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  • 高一英语试卷模拟题

    踏踏实实做好每份英语试题不仅是对学生英锋燃语知识掌握的一个考查,通过试题卷的检测,还能找出他们在学习上的一些遗漏的地方。所以,你准备好了做这一份试卷吗?下面是我整理的外研版高一英语必修一Module 1检测试题以供大家去学习。

    外研版高一英语必修一Module 1检测试题

    第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)

    第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


    1. angry A. asleep B. attitude C. accept D. amazed

    2. method A. correct B. cover C. officer D. province

    3. famous A. courage B. thousand C. shout D. previous

    4. because A. system B. physics C. subject D. impress

    5. month A. without B. although C. method D. smooth

    第二节 情景对话(共哗让5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


    White: Hi, George, what have you been doing lately? 6 Where have you been?

    George: Oh, I have been playing the piano for a group of Germans.

    White: 7

    George: Well, playing the piano is great, but I feel tired when going out with the suitcase all the time. Just now my manager told me to play in a town along the coast.

    White: At the seaside?

    George: 8

    White: Why not? 9

    George: Well, I am bored with playing the same old music over and over again for the tourists. 10

    A. I haven’t seen you for a long time.

    B. I am badly in need of rest.

    C. It must be exciting to play the piano and travel all the time.

    D. Yes, but I don’t think I am going to take it.

    E. It is necessary for us to earn a lot of money.

    F. No, it’s not bad.

    G. I feel like a machine.

    第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

    11. Do you go tocollege after high school just fordiploma?

    A. a; \ B. a; a C. \; \ D. \; a

    12. People say that information on the Internet is less believable thanin the newspaper.

    A. that B. those C. one D. it

    13. Before you take the medicine, you should read theon the bottle carefully.

    A. translation B. instructions C. descriptions D. explanation

    14. — The trainin five minutes.

    — Oh, my God! We’ll never make it.

    A. will have left B. has left C. left D. leaves

    15. There is no doubt that everyone has the right to choose his ownof living.

    A. way B. method C. manner D. behaviour

    16. What do you think will probably happen in the future if the treesfrom the earth?

    A. are disappeared B. will disappear

    C. disappear D. will be disappeared

    17. Football is becoming more and more popular. , it is loved by more and more people.

    A. In a word B. In fact C. In other words D. In all

    18. — I don’t suppose he will win this time, ?

    — It’s hard to say.

    A. won’t he B. don’t I C. will he D. do I

    19. Dora is not only clever but also . So she always comes out on top in the exam.

    A. friendly B. enthusiastic C. brilliant D. hard-working

    20. I climbed to the top of the Great Wall, which I had long been looking forward from the bottom of my heart .

    A. to visit B. to visiting C. for visiting D. of visiting

    21. With the help of the new technology, they madecomputers in 2011 as the year before.

    A. twice as much as B. twice as many as

    C. twice as much D. twice as many

    22. — I feelwith the long speech.

    — So do I. It’s really .

    A. boring; bored B. bored; bored C. bored; boring D. boring; boring

    23. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. It islike what it was ten years ago.

    A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

    24. I’m deeply impressedmy teacher’s attitude to work so I’ve made up my mind to study harder.

    A. to B. on C. with D. for

    25. —Hi, Mike, haven’t seen you for ages.

    —Very well, thank you.

    A. Is that right? B. Best wishes!

    C. Cool! D. How are you doing?

    第四节 完形填空 (共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

    There were three little butterfly (蝴蝶) brothers, one white, one red, and one yellow. They played among the 26 in the garden, but never grew 27 because they were so happy.

    One day there came a heavy rain, and it 28 their bodies. They flew away home, but when they got there they found the door locked and the 29 gone. So they flew to the tulip (郁金香) and said, “My dear friend, will you let us stay here till the 30 is over?”

    The tulip answered, “Only the red butterfly and the yellow one may 31 , because they are like me.”

    But the red butterfly and the yellow one said, “If our 32 may not find a place, we’ll stay outside with him.”

