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  • 高三
  • 2023-08-28

2017西城英语二模初三?After this, people started the 9 (traditional) of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes that carry 10 (they) wishes to the families they love and miss. 六、那么,2017西城英语二模初三?一起来了解一下吧。






1. -What are you going to be when you grow up?

-_______teacher like you.

A. A B. An C. The D. /

2. –Is your brother running in the park?

—No,______ is sitting under the tree.

A. she B. his C. her D. he

3. My sister is ________. She likes making friends with others.

A. shy B. quiet C. athletic D. outgoing

4. –_______are you talking about?

-The Voice of China—the most popular TV show last year.

A. What B. Whom C. How D. Where

5. -When were you born, Jack?

- ________June 10,1997.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

6. Don’t ______ so often. It’s bad for your health.

A. get up B. stay up C. look up D. come up

7.Mary, put on your coat, ________you’ll catch a cold.

A. and B. or C. so D. but

8.- Hello, May I speak to Linda, please?

-Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong________.

A. name B. way C. number D. telephone

9. - _______nice the ice cream looks! I can’t wait to taste it.

A . How a B. How C. What a D. What

10. -I wonder if the reporter will come to our school this weekend.

-If he________, we will be excited.

A. come B. comes C. will come D. came






一、单项选择 (20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。模者

( )1. If you read the article for second time, you will have better

understanding of it.A. a; the B. /; the C. a; a D. /; a

( )2. — How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it?

— To be honest, I learnt it watching TV. I learn to cook many dishes

B. by; on C. in; on D. in; in TV.A. by; in

( )3. — What’s the of the car at present?

— It’s about 70 kilometers an hour.

A. place B. speed C. price D. mark

( )4. — Why do you like Mrs. Lee?

— Because she is very . She is never tired of explaining something to us again

and again. A. active B. beautiful C. unusual D. patient

( )5. — Sorry, but I didn’t quite catch what you said. Would you please your e-mail address?— OK. It’s andy19840313@126.com.

A. repeat B. return C. recycle D. review

( )6. — Han Li has improved her English a lot since she joined the English club.

— How she chose to join it at first!

A. quickly B. suddenly C. simply D. wisely

( )7. — You’re doing much better in your writing. can you improve it so quickly? — Well, I started keeping diaries in English two months ago.

A. When B. Where C. How D. What

( )8. Jimmy is very helpful. I stay with him, I like him.

A. The more; the most B. The most; the most

C. The more; the more D. The most; the morew W w .x K b 1 .c o M

( )9. — My grandpa learns English for two hours every day, he is over 70.

— Really? We should learn from him. A. because B. although C. since D. as

( )10. — Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?

— It’s difficult for me follow.

A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; too

( )11. When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A. make up them B. look up them C. make them up D. look them up

( )12. — What did Tina say? — Sorry, I didn’t what she said.

A. pay attention to B. get on with C. hold on to D. look forward to

( )13. — I haven’t got a partner . — Maybe you can ask John for help.

A. work with B. to work C. working with D. to work with

( )14. Physics much easier for me since Mrs. Yang began to teach us.

A. have been B. has been C. was D. were

( )15. — I wonder if I can learn English well.

— . All things are difficult before they are easy.

A. I am afraid so B. You’re slow C. It takes time D. It’s a piece of cake

( )16. Lucy finally found _________exciting to have conversations with friends in Chinese.

A. that B. this C. it D. it’s

( )17. ---I’m going to listen _______the tape. ---OK. Remember to look ________the key

words. A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to D. for, for

( )18. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.

A. If B. Weather C. How D. Whether

( )19.I have finished _________my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar?

A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing D. to write, to play

( )20.For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading

二、 完形填空 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。


The Power of PositiveThinking

Human emotion is one of those factors that cannot bedefined exactly. The reason is that it is quite uncertain. We cannot change thefeelings that are roused when we experience different things (26).

Some people forget that they are in control. They maketheir choices based on their emotions. They experience failure and loss and lettheir emotions rule their decisions. They are trapped in their sadness andthus, experience more failure.

Some people say they need a lucky break to recoverfrom their failures.(27) They need to get over their failures on theirown. But how do they do that? The answers: positive thinking.

People often fail to realize the power of positivethinking.(28) They fail to realize that they only need to overcome theirfears in order to truly succeed in life. They just have too much prides and areblinded of their own shortcomings.

The power of positive thinking lies in belief.(29)You make the decisions that affect your life. You may not be able to changeyour environment, but you are able to change the way you react to it.

The power of positive thinking lies beyond falsecourage. You need to take another look at the world around you.(30). Youcan't rest on your success, or foolish pride will cause you to make wrongdecisions.

(A)They fail to realize that their worst enemy lies within themselves.

(B)However; we must always remember that we can control our reactions.

(C)You can't just take a look at your failures, or you will lose hope.

(D)We can benefit a lot from positive thinking.

(E) However; life rarely gives people a break.

(F)You need to believe that you are in control.


空格前一句话的意思为“当经历不同的事情时, 我虚卜们不能改变因此而起衡誉陪的情感”。


Text 3


Today, widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year. 如今,在这个快速发展的世界里,要求立即上大学的社会压力越来越大,人们对大学的期望也越来越高,这往往导致学生们完全忽视了间隔年的可能性。

After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems
