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  • 高一
  • 2023-07-29

外研版高一英语必修二?高中英语必修2(外研版)Unit1OurBodyandHealthyHabits 知识点总结一、重点词汇​ 词义辨析:injure/hurt/wound/cut  四者都可以指“伤害、伤痛”。那么,外研版高一英语必修二?一起来了解一下吧。





4非谓语中 -ing和to do




在紧张的英语备考过程中,少不了一些试题卷的题海战术。所以,认真地对待每悄雀一份试卷吧!你真的可以从中收获不少呢!以下是由我收集整理的外研版高一上册英语必修二Module 5测试试题,欢迎阅读!

外研版高一上册英语必修二Module 5测试试题


1.It ________ (snow)when he arrived at the station.

2.As I was coming here,I ________ (meet) your brother.

3.Great changes ________ (take) place in Beijing since it was liberated.

4.I ________ (tell) you as soon as I know.

5.We’ll wait until the doctor ________ (come).

6.The telephone rang when I ________ (take) a bath.

7.As he talked on,he ________ (get) more and more excited.

8.They talked as they ________ (walk) along the river.

9.He was punished only because he ________ (break)the law.

10.As he was in a hurry,he ________ (leave)his bag at home.





迅神Module 3

Listeningand Vocabulary(Students’ book : P26)

哪冲The Beatles werethe most successful band in the history of popular music. The band consisted ofJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Starr playeddrums, the other three played guitar. Lennon and McCartney wrote most of thesongs. All the Beatles were born in Liverpool in the north of England.

During the early1960s, the Beatles were influenced by American rock singers, such as ChuckBerry and Elvis Presley. They had their first hit in 1962 with a catchy songcalled Love Me Do (1962). In 1964, after they had become stars in theirown country, the Beatles toured the United States and were a huge success.

During themid-1960s, the Beatles were one of the bands which gave rock music a newdirection. Some of their songs were quite serious, such as Nowhere Man;there were ballads such as Yesterday and more complex songs such as StrawberryFields Forever.

By the late1960s, their music had changed completely. They had stopped writing simplesongs with catchy tunes. The tunes and the lyrics had become more interestingand they had begun to use new instruments, too. For example, after visitingIndia, they started using Indian instruments.

亩缓亏Some of theiralbums changed pop music completely. Their last album was Let It Be in1970.

After they hadfinished recording Let It Be, they split up. By the time they stoppedworking together, they had sold more albums than any other band in history.After the group had broken up, all the Beatles performed as solo artists orstarted other bands.

John Lennon diedin New York in 1980. George Harrison died in 2001.


一共分为八册 必修1,2,3,4,5 选修6,7,8 以及完全没有用的选修9,10,11高一上学必修一和必修二高猜山一下学必修三和必修四高二上学必修五和必修六高二下学必修七和必修八现亩兆数在学校讲课都不是严格地按照课本讲的 必修一到必修五只讲单词和每单元第二课的大课文 必修一到必修五的语法其实是初中语法的纵深 必修六到必修八主讲语法 只有这三册书里的语法才是高中新学的语法 至于必修六到必修八的单词 背老师给划的 课文迅首不讲



Book 2 的樱激蠢各个模块:

Module OneOur Body and Healthy Habits 我们的身体与健康的习惯

Module TwoNo Drugs 拒绝毒品

Module Three Music 音乐

Module FourFine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts 西方、中国、流行美术

Module FiveNewspapers and Magazines 报纸杂刊

Module SixFilms and TV Programmes电影与电视节目

最后的Module 7是复习模块,铅悉主要就是一些练习题。

以上就是外研版高一英语必修二的全部内容,外研版英语不是由单元组成的,而是由模块(module)组成。每册书都是由7个模块组成,分别称为Module 1/2/Module 7。前6个模块是学习模块,包括听、说、读、写的各种学习内容。最后的Module 7是复习模块。