    It 33 harder and harder, and the 34 butterflies grew much wetter, so they flew to the white lily (百合花) , saying, “Good Lily, will you 35 a little so we may get in?”

    The lily answered, “The 36 butterfly may come in, because he is like me, but the red one and the yellow one must stay outside.”

    Then the white butterfly said, “If you won’t 37 my brothers, I’ll stay out with them. We would rather be wet than be 38 .”

    So the three little butterflies flew away. But the 39 , who was behind a cloud, 40 it all, and he knew what 41 brothers they were. So he pushed his face through the 42 , drove away the rain, and shone 43 on the garden. He dried the bodies of the three little butterflies, and 44 their small bodies. They danced among the flowers till evening. When they flew back home, they found the 45 wide open.

    26. A. children B. flowers C. buildings D. trees

    27. A. tired B. excited C. surprised D. upset

    28. A. waved B. broke C. wet D. covered

    29. A. plant B. house C. way D. key

    30. A. meeting B. lecture C. storm D. class

    31. A. stand B. enter C. leave D. watch

    32. A. brother B. friend C. neighbor D. parent

    33. A. worked B. rained C. ran D. blew

    34. A. hungry B. lazy C. foolish D. poor

    35. A. turn B. listen C. open D. move

    36. A. rich B. white C. little D. beautiful

    37. A. ask B. visit C. call D. accept

    38. A. separated B. injured C. lost D. killed

    39. A. sun B. star C. bird D. light

    40. A. accepted B. heard C. remembered D. collected

    41. A. good B. clever C. calm D. strong

    42. A. air B. smoke C. clouds D. leaves

    43. A. sadly B. quickly C. secretly D. brightly

    44. A. cleaned B. kept C. warmed D. touched

    45. A. bag B. window C. mouth D. door




    Ⅱ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满


    21. In face of _______ failure, it is most important to keep up _____ goodstate of mind.

    A. a; 不填 B. 不填; a C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the

    【解析】选B。 failure作“失败”讲时为不可数名词,前面不加冠词。keep up a good state of mind 固定短语“保持好的心态”。

    22._______ the most important thing in your life?

    A. Do you think what is B. What do you think is

    C. What is your think D. What is do you think

    【解析】选B。句意为:你认为码数宏在你一生中最重要的事情是什么?do you think为插入语,常放在特殊疑问词之后。

    23. As we all know, NBA _____ National Basketball Association.

    A. is short of B. in short

    C. for short D. is short for

    【解析】选D。句意为:众所周知,NBA是美国篮球联盟的缩写。be short for……的缩写,为固定短语。be short of 缺少……;inshort 总之,简言之;for short简称(作状语,放句末)。

    24. —You can ask Thomson for help; he is the president of that school.

    —It’s said that he is _______ the president and can’t help me _______ .[2010晋中高一检测]

    A. no longer; any more B. not any longer; no more

    C. no longer; no more D. no more; no longer

    【解析】选A。答语句意为:据说他已经不是校长了,再也不能帮助我了。no longer/not. . . any longer 表示时间上不再……;nomore/not. . . any more表示次数上不再……。

    25. The boy _____ forward to _______ a new bike.

    A. referred to look; buying

    B. referred to looking; buy

    C. referred to is looking; buying

    D. referring to look; buy

    【解析毕稿】选C。本题中referred to为过去分词作定语,表被动,“被谈到的男孩”, is looking forward to为谓语,lookforward to后接doing,故选C。

    In his speech he ______ to the great help our country received from thesupporters of the world.

    A. referredB. mentioned

    C. expressed D. offered


    26. From the _______ smile on his face, the result of the experiment mustbe _________ .

    A. satisfying;satisfying B. satisfied;satisfied

    C. satisfying;satisfied D. satisfied;satisfying


    27. I’m wondering how ______ with such a person like that.

    A. to deal B. dealing C. deal D. dealt

    【解析】选A。此题考查 “疑问词+to do”结构。在本句中作wonder的宾语。

    28. —Would she mind playing against her former teammates?

    —_______ She is willing to play against any tough players.


    A. I think so. B. I’m not surprised.

    C. Of course. D. Not likely!


    29. —Your ticket is_______. It’s a month old.


    A.out of order B.out of date

    C.out of sight D.in order

    【解析】选B。句意为:——你的票过期了,它已经一个月了。——噢,对不起。out of date过期;out of order秩序混乱;out ofsight看不见;in order秩序良好。

    30. I ______ in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my finaldecision to move back to China.


    A.lived B.was living

    C.have lived D.had lived


    31. I think David, ______ you, ________ to blame.

    A. rather than; is B. rather; are

    C. more than; are D. less than; is

    【解析】选A。 根据句意“戴维而不是你该受责备”。rather than而不是。从句的主语为David, 故谓语动词用is。

    32. Every means _______ prevent the water from ______ .

    A. are used to; polluting

    B. will be used to; polluting

    C. is used to; polluted

    D. is used to; being polluted

    【解析】选D。means “方式,方法”单复数同形。prevent. . . from doing sth. “阻止……做……”。

    33. It’s going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me ______ theclothes on the line?

    A. get off B. get back C. get in D. get on

    【解析】选C。考查动词短语。get off 下来,下车; get back 回来,返回;get in进入,到达,收获,带进;get on相处,进展。句意为:马上要下雨了。小峰,你能帮我把绳子上的衣服收回来吗?

    34. His first book _______ next month is based on a true story.

    A. published B. to be published

    C. to publish D. being published

    【解析】选B。句意为:他的第一本以真实故事为基础的书下个月出版。next month表示将来的时间状语,所以用不定式作定语。

    35. Stand at the top of the mountain, and then you’ll get a better _______of the town.

    A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery


    A year ago I paid no attention to English idioms, 36 my teacher said againand again that it was important.

    One day, I happened to 37 an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to38 . As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner shook hishead, saying, “You don’t say! You don’t say! ” I was 39 , I thought, perhapsthis is not a 40 topic. Well, I’d 41 change the topic. So I said to him, “Well,shall we talk about the Great Wall. 42

    the way, have you ever 43 there? ”“Certainly, everyone back home will 44 meif I leave China without seeing 45 . It was great. ” I said, “The Great Wall isone of the wonders in the world. It is a place of 46 . ” Soon I was interruptedagain by his words, “ 47 ! ” I couldn’t 48 asking, “Why do you ask me not totalk about it? ” “Well, I didn’t ask you to do 49 , ” he answered, gentlysurprised.

    I said, “Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’? ”

    Hearing this, the Englishman 50 to tears. He began to 51 , “‘You don’t say’actually means ‘really? ’. It is an 52 of surprise. Perhaps you don’t payattention 53 English idioms. ”

    Then I knew I had made fool of 54 . Since then I have been more 55 withidioms.

    36. A. though B. when C. if D. as


    37. A. look B. meet C. pick up D. find out

    【解析】选B。我在路上碰巧遇见一个英国人。pick up 捡起,拾起;find out 查清楚,弄清楚。

    38. A. walk B. talk C. play D. go


    39. A. pleased B. angry C. afraid D. surprised

    【解析】选D。 当外国人说“You don’t say”时,我理解的是“你不能说”,我很吃惊。所以应选D。

    40. A. proper B. strange C. safe D. polite

    【解析】选A。proper 合适的,适当的。作者认为这是一个不合适的话题,所以应选A。

    41. A. to B. better C. not D. like

    【解析】选B。had better do sth. 做……。作者认为应该换一个话题,所以应用had better,选B。

    42. A. On B. In C. All D. By

    【解析】选D。by the way 是固定搭配,顺便说一下。

    43. A. gone B. visited C. seen D. been

    【解析】选D。你曾经去过那儿吗?have been to some place去过某地。

    44. A. look at B. think of C. send for D. laugh at

    【解析】选D。 laugh at 嘲笑; think of 考虑; send for 派人去接; look at看一看。去了中国而未去过长城,会被人嘲笑,所以应选D。

    45. A. it B. them C. anything D. something


    46. A. fun B. interest C. business D. mountain

    【解析】选B。place of interest 名胜古迹。属固定搭配,所以应选B。

    47. A. Really B. Good

    C. You don’ t say D. You are right

    【解析】选C。 外国人一开始说“You don’t say”。在这里再次强调,所以应选C。

    48. A. be B. help C. think D. do

    【解析】选B。couldn’t help doing 禁不住做某事。作者感到很奇怪,所以禁不住要问。

    49. A. this B. so C. anything D. me a favor

    【解析】选B。我并没有让你那样做。do so 那样做。

    50. A. laughed B. cried C. moved D. came


    51. A. explain B. shout C. prove D. say

    【解析】选A。他开始解释You don’t say的意思,所以应选A。explain“解释”;prove“证明,证实”。

    52. A. experience B. expression

    C. explanation D. example

    【解析】选B。experience 经验;expression 表达;explanation 解释; example例子。句意为:这是表示吃惊的一种表达方式,所以应选B。

    53. A. for B. to C. at D. in

    【解析】选B。pay attention to 注意。属于固定搭配,句意为“你没有注意到英语习语”。

    54. A. me B. myself C. him D. somebody

    【解析】选B。make fool of sb. 愚弄某人。作者没有听懂外国人说话的意思,所以感觉愚弄了自己。

    55. A. helpful B. popular C. careful D. satisfied

    【解析】选C。对于习语用法更加小心。be careful with. . . 对……小心,细心。be popular with“受……的欢迎”;besatisfied with“对……满意”。


    It was Monday. Mrs. Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat inthe house.

    Considering that there was no better way, Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it “Give my dog half a pound of meat. ” Thenshe gave the paper to her dog and said gently, “Take this to the butcher, andhe’s going to give you your lunch today. ”

    Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher’s. Itgave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that itwas really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dogwas very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

    At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece ofpaper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

    The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it broughta piece of paper in the mouth. This time,

    the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat,for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers(顾客).

    But, the dog came again at four o’clock. And the same thing happened onceagain. To the butcher’s more surprise, it came for the third time at sixo’clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bitpuzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give itso much meat to eat today? ”

    Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words onit!

    56. The little dog went to the butcher’s _____ altogether during the twodays.

    A. three times B. four times

    C. five times D. six times


    57. The butcher did not give any meat to the dog ________ .

    A. before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs. Smith onMonday

    B. when he found that the words on the paper were not clear

    C. because he had sold out all the meat in his shop

    D. until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith

    【解析】选A。 细节理解题。根据第三段The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it wasreally the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to.可知屠夫认出史密斯太太的字。

    58. From the story, we can know that the dog was very _____ .

    A. kind B. clever C. honest D. foolish


    59. At the end of the story, you’ll find that ________ .

    A. the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

    B. the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more

    C. the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

    D. the butcher found himself cheated(欺骗) by the dog



    Celebrations spread across China when Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl (东方明珠),was given the right to host the 2010 World Expo(世博会)on December 3.

    Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals(对手) from Russia, Mexico, Polandand South Korea.

    “I’m very proud of being Chinese, ”said Wang Kaibo, a Senior 2 student ofthe Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Medical University. “The winning of theexpo is a victory, not only for Shanghai residents, but for the people of thewhole Chinese nation. ”

    Bidding(申办) for the expo shows that China is more confident of playing amore important role on the international stage. It’s competing for largeevents(事件) and the next one could be the World Cup, Wang said.

    The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics will become the twinshining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years, said experts.

    The World Expo is known as “Olympics of the economic, cultural, scientificand technological fields. ”It is usually held every five years and lasts for sixmonths.

    The Olympics, World Cup and World Expo are considered three topinternational events in the world.

    China is the first developing country to win the expo bid in the event’s151-year history.

    Not only will it attract more foreign investment(投资) to China, but alsoexperts say that the half-year-long exhibition will bring at least 70 millionvisitors to Shanghai.

    The World Expo is a great event for different countries to exchange social,economic, cultural and scientific achievements, and also help to encourage newtechnology and ideas.

    The expo was first held in London in 1851. It has a history of globalinfluence.

    The Eiffel Tower, built during the Paris World Expo in 1889, became thesymbol(象征) of the French capital.

    Many historic inventions, such as the telephone and airplane, all madetheir first appearance at a World Expo.


    60. What does the underlined word “rivals” probably mean in the secondparagraph?

    A. competitors B. enemies

    C. players D. supporters

    【解析】选A。词义猜测题。rivals 所在的句子Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals fromRussia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea.的意思是:在打败了来自俄国、墨西哥、波兰、韩国的竞争对手后,上海获此殊荣。由句意可知选A。competitors表示“比赛者,竞争者”。

    61. The winning of bidding for the World Expo 2010 and the 2008 OlympicGames implies ________ .

    A. China is beginning to play a more important part on the internationalstage

    B. China has played the most important role in the internationalaffairs

    C. China has become a developed country ever since 2010

    D. China is the first Asian country to win the expo bid in history

    【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第四段的Bidding for the expo shows that China is more confidentof playing a more important role on the international stage. 可知。

    62. As we know, in general, the World Expo is usually held every _____years, while the Summer Olympics is usually held every _____ years.

    A. 4; 5 B. 5; 4 C. 4; 4 D. 5; 5


    63. By bidding for the expo and the Olympics, we are sure that ______ .

    A. China will beat rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea

    B. China will become a super country in the United Nations

    C. China will build a famous tower like Eiffel Tower as the symbol of thecapital

    D. China will develop more quickly than before and will benefit a lot fromthem

    【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第五段The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics willbecome the twin shining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years,said experts. 以及第十段The World Expo is a great event for different countries toexchange social, economic, cultural and scientific achievements, and also helpto encourage new technology and ideas. 可知。


    Pleasant Goat, Lazy Goat, Beautiful Goat and Slow Goat,

    which one is your favorite? The second movie of the Chinese cartoon seriesof Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf again achieved noticeable box office takingsin China, earning more than 40 million yuan merely three days after itsdebut(首次推出).

    Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is no doubt the most successful “China Made”cartoon series recently. It is shown on TV almost every day and its core(主要的)products can be seen almost in every child’s goods store. It is the ChineseMickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

    The cartoon series is not only welcomed by children, but is also oftendiscussed among adult audiences. Pleasant Goat is appreciated for his courageand wisdom, while Big Big Wolf is considered a model husband though he isusually the bad guy in the story, always trying to catch goats for his wife, BigRed Wolf.

    In the year of tiger, 2010, what will happen to the goats’ homeland and thewolves’ castle? Will Pleasant Goat break the plot of Big Big Wolf again? Andwill Big Big Wolf finally take his revenge as he always says when got foiled(挫败)by Pleasant Goat? Going to see the movie and laughing cheerfully among kids maybe a good idea to start a brand new year.


    64. Pleasant Goat is liked because of his ________ .

    A. beauty and friendliness B. kindness and courage

    C. courage and wisdom D. beauty and wisdom

    【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Pleasant Goat is appreciated for his courage and wisdom.. . 可知。

    65. Big Big Wolf is _______ to his wife and ______ to goats.

    A. bad; bad B. good; bad

    C. devoted; friendly D. bad; good

    【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段的Big Big Wolf is considered a model husband though he isusually the bad guy in the story可知。





    ★人教版高一英语必修一Unit 5期末复习试题及答案


















    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1. How does the woman probably feel now?

    A. Angry B. Excited C. Nervous

    2. What will the woman do next?

    A. Take a walk in the park.

    B. Keep doing her homework.

    C. Take an exam.

    3. When is the man’s birthday?

    A. On July 16th B. On July 17th C. On July 18th

    4. Where are the two speakers most probably?

    A. At home B. In the classroom. C. In the office.

    5. What does the woman want to do with the cake?

    A. Have it returned B. Give it to the man. C. Take it to a birthday party.


    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后或独白有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项蚂让中选出最佳选,并标昌敏在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话耐物枝或独白读两遍。


    6. Where will the man travel this year?

    A. California. B. Michigan. C. New York.

    7. What is the woman’s plan for the summer?

    A. To go camping. B. To visit friends. C. To relax at home.


    8. What will the woman do tomorrow?

    A. Work on her school paper.

    B. Go to a movie.

    C. Visit her grandma.

    9. When will the man probably spend time with his friend?

    A. From 6:00 to 6:30 B. From 6:30 to 7:00 C. From 7:00 to 7:30


    10. Why did the woman give up playing ping-pong?

    A. She found it difficult.

    B. She loved basketball better.

    C. She had no time to practice.

    11. How often does the man usually play ping-pong?

    A. Three times a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week.

    12. What does the woman usually like to do on Wednesday?

    A. Practice yoga. B. Play Volleyball C. Play tennis.


    13. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

    A. A swimming competition.

    B. A singing contest.

    C. A travel plan.

    14. What does the woman say about her group?

    A. They have won for the past three years.

    B. They beat the same group two years.

    C. They came in second place this year.

    15. How did the man spend his weekend?

    A. By studying in the library.

    B. By walking on the beach.

    C. By swimming in the ocean.

    16. What will the woman and her group probably do when the semester is over?

    A. Add new members.

    B. Organize a graduation party.

    C. Take a trip to the beach.


    17. With whom did the speaker visit Italy this time?

    A. His cousins Eve an Ann.

    B. Two of his close friends.

    C. His father.

    18. Which city did the speaker visit on the first day?

    A. Florence. B. Rome. C. Umbria.

    19. What did the speaker do in Sicily?

    A. He went to the beach.

    B. He toured some old villages.

    C. He visited several museums

    20. How long did the speaker travel around Italy this time?

    A. Three days. B. Four days. C. Five days.




    In Europe, many people make friends between their countries through town twinning. Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries agree and decide to become “twins” with a sister city relationship.

    The people find pen friends in the twin town. They exchange newspapers and stamps. The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town. Officials visit the twin town for celebrations. Ordinary people travel to the twin town, too, but not very often if it is far away.

    Sometimes, schools even exchange their classes for two or three weeks! For example, German middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britain, staying with British families. A few months later, their British friends come to study in Germany.

    Many British towns are so pleased with the results of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town.

    Tonbridge, a small town in Kent, for example, has twin town in both Germany and France. Richmond near London has relationships with Germany, France and even a town in a Balkan country!

    Town twinning can help make friends. It helps students improve their language skills, and also helps people to understand the differences between nations.

    21. Twin towns develop __________.

    A. between European countries and China

    B. in the English-speaking countries only

    C. in the same country

    D. between different countries

    22. How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

    A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

    23. One of the advantages of town twinning is__________.

    A. to earn more money

    B. to set up schools

    C. to improve students’ language skills

    D. to develop industry and agriculture

    24. Which is the best title for the passage?

    A. Town Twinning

    B. Friendly Town

    C. Exchange Teachers and Students

    D. Peace and Understanding


    Farah was sitting in the kitchen going over the party list with her mother. The exams were over and Farah wanted to invite her friends for a party.

    “Farah, aren’t you going to invite Hafsa?” her mother asked. Hafsa had been her best friend since childhood.

    “Mother, you know I am now a part of Purple Girls Club and we have some rules about people we can be friends with,” Farah answered.

    “Really? And what are the rules?” her mother asked.

    “Well. Only very pretty girls can be part of our group. And Hafsa is so… you know… dark.”

    “I can’t believe it,” her mother said angrily.

    As Farah left the kitchen, her father called her from the living room.

    Farah went to her father and paled when she saw the exam report in his hands. “Farah, what has happened to your grades? You have failed in Mathematics,” her father said.

    Farah had no answer. The truth was that the activities of Purple Girls Club left her with very little time for studies.

    “Farah, it says that you can take part in supplementary exams(补考). If your grades don’t improve then, I’ll cancel(取消) your trip to Spain.”

    Farah went to her room and called Gina, the leader of Purple Girls Club, “Gina, can you help me to complete my notes before the exams?”

    Gina laughed. “Exams? Who cares about exams?”

