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  • 初二
  • 2024-04-16

八年级上册英语句子?八年级上册英语单词造句如下:1、He said he would telephone me when he go tthere。2、I always get nervous when I see theenvolope from school。3、那么,八年级上册英语句子?一起来了解一下吧。


八年级上册英语知识点包括条件状语从句、比较级、现在完成时、宾语从句和定语从句等。示例句子如下:If you have time, we can go to the movies.

This book is easier to understand than that one.

I have finished my homework.

I don't know if he will come.

This is the most interesting movie that I have seen.



Although the road is endless and fara the face of life, placency is defeated, blinded fool.


After three days, es e see only a small part.


Do your best and be the best you can be.


Learning in breaking their own hotbed, but to open up a path of creation.


Every journey begins with the first step.


Crying tears is timid vent, smiling tears is a brave declaration.


Born in misery.




1、He said he would telephone me when he go tthere。

2、I always get nervous when I see theenvolope from school。

3、I discoverd that the most important require me ntwasto speak English well。

4、Timetries friends as firetrie sgold。

5、Deep inside the aware nesswass tirring that something was about tohappen。

6、I just foundout that my friends were planing a birthday for my bestfriend。

7、He has gone to the south on business。




Today, we ' re going to talk about good ways to learn English .


We should always speak English in class.


Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.


Don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.


It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.


I get to know a lot about the world through reading.





1. What about you? 你如何?

2. travel around the world 环游世界

3. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请…做…

She has invited me to stay with her in English one day.

4. the price of the ticket ...的票价

The problem is the price of the ticket.

5. take off 起飞;脱下

Take off from Beijing capital airport and land in london

6. the holiday of your dreams 你梦想的假期

7. what do you reckon? 你认为呢?

8. on TV / in newspapers 在电视上/新闻报纸上

9. the ticket to the USA 去美国的机票

10. It sounds brilliant! 听上去好极了!

11. travel all over China by plane 乘飞机游中国

12. has/ have gone to a place 已经去了...没有回来

Lots of astronauts has gone to Mars. It is coming back to Earth next year.

13. has/ have been to a place 去过某地 已经回来了

Lots of astronauts have been to the space station. They found it very interesting.

14. dream come true 梦想成真

15. have been abroad 去过国外

She has been abroad three times.

16. fly to different places for one’s holidays 飞往...度假

17. more than = over 超过... 多于...

18. sell out 卖完

He has given concerts all over china and the tickets have always sold out.

19. at the end 最后

20. in the seat 在座位上

21. a fantastic experience 极好的经验

Write about a fantastic experience.

22. taste delicious 尝起来美味

23. enter a competition 参加比赛

24. take photos of stone animals 拍石雕动物的照片

25. have a wonderful/nice/great /good time 玩得很开心

26. see Beijing Opera 看京剧

27. climb the Great Wall 爬长城

28. eat roast duck 吃烤鸭

29. take turns to do sth. 轮流干…

30. have a western meal 吃西餐


1. journey to space 太空之旅

2. send message back to Earth 向地球发回信息

3. life on the moon / life on Mars 月球/火星上的生命

life on other planets在其他星球上的生命

4. What are you up to? 你干什么呢?

5. What do you think? 你认为呢?

6. send sth. to a place 把某物发送到某地

7. Don’t panic! 别急。

以上就是八年级上册英语句子的全部内容,31、手心在你的脚上摩挲,掌心的冰凉渐渐化开,一份温暖在手里徜徉,灯光柔柔的洒在你的脸上,脸颊染着少女般的羞涩,我在嘴角扬起的弧度里沉醉,我读到你的惬意,一丝小甜蜜从心中漾出,曾几何时你看到我满足的样子,你也会幸福吧! 32、。
