________ do my homework..

    7. She is good at English. (同义句转换)

    She ______________________ English.

    八、书面表达:(10 分)

    根据提示写一封电子邮件,词数60 词左右。

    提示; 你叫王明,你的网友(Alice)这个周末邀请你去看足球比赛,但是你很忙不能去,请你说出不能去的理由,把你的周末安排告诉她。(开头和末尾已经写出)

    Dear Alice



    Wang Ming



    I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分)

    1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?

    2. What subject can the woman help the man?

    3. Why do you think May can be the woman's best friend?

    4. How does the man like diving?

    5. Which country are they visiting?

    II. 补全对陪兄悄话。根据上下文补全所缺单词芦渣尘行。(10分)

    Mike: What subjects are you studying?

    Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

    Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

    Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

    Mike: What's the reason?

    Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

    Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

    Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

    Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

    Mary: I've learnt about 300 words.

    Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

    Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

    Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

    Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

    Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

    Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

    III. 读下面短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。(20分)

    A big quarrel broke out in San Francisco in the 1920's. The boats that c ______ (1) people north from the city a ______ (2) San Francisco Bay were too crowded. Many people had an i ______ (3).

    They said that a b ______ (4) should be built. S ______ (5) people called it "The Bridge That Couldn't Be Built".

    Joseph B. Strauss, a world-famous bridge builder, said he t ______ (6) it could be built. Finally, work was started. One worker said, "I f ______ (7) the earth shaking when I was up on top. We didn't think it would ever make it. We thought the bridge would f ______ (8) into the water."

    It d ______ (9) fall. The bridge was put up and it has become the best k ______ (10) bridge in America-the Golden Gate Bridge.

    IV. 选词填空。(20分)

    but, for, well, with, give up, harder, important, a lot, think of, good at

    My close friend is my deskmate. She is (1) ______ English,(2) ______ I am poor in it. Once I failed in a test. I felt very sad and I almost wanted to (3) ______ this subject. Then my deskmate told me that English was a very (4) ______ subject and we must study it (5) . I was moved. From then on, I studied English (6) than before. When I had difficulties, I would go to her (7) ______ help.

    (8) ______ her help, my English had improved (9) ______ by the end of the term. Although we are now in different schools, I often (10) ______ her and her help.

    V. 用所给形容词、副词的适当形式填空。(20分)

    Have you noticed any differences between Tom and Mike?

    Tom is twenty years old. Mike is twenty-one. So Mike is one year(1) ______ (old) than Tom. Tom is five feet ten and a half inches(2) ______ (tall). Mike is five feet eleven inches tall. So Mike is half an inch(3) ______ (tall) than Tom.

    Mike's and Tom's apartments look very(4) ______ (different). Mike's is one of the (5) ______ (expensive) in our town. Tom's apartment is much(6) ______ (small) than Mike's, but his is(7) ______ (attractive) than Mike's in many ways. Mike is getting(8) ______ (busy and busy) these days. He can't find(9) (many) time to clean his apartment or keep it in order. He is also(10) ______ (lazy) than Tom about housework. He doesn't care if his place is a little(11) ______ (dirty) or messy. Tom is a very(12) ______ (neat) person. His place is always(13) ______ (neat and clean) than Mike's.

    Mike is not so(14) ______ (good) at cooking as Tom, but he is as good as Tom in sports. Tom can beat Mike in many sports such as baseball and basketball, but he can't play tennis as(15) ______ (well) as Mike can. Mike is a(16) ______ (good) dancer than he is, too.

    Their personalities are different. Mike likes to be the center of attention. He likes to meet new people, but Tom becomes

    (17) ______ (shy) and quiet when he meets any new people. Mike is(18) ______ (talkative) and 19) ______ (sociable) than Tom. Both Tom and Mike are the(20) ______ (good) friends of mine.

    VI. 阅读理解。(15分)

    June 2004

    School is out, junior year is over and the senior year is next. On the last day of school, all of us juniors were so excited to say that we are officially seniors-the class of 2005. We finished our last exams and received our grades. And that research paper I was so worried about. Well. I passed it with flying colours.

    Our annual spring dance show went smoothly and was great. Even though it was an emotional night for all the seniors and other members who were leaving the team, we had to hide our sadness and put smiles on our faces for the show. The audience enjoyed the show so much, and some people even said that they wanted to stand up and dance with us. Oh, what fun we had!Since summer has begun, I have started thinking about my senior year and how close I am to heading into that big world. Honestly I am scared to death because what I'm going to do in college will basically determine my future. I mean, I look back on my three years in high school and see that I have done what I needed to, but I also see some things I've done. But I have learned, and will not make the same mistakes twice. My junior year was the toughest: getting ready for my senior year, keeping my grades up, all of those national tests, and just handling the pressure. Although the pressure was tough, my friends and family were there to support me and keep my hopes high. They made sure that I wouldn't fall, and if I did, they would just pick me right up.

    Everything is going so well in my life right now. My school life and my personal life are on the straight path again. I'm ready for my last year in high school and my first year in college, but I'm still wondering what college I will be going to. Soon enough I will know which college, and a new chapter will begin in my book of life.


    1. Is this passage a letter or a diary? _______________________________________

    2. What grade is Miss Christa in now? _______________________________________

    3. How about their spring dance show? _______________________________________

    4. What does the word pressure mean here in Chinese? _______________________________________

    5. What college will Miss Christa go? _______________________________________


    I. 录音原文及参考答案

    1. Man: Oh, dear! I'm thirsty. Whose juice is it?

    Woman: It's mine.

    Man: Can I have some?

    Woman: Er..., mmm..., but there's little left.

    2. Man: Could you help me with my lessons?

    Woman: Which subject are you weak in?

    Man: Well, I don't do well in History, Maths, English, er..., Science and so on.

    Woman: I'm good at Science, but I'm not interested in Maths. Maybe I can also help you with your History.

    3. Man: Look at that girl. Who's she, do you know?

    Woman: That's May. She's my best friend. She's very helpful, and she never says a bad word about anyone.

    4. Woman: Oh, climbing is so exciting an activity.

    Man: However, I think it's a little dangerous, and so is diving.

    5. Woman: Oh, dear, how beautiful the Eiffel Tower is!

    Man: Of course it is! But can you get to the top of it?

    ( 1. She isn't willing to share any thing with others. /She is not generous to others. 2. She can help him with his Science and History. 3. Because May is very helpful and never says a bad word about anyone. 4. He thinks it's a little dangerous. 5. They are visiting France.)

    II. 1. English 2. subject 3. hear 4. listening 5. many 6. can't 7. little 8. interested 9. help 10. from

    III. 1. carried 2. across 3. idea 4. bridge 5. Some 6. thought 7. felt 8. fall 9. didn't 10. known

    IV. 1. good at 2. but 3. give up 4. important 5. well 6. harder 7. for 8. With 9. a lot 10. think of

    V. 1. older 2. tall 3. taller 4. different 5. most expensive 6. smaller 7. more attractive 8. busier and busier 9. much 10. lazier 11. dirty 12. neat 13. neater and cleaner 14. good 15. well 16. better

    17. shy 18. more talkative 19. more sociable 20. best

    VI. 1. It's a diary. 2. She is in Grade 9 (Nine) of high school. 3. Their spring dance show was so good that the audience enjoyed it very much. 4. 压力。 5. I (We) don't know.


    1 income

    2 greetings

    3 A这里考的是worry 的用法,worry 是“使担心,使发愁”的意思,如果是sth 作主语,就用sth worries sb句型,如果是sb作主肆大脊语,则要用sb worries about sth/sb be worried about sth.

    4 B 用来代替前面已出现的名词,以避免重复。而且,that还有(指两个相对事物中的较前一个)那个。四裂渗个选项中只有that有这个仿乱功能。


    I. I. I. 听句子听句子听句子听句子,,,,选出句子中所包含的信息选出句子中禅谈所包含的信息选出句子中所包含的信息选出句子中所包含的信息。(。(。(。(共共共共9999个小题个小题个小题个小题,,,,每个小题每个小贺袭碰题每个小题每个小题1111分分分分,,,,共共共共9999分分分分))))( ) 1.A.Once a month. B.Twice a month. C.Three times a month. ( ) 2. A.For a week. B.Last week. C.Next week. ( ) 3.A. To Guangzhou.B.To Hainan. C.To Dalian. ( ) 4.A.5th.B.13th .C.8 days. ( ) 5.A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesn’t. C.I don't know. ( ) 6.A.He has to study for a test. B. He has to look after his grandparents.C.He has to visit his grandparents. ( ) 7.A.Jim B.Jim’s cousin C. Both of them ( ) 8. A.He has a headache.B. He has a toothache.C.He has a cold. ( ) 9. A.She has an art lesson.B.She is going to a piano lesson. C.She is playing sports.II. II. II. II. 听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题,,,,选择正确的答案选择正确的答案选择禅散正确的答案选择正确的答案((((共共共共11111111个小题个小题个小题个小题,,,,每个小题每个小题每个小题每个小题1111分分分分,,,,共共共共11111111分分分分))))听第1段材料,回答第10-11小题。 ( ) 10.What did Mike buy for Kate? A. A nice watch.B.A new coat.C.Some beautiful cards. ( ) 11.How will they get to Kate’s house? A.By bus. B.By subway.C.B
