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  • 2023-06-13
  • 高中英语必修一旧版
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  • 高中必修5英语课本

  • 高中英语必修一旧版



    英 ['vɪktɪm]美 ['vɪktɪm]

    n. 受害者;受骗者;牺牲

    Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.



    英[əb'sɔːb] 美[əb'sɔːrb]


    Dry sand absorbs water.



    英 [sə'spekt]美 [sə'spekt]

    v. 怀疑;猜想

    n. 嫌疑犯

    adj. 可疑改如的;不可信的

    I suspect he was lying by the boy's abnormal behaviour.



    英 [ɪn'kwaɪəri]美 ['ɪnkwəri]

    n. (=inquiry) 询问

    He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry.



    英 [sɪ'vɪə(r)]美 [sɪ'vɪr]

    adj. 严厉的;严重的;剧烈的;严格的;严峻的

    The premier came under severe criticism.





    英 ['peɪntə(r)] 美 ['peɪntər]

    n. 画家;油漆匠

    He is an amateur painter.



    英 [ˌsaɪə春拿肆n'tɪfɪk] 美 [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk]

    adj. 科学的

    He took a very scientific approach to management.



    英 [kən'kluːd] 美 [kən'kluːd]

    vt. 推断出;缔结;使结束

    vi. 结束;总结;作决定;作协议

    From his appearance we may safely conclude that he is a chain smoker.



    英 [kən'kluːʒn] 美 [kən'kluːʒn]

    n. 结尾;敏歼结论;结束

    Some found the conclusion of the film Titanic very disappointing.



    英 ['ænəlaɪz] 美 ['ænəlaɪz]

    vt. 分析;细察

    He analysed the food and found that it contained poison.















    【 #高一#导语】高一新生要作好充分思想准备,以自信、宽容的心态,尽快融入集体,适应新同学、适应新校园环境、适应与初中迥异的纪律制度。记住:是你主动地适应环境,而不是环境适应你。因为你走向社会参加工作也得适应社会。以下内容是 无 为你整理的《高一年级英语必修五知识点》,希望你不负时光,努力向前,加油!


    keep your eyes open 睁大你的眼睛

    consist of由…组成

    leave out省去 不考虑 遗漏

    divide into 分成

    compare A with B 与…比

    compare A to B 把A比作B

    prepare to 准备

    work out 做出 解决 设计出 计算出 锻炼开采完 发展 进行

    work on对..起作用;企图影响或说服,忙于

    work in 在…工作

    work off 渐渐消除 处理 排除 卖掉 发旅雹泄

    asked the boss on the phone 通过电话

    a furnished house with all modern conveniences


    familiar with熟悉

    worried about the time available担心时间不够

    make a list of 列出关于…的清单


    1.because of因为…… (注意和because的区别)

    2. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句

    3. come up走上前来,走近,发生,出现come up with追上,赶上,提出

    4. communicate with sb和某人交流

    5. be different from…与……不同

    be different in …在……方面不同

    Most of my projects are different in performance.


    6. be based on以……为基础

    7. at present目前,眼下for the present眼前;暂时

    8. make (good/better/full)use of

    9. the latter后者the former前者

    10. a large number of大量的the number of …的数量

    11. such as例如

    12. hold on坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等—会

    13. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak.


    拆慧帆14. play a role/ part (in)在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色

    15. the same …as…与……一样

    16. at the top of…在…顶上

    at the bottom of在……底部

    17. bring up教养,养育;提出

    18. request sb (not) to do sth.要求某人做/不要做某事

    19. be satisfied with…对……感到满意,满足于

    20. suggest v. (request,insist…)




    This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布易洗。

    These novels won’t sell well.这些不畅销。

    My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。

    The door won’t lock.门锁不上。

    The fish smells good.鱼闻起来香。

    ②当break out、take place、shut off、turn off、work out等动词表示“发生、关闭、制定”等意思时。

    The plan worked out successfully.

    The lamps on the wall turn off.

    ③want, require, need后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。

    ④be worth doing用主动形式表示被动含义。

    ⑤在“be +形容词+ to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。

    This kind of water isn’t fit to drink.

    The girl isn’t easy to get along with.

    另外:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。



    外教一对一一般式doing being done

    完成式having done having been done












    3.作宾语补足语分词在复合宾语中可作宾语补足语。可带这种复合宾语的动词有:see, watch, hear, feel, find, get, keep等。


    1.dream of/about (doing) sth.梦想;幻想

    2. pretend to do / be假装做某事

    3. to be honest说实话

    be honest with sb.对某人坦白

    be honest in sth.坦白承认

    4. attache… to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接

    5. form the habit of养成……的习惯

    6. perform侧重表演的能力、技巧或效果;主语可以是人或动物


    performance n.演出;演奏;表演

    7. in cash用现金,用现钱

    pay in cash给现金;现金支付

    by credit card用信用卡

    by cheque / check用支票

    8. play a joke on sb.=play jokes on sb.戏弄

    make fun of捉弄;取笑

    laugh at sb.嘲笑

    9. rely on =depend on依靠,指望

    10. or so “大约;……左右”

    11. break up打碎;

    break down出故障

    break into破门而入

    break off中断;

    break out突然发生

    break away from脱离;摆脱

    12. above all:最重要的是,尤其,首先

    in all:一共;总计

    after all:毕竟;终究;别忘了

    at all: (否定句)根本,完全(疑问句)到底





    1. 现在完成进行时的定义


    We have been waiting for him for two hours. 我们等他等了两个小时。

    2. 现在完成进行时的结构

    现在完成进行时由“have /has been + 现在分词”构成。

    3. 现在完成进行时的应用

    现在完成进行时所用的埋吵时间状语:this month / week / year, these days, recently / lately, inthe past few + 时间段, since +时间点, for + 时间段。如:

    They have been building the bridge for two month. 两个月来他们一直在修桥。

    They have been planting trees this month. 这个月来他们一直在植树。

    4. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别

    (1) 现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时强调动作的延续,因此,表示动作的完成,只能用现在完成时,而不能用现在完成进行时。如:

    He has changed his idea. 他改变了想法。


    We have been studying here for two years. 我们在这儿已经学习了两年了。

    (3) 有些延续性动词(如 keep, learn, live, stay, study,work等),用于现在完成时或现在完成进行时的区别不大。如:

    I have lived here for many years.=I have been living here for many years.我在这儿住了多年了。


    1 系动词


    He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。)

    He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。



    He is a teacher.他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)


    用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand。例如:

    He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。

    This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。


    用来表示"看起来像"这一裂坦概念,主要有seem, appear, look。例如:

    He looks tired. 他看起来很累。

    He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。


    感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste。 例如:

    This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。

    This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。


    这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run。例如:

    He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。

    She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。(北京安通学校提供)


    表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达"证实","变成"之意。例如:

    The rumor proved false.这谣言证实有假。

    The search proved difficult.搜查证实很难。

    His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)

    2 助动词


    He doesn′t like English.他不喜欢英语。


    2) 助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用,可以用来:

    a. 表示时态。例如:

    He is singing.他在唱歌。(北京安通学校提供)

    He has got married.他已结婚。

    b. 表示语态。例如:

    He was sent to England.他被派往英国。

    c. 构成疑问句。例如:

    Do you like college life?你喜欢大学生活吗?

    Did you study English before you came here?你来这儿之前学过英语吗?

    d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句。例如:

    I don′t like him. 我不喜欢他。

    e. 加强语气。例如:

    Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。

    He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。

    3) 最常用的助动词有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would等。

    3 助动词be的用法

    1) be +现在分词,构成进行时态。例如:

    They are having a meeting.他们正在开会。

    English is becoming more and more important. 英语现在越来越重要。(北京安通学校提供)

    2)be + 过去分词,构成被动语态。例如:

    The window was broken by Tom..窗户是汤姆打碎的。


    1. consist of = be made up of 由……组成 (没有进行时)

    e.g. The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    =Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the UK.

    2. 区别:

    ? separate ... from (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出来)

    ? divide...into 把…分开 (把整体分为若干部分)

    e.g. The teacher divided the class into two groups.

    The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian.

    3. debate about sth.

    e.g. They debate about the proposal for three days.

    debate /argue/ quarrel

    4. clarify: vt./vi. (cause sth. to )become clear or easier to understand澄清;阐明;清楚;明了

    e.g. I hope what I say will clarify the situation.

    Can you clarify the question?

    5. be linked to = be connected to /be joined to 连接

    【习惯用语】★ link A to B 将A和B连接起来

    6. refer to


    e.g. When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us?

    2) 参考;查阅;询问

    e.g. If you don't understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries.

    Please refer to the last page of the book for answers.

    3) 关系到;关乎

    e.g. What I have to say refers to all of you.

    This rule refers to everyone.

    reference: n. 参考 e.g. reference books 参考书

    7. to one's surprise (prep)

    “to one's + 名词” 表 “令某人……”

    常见的名词有 “delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishment 等

    e.g. I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit forsale.

    To John's great relief they reached the house at last.

    8. ... found themselves united peacefully

    “find +宾语+宾补( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介词短语;不定式)”

    e.g. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in thekitchen.

    You'll find him easy to get along with.

    They found themselves trapped by the bush fire.

    When I woke up, I found myself in hospital.

    I called on him yesterday, but I found him out.

    9. get sth done =have sth done 使某事被做…….

    e.g. I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come.

    get + n. + to do

    get + n. + doing

    You'll get her to agree.

    I'll get the car going.

    get done: 用于意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被…….”

    e.g. Be careful when you cross this very busy street.

    10. break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除…

    e.g. It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits.

    The man broke away from his guards.

    break down (会谈)破裂,失败;(汽车等)出故障;(人的健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控

    e.g. His car broke down on the way to work this morning.

    His health broke down under the pressure of work.

    He broke down and wept when he heard the news.

    Talks between the two countries have completely broken down.

