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  • 中专
  • 2023-06-29

小学英语专业知识考试题?⑴《英语课程标准》中指出语言技能包括哪些内容?(5分)⑵基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是什么?(5分)三、英语学科知识和基本技能试题(62分)[一] 单项选择(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。那么,小学英语专业知识考试题?一起来了解一下吧。


学习英语时,多做英语试题,有利于我们掌握良好的学习方法,全面提高英语成绩。下面是我为大家整理的 ,希望对大家有用!

笔试部分 60分

一、 单项选择。15分

1.—How many do you have ?

A.dolls B. doll C. any dolls

2.Look this toy monkey.

A. is B. for C. at

3.—Do you like_____?

--- Yes ,I do.

A. apples B. apple C. an apple

4.Can you ?

A. swimming B. swim C. swims

5.---What you do ?

---_____like a sandwich.

A. do ,I B. would, I’d C. would , I

6.--- you like some grapes?

------No ,thank you .

A.Do B.Would C.Are

7. Look at the lovely bird.. It fly.

A.is B.would C.can

8.-- toy cars do you have?


A.What about B.How many C.How much

9.I don’t have a doll, .

A.too B.either C.then

10.He can jump .

A.well B.good C.nice

穗蔽 11.I have some pens. in the pencilbox.

侍举A.It’s B.They’re C.I’m

12.Look at dogs under the tree.They’re very cute.

A.they B.that C. those

13.---Can you see the boy the tree?

----Yes ,I can.

A. with B.in C.on

14.---I can skate.

猜谈州----I can ,too.

A.swim B. Jump C.skate

15.---Can you play basketball?


A.don’t B.can’t C.isn’t

二、 在II栏中找出与I栏中相应的答句。






A. 写出下列指源备形容词的比较级。

tall——( ) heavy——( ) fast——( )

long——( ) small——( ) strong——( )

slow——( ) young——( )

B. 写出下列动词的过去式。

is——( ) go——( ) see——( )

are——( ) read——( ) do——( )

wash——( )


( )1. —Did you clean the living room?

—Yes. I__________

A. did. B. do. C. does.

( )2. —What did Lisa do yesterday?

—She __________ to music.

A. listens B. listen C. listened

( )3. —What did you do last night?

—I __________ TV.

A. saw B. Look at C. watched

( )4. She __________ yesterday.

A. Went fish B. Went fishing C. goes fishing

( )5. What __________ you do last Monday.

A. do B. did C. does

( )6. Before. I __________ quiet. Now I’m very active in class.

A. is B. was C. am

( )7. — __________did you go there?

—I went there by bike.

A. How B. What C. Where

( )8. —Did Tom like playing ping-pang?

唯毁—No he __________

A. does. B. did. C. didn’t

( )9. I __________ a horse yesterday.

A. rode B. ride C. rides

( )10. John __________ camping last weekend.

A. go B. goes C. went




一、 写出下列的中文的英语。

1、包 __________ 2、男孩__________

3、钢笔 __________ 4、水___________

5、尺子___________ 6、鸡则碧州肉__________



11、课桌__________ 12、家__________

13、书__________ 14、学校_________

15、教室__________ 16、窗户__________


19、椅子__________ 20、床__________

21、面包__________ 22、牛肉 __________

23、教师__________ 24、蛋__________

25、房间__________ 26、笔盒__________


二、 写出下列的英语的中文。

1、bedroom _________ 2、Chinese book_______ 3、painting __________ 4、picture__________

5. chopsticks__________ 6、we__________

7、you__________8、computer __________

9.right___________ 10. study_________

11、fridge __________12、she __________

13、notebook __________ 14、key__________

15、schoolbag_________16、 he__________

17、慧圆shelf __________ 18、twenty-one__________ 19、thirty__________20、 forty__________

21、knife __________22、plate__________

23、noodles__________24、long hair__________

25、phone __________ 26、soup __________

27、strong__________ 28、quiet__________

29、vegetable __________30、spoon _________

31、science__________ 32、computer game __________

33、here you are__________



【 #小学英语#导语】学习英语可以让我们更好地认识汉语。这句话听上去似乎有点矛盾,但学习一门外语确实能够增加我们对母语的理解。这是因此在学习外语的过程中我们会不断将其与母语比较,从而能够以一个新的角度来审视自己的母语。以下是整理的《小学六年级英语测试题(二篇)》迅磨,希望帮助到您。尺漏

【篇一】 一、单词辨音 找出单词中划读音与其余三个不同的选项。(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)

1. ( ) A. thirdB. circle C. turnD. Saturday

2. ( ) A. colourB. pencilC. can D. cake

3. ( ) A. knowB. brown C. lowD. window

4. ( ) A. cook B. good C. foodD. look

5. ( ) A. seasonB. please C. eat D. great

6. ( ) A. elephantB. elevenC. eveningD. envelope

二、单项选择 从下列三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。亩困斗(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

( )1、They are reading about an English boy ________ the newspaper.

A. onB. atC. in

( )2、Can I have ________ postcards?

A. any B. a C. some

( )3、Who do you want to ________?

A. writeB. write to C. writing

( )4、I ________ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon.

A. saw B. see C. am seeing

( )5、Yang Ling and I ________ have the same hobbies.

A. allB. bothC. are

( )6、You ________ me about it yesterday.

A. tell B. told C. talked

( )7、Are you going to take part ________ the meeting?

A. onB. atC. in

( )8、There ________ a concert in the school tomorrow.

A. is B. are C. have

( )9、Which season do you like ________?

A. betterB. goodC. best

( )10、The car is ________ than the old one.

A. nice B. nicerC. very nice





1、A、cakeB、nameC、map D、face

2、A、ten B、legC、he D、dress


4、卖燃A、noseB、clockC、no D、home

5、A、studentB、excuse C、mug D、use


1、[sΛndi]( )2、[sta:] ()

3、[w[:k[] ( ) 4、[frend]( )

5、[∫u:] ( )6、[sit] ()

7、[f�0�3t]( ) 8、[∫[:t]( )

9、[fa: �0�8 []( ) 10、[sku:l] ( )


( )1、Are you a girl?Yes,I .

A.are B.am C.is

( )2、This is orange.


( )3、Wheres Peter? Hesthe classroom.

A.in B.at C.on

( )4、Whats name? His name is Jim.

A.myB.your C.his

( )5、is Tom ? Hes at home.

A.Who B.Where C.What


以上就是小学英语专业知识考试题的全部内容,小学英语六年级毕业考试题 一、 找出划线部分发音不同的单词,并把答案序号填在左边括号内。(15分)1、A、cake B、name C、map D、face 2、A、ten B、leg C、he D、dress 3、A、。