    One by one, she called her friends in the club but no one seemed to care or wanted to help.

    Farah knew Hafsa would help her.Farah also knew Hafsa had been hurt by her, but Hafsa said, “If you need any help, just let me know. We can study together till your exams.”

    Next Monday, as two friends entered the school together, Gina called out.

    “Farah, you know our rules. You cannot be friends with those who do not belong to our club.”

    “Gina, I have a new rule about friendship,” Farah replied.

    25. After Farah became a member of Purple Girls Club, she chose a friend according to a person’s________.

    A. looks B. usual activities C. grades D. favorite colors.

    26. Farah became pale after going to her father because ________.

    A. he didn’t allow her to go to Spain

    B. she didn’t do well in her exams

    C. she had to leave Purple Girl Club

    D. he asked her to improve her grades

    27. Which word can best describe Hafsa?

    A. Silly. B. Beautiful. C. Rude. D. Kind.

    28. What lesson can we learn from the passage?

    A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    B. A perfect friend will never be found.

    C. Be slow in choosing a friend.

    D. Friendship can be developed easily.


    As you are students of English, it’s very possible that you’ll be interested in England. That’s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names. This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. I believe that you have heard people use the names--- England, Britain or Great Britain. Let’s see what each of these names means.

    If you look at a map of Europe, you’ll see a group of islands--- one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles. The largest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland.

    Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the world “England” is used instead of “Britain.” Why so?

    In ancient times, what is Britain now used to be three different countries. People in these different countries spoke different languages. Over many years the three countries became one. England is the largest and richest of the three and it has the most people. So the English people take it for granted that their own name stands for the whole island.

    There’s another thing that confuses people: sometimes you may hear people say “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. That is the official name of the country. Northern Ireland is only one sixth of the island of Ireland. The rest of the island is an independent state, called the Republic of Ireland. So we have the names of “Britain”, “Great Britain”, and “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Now do you know what each of them means?

    29. English was first spoken in __________.

    A. Britain B. England C. Great Britain D. Ireland

    30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

    A. Wales is the richest of the three.

    B. Scotland is the largest of the three.

    C. Sometimes England is used instead of Britain.

    D. Britain is the only name of the largest island of British Isles.

    31. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is ________.

    A. part of Britain

    B. part of British Isles

    C. the official name of the whole country

    D. the largest country of all mentioned in the passage

    32. Which of the following is the best title?

    A. Students of English

    B. Different Names of England

    C. Different Languages Spoken in England

    D. The Republic of Ireland


    Let’s face it. Business trips aren’t the easiest. You are away from friends and family and must make meetings with partners the best you can. They can be stressful(令人紧张的) from the car ride to the airport all the way to the security check(安检) on the way out. One way to save yourself some of that stress is to pack light and right!

    1. Prepare yourself

    2. Make a plan

    3. Make a list and check twice

    (1) If possible, try and pack a single carry-on(手提的)bag, so you quickly leave the airport and move about without heavy bags.

    (2) The best thing to do is put all the clothes you “think” you need out on a bed so that you can see them all before you pack them. Then choose what you really need.

    (3) Roll your shirts and skirts, even ties. White dress shirts should not go on the bottom of your bag.

    (4) Fill your shoes with socks to save room.

    33. The passage is perhaps the most useful for ________.

    A. businessmen on the go

    B. students studying in foreign countries

    C. workers working in factories

    D. tourists all over the world

    34. Information like “roll your trousers up” might be found in _________.

    A. the first paragraph

    B. Prepare yourself

    C. Make a plan

    D. Make a list and check it twice

    35. Which of the following might appear in “Prepare yourself”?

    A. Shirts and ties.

    B. A big bag.

    C. Shoes and socks.

    D. Telephone numbers.



    In the 60s, people asked about your astrological (about star) sign. In the 90s, they want to know your website. __36__ Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.

    __37__ Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.

    While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout(版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(横幅) GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and short description of the site. Pictures, text, and links to other website follow.

    __38__ Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site.

    While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind: __39__ If you want too much at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.

    Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of long texts on line. __40__

    Smaller is better. Since it can take a long time to download large files, keep the file sizes small.

    Have the rights. Don’t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally. Always remember to get the permission from the writer first.

    Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building.

    A. Start simply.

    B. Break it into small pieces.

    C. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

    D. Many websites are considered very interesting.

    E. Before you start your site, do some planning.

    F. Think of your home page as the starting point of your website.

    G. These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address.

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节 完型填空(每题1分,满分20分)

    Last term we had half-term holidays. My niece __41__ with us for the week because her brother was going to have a leg operation. This way it was easy for her parents to concentrate on __42__him.

    One night, my daughter, my __43__, and I went out for some last-minute shopping. While I was in line waiting to __44__, the girls asked if they could __45__ for me at the door.

    Some minutes __46__ they returned to ask if they could give the __47__ they had just bought to a man in the street. I agreed, __48__ they went there and gave their sweets away. Another two minutes later, they __49__ to ask me if there was anything else they could __50__ the man. I told them that I had only three boxes of __51__ they had bought for dessert. Still, they __52__ the biscuits to the man and came back with a __53__ smile on their faces.

    When we got out of the shop, I __54__ that the man was a young man in his 20s. It looked as if he was going to spend the __55__ there because he had a sleeping bag with him.

    On the way to the car, my daughter wanted to __56__ a drink for the young man. __57__, I had no money. Then I went to the cash(现金) machine to take out some __58__ she could buy the drink. The girls were very __59__ when they went back to give it to the young man. They returned to me with the same wide __60__.

    41.A. studied B. lied C. sat D. stayed

    42.A. looking after B. looking for C. picking up D. waiting for

    43.A. brothers B. niece C. sister D. friend

    44.A. enter B. choose C. pay D. leave

    45.A. wait B. run C. hope D. ask

    46.A. ago B. before C. earlier D. later

    47.A. drink B. sweets C. paper D. books

    48.A. so B. but C. or D. one

    49.A. promised B. refused C. returned D. forgot

    50.A. persuade B. give C. expect D. allow

    51.A. apples B. oranges C. cakes D. biscuits

    52.A. took B. lent C. placed D. sold

    53.A. wide B. weak C. strange D. surprising

    54.A. guessed B. believed C. realized D. agreed

    55.A. day B. night C. weekend D. holiday

    56.A. borrow B. set C. make D. buy

    57.A. Luckily B. However C. Shortly D. Besides

    58.A. as if B. even though C. so that D. now that

    59.A. amazed B. worried C. tired D. excited

    60.A. face B. smile C. hand D. mouth

    第二节 (每题1分,满分10分)


    Tim: Jeff, do you prefer working in a group or working ___61___?

    Jeff: I’m good at __62__(work) by myself because if I am doing something I like, I can get it ___63___(do) quickly. __64__, if I am working with a team where people all want to do a good job, I think __65__ team is fun.

    Tim: Do you prefer working wearing a uniform or putting whatever you want?

    Jeff: I think __66__ you wear a uniform, sometimes you get respect.

    Tim: So, how about a working schedule? Would you prefer a set time job?

    Jeff: No. I think __67__ is difficult to do a set time job. Last year, I __68__(produce) furniture in a factory. Every morning, I had to get up at six. When I got home after work, it was almost eight.

    Tim: You __69__ be very tired. By the way, do you prefer being paid by the hour or do you prefer salary?

    Jeff: I think salary may be a __70__(good) way to go than being paid by the hour.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分20分)

    第一节 短文改错(共10个小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)

    I’m middle school student, I like to make friend with people and always try my best to get along with them. And last week I happened to hear one of my classmate speaking ill of me with others behind my back, it made me very sad. She said what I was fat and acted as stupid as a bear. I had been kind to her, but why did she laughed at my appearance? I was much hurt. I really wish I could succeed in lose weight in just a few days. But, anyhow, no one have the right to laugh at others whatever beautiful she is.

    第二节 书面表达(15分)


    注意:1. 词数:80~100个


    Dear Jeff,



    Li Hua