    ? break in 闯入;打岔

    ? break off 中断,折断

    ? break into 闯入

    ? break out 爆发;发生

    ? break up 驱散;分散,拆散

    11. as well as 不仅…而且;既…又…

    e.g. He is a teacher as well as a writer.

    The children as well as their father were seen playing football in thestreet.

    12. convenience: n.方便;便利(convenient: adj. )

    e.g. We bought this house for its convenience.

    13. attraction: (attract: v.)

    1). 吸引;引力(不可数 n.) e.g. attraction of gravitation 重力

    2). 吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目(可数 n.)

    He can't resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day.

    A big city offers many and varied attractions.

    What are the principle attractions this evening?

    14. influence

    1) v. 对…产生影响 e.g. What influence you to choose a career in teaching?

    2)可数n. 产生影响的人或事 e.g. He is one of the good influences in the school.

    3) (不可数n.) 影响 e.g. A teacher has great influence over his pupils.



    1. impression n. 印记;印象;感想;后接 of sb./ of sth./ on sb./ that 从句; My firstimpression of him was favorable.他给我的第一印象非常讨人喜欢。 I got the impression that theywere unhappy about the situation. 他们给我的印象是他们对这个情形不是很开心。

    知识拓展:impress v.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记;使感动;常用结构有:impress sth. on/upon sb./impresssb. with sth.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记; It impressed me that she remembered myname.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

    2. remind v.提醒;使想起;常用结构有: remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remindsb.+(that)/wh-从句 提醒某人……;使某人想起……;remind sb. about/of sth. 使某人想起或意识到……;提醒某人某事 I'msorry, but I've forgotten your name, can you remind me?很抱歉,我忘记你叫什么名字了,你能提醒一下吗?

    You remind me of your father when you say that. 说到那的时候,我想起了你的父亲。

    知识拓展:reminder n.提醒物;引起回忆的事物

    3. constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地 Fashion is constantly changing.时尚总是日新月异。知识拓展:constant adj.连续发生的;不断的;重复的;

    4. previous adj.先前的;以往的;(时间上)稍前的;

    No previous experience is necessary for this job. 以往的经验对这项工作不是很有必要。

    I couldn't believe it when I heard the news.我听到这个消息的时候,我觉得简直令人那以置信。

    I had only seen him the previous day. 我只在几天前见到过他。

    知识拓展:previously adv. 先前的;早先

    The building had previously been used as a hotel.这栋建筑早些时候被用作旅馆。

    5. bend v.(bent bent)弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;常用搭配有: bend one's mind/efforts

    to sth. 致力于某事 bend sb.to sth. 迫使;说服 bend the truth 歪曲事实 It's hard to bendan iron bar. 把铁棒弄弯很不容易。

    She bent her head and kissed her daughter. 她低下头吻了她的女儿。

    6. press v. 压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促 n. 报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界 She pressed a handkerchief tohis nose. 她用手绢捂住鼻子。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. 她用力踩下油门踏板。 He isstill pressing her claim for compensation. 他仍坚持索赔。 The press was/were notallowed to attend the trial. 庭审谢绝新闻采访。

    7. switch n. & v. 用作名词表示“开关;转换”。用作动词表示“转换”。 She made the switch fromfull-time to part-time work when her first child was born.她生第一个孩子的时候调整了工作,把全职工作转换成了兼职工作。 Press these two keys to switch between documentson screen. 按这两个键来转换屏幕上的文件。

    I can't work next week, will you switch with me? 下周我不想上班,你能和我换一下班。

    8. lack n. & v. 用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示:“缺乏;短缺;没有;不足”。 a lack of food/money/skills 缺乏食物/金钱/技能

    The trip was cancelled through lack of interest. 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。 He lacksconfidence. 他缺乏信心。

    知识拓展:lacking adj. 缺乏;没有;匮乏;不足

    9. surroundings n.环境;surround v. 围绕;环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 Everyonelikes to work in pleasant surroundings. 每个人都喜欢在愉快的环境中工作。

    10. catch/gain/get sight of 发现,看出;lose sight of 看不见,忘记; lose one's sight失明;at first sight 一见就;乍看起来;at (the) sight of 一看见就……;be in sight 看得见,在眼前;out ofsight 看不见At first sight, the problem seems easy. 乍一看,这个问题似乎很简单。 At the sight ofthe teacher, the boy ran away. 小男孩一看到老师就跑了。 The island is still in sight.小岛仍然在眼前。

    Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。

    11. take up:to fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(时间);占据(空间);tolearn to or start to do sth 开始做(某项工作);开始从事;to accept sth. that is offered oravailable 接受(建议或能得到的东西) The table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地儿。 They havetaken up golf. 他们学起打高尔夫球来了。 She took up his offer of a drink. 他请她喝一杯,她接受了。 Hetakes up his duties next week. 他下周就要开始履行职责。

    12. sweep up 打扫;清扫;横扫;涌向;快速地抱起 He swept up the baby up into his arms.他一把将孩子抱进怀里











